Commit 49a042a6 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Added a stop-list to reduce the size of the full text search index. Fred,

populate the "stop_list" triple-quoted string with your favorite handful
of stop words.
parent 5b4e30ec
Makes the necesary files to convert from plain html of
Python 1.5 and 1.5.x Documentation to
Microsoft HTML Help format version 1.1
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
project, 19-Apr-2002 by Tim Peters. Assorted modifications by Tim
and Fred Drake. Obtained from Robin Dunn's .chm packaging of the
Python 2.2 docs, at <>.
import sys
import os
......@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ Usage: [-c] [-k] [-p] [-v 1.5[.x]] filename
# user-visible features (visible buttons, tabs, etc).
project_template = '''
Compiled file=%(arch)s.chm
Contents file=%(arch)s.hhc
Default Window=%(arch)s
Default topic=index.html
Display compile progress=No
Full text search stop list file=%(arch)s.stp
Full-text search=Yes
Index file=%(arch)s.hhk
......@@ -80,6 +80,23 @@ object_sitemap = '''
# List of words the full text search facility shouldn't index. This
# becomes file ARCH.stp. Note that this list must be pretty small!
# Different versions of the MS docs claim the file has a maximum size of
# 256 or 512 bytes (including \r\n at the end of each line).
# Note that "and", "or", "not" and "near" are operators in the search
# language, so not point indexing them even if wanted to.
stop_list = '''
a an and
# Library Doc list of tuples:
# each 'book' : ( Dir, Title, First page, Content page, Index page)
......@@ -335,6 +352,15 @@ def do_it(args = None) :
library = supported_libraries[ version ]
if not (('-p','') in optlist) :
fname = arch + '.stp'
f = openfile(fname)
print "Building stoplist", fname, "..."
words = stop_list.split()
for word in words:
print >> f, word
f = openfile(arch + '.hhp')
print "Building Project..."
do_project(library, f, arch, version)
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