Commit 486f1382 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added a workaround for shortcomings in the OSA support: there can be...

Added a workaround for shortcomings in the OSA support: there can be class/property conflicts and passing classes as arguments doesn't work. The package now seems to work.
parent a13a9dcb
......@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@ def mkproject(outputfile, modulename, settings):
# Generate the project from the xml
makeproject(dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname'], outputfile)
def makeproject(xmlfile, projectfile):
cw = cwtalker.MyCodeWarrior(start=1)
cw.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kNoTimeOut
## xmlfss = macfs.FSSpec(dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname'])
## prjfss = macfs.FSSpec(outputfile)
xmlfss = dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname']
prjfss = outputfile
xmlfss = macfs.FSSpec(xmlfile)
prjfss = macfs.FSSpec(projectfile)
cw.my_mkproject(prjfss, xmlfss)
import CodeWarrior
import aetools
import aetypes
# There is both a class "project document" and a property "project document".
# We want the class, but the property overrides it.
##class project_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
## """project document - a project document """
## want = 'PRJD'
class MyCodeWarrior(CodeWarrior.CodeWarrior):
# Bug in the CW OSA dictionary
......@@ -23,4 +33,4 @@ class MyCodeWarrior(CodeWarrior.CodeWarrior):
return _arguments['----']
def my_mkproject(self, prjfile, xmlfile):
self.make(new=CodeWarrior.project_document(), with_data=xmlfile, as=prjfile)
self.make(new=project_document, with_data=xmlfile, as=prjfile)
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