Commit 49d9fd60 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw New test of the rotor module.

test_*: converted to the new test harness.  GvR note!
works interatively (i.e. when verbose=1) but does not work inside the
test harness.  It must be a timing issue, but I haven't figured it out
parent be6988f2
from test_support import verbose
import sys
import new
......@@ -5,7 +6,10 @@ class Eggs:
def get_yolks(self):
return self.yolks
print 'new.module()'
m = new.module('Spam')
if verbose:
print m
m.Eggs = Eggs
sys.modules['Spam'] = m
import Spam
......@@ -13,12 +17,21 @@ import Spam
def get_more_yolks(self):
return self.yolks + 3
print 'new.classobj()'
C = new.classobj('Spam', (Spam.Eggs,), {'get_more_yolks': get_more_yolks})
if verbose:
print C
print 'new.instance()'
c = new.instance(C, {'yolks': 3})
if verbose:
print c
def break_yolks(self):
self.yolks = self.yolks - 2
print 'new.instancemethod()'
im = new.instancemethod(break_yolks, c, C)
if verbose:
print im
if c.get_yolks() <> 3 and c.get_more_yolks() <> 6:
print 'Broken call of hand-crafted class instance'
......@@ -35,10 +48,16 @@ c = a + b
ccode = compile(codestr, '<string>', 'exec')
g = {'c': 0, '__builtins__': __builtins__}
# this test could be more robust
print 'new.function()'
func = new.function(ccode, g)
if verbose:
print func
if g['c'] <> 3:
print 'Could not create a proper function object'
# bogus test of new.code()
new.code(3, 3, 3, codestr, (), (), (), "<string>", "<name>")
print 'new.code()'
d = new.code(3, 3, 3, codestr, (), (), (), "<string>", "<name>")
if verbose:
print d
from test_support import verbose
import nis
verbose = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbose = 1
print 'nis.maps()'
maps = nis.maps()
done = 0
for nismap in maps:
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import operator
import sys
def test(name, input, output, *args):
print 'testing:', name
f = getattr(operator, name)
params = (input,) + args
from test_support import verbose
import pwd
import string
verbose = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbose = 1
print 'pwd.getpwall()'
entries = pwd.getpwall()
for e in entries:
......@@ -12,12 +10,16 @@ for e in entries:
uid = e[2]
if verbose:
print name, uid
print 'pwd.getpwuid()'
dbuid = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
if dbuid[0] <> name:
print 'Mismatch in pwd.getpwuid()'
print 'pwd.getpwnam()'
dbname = pwd.getpwnam(name)
if dbname[2] <> uid:
print 'Mismatch in pwd.getpwnam()'
print 'name matches uid'
# try to get some errors
......@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ while bynames.has_key(fakename):
except KeyError:
print 'caught expected exception'
print 'fakename', fakename, 'did not except pwd.getpwnam()'
......@@ -65,6 +67,6 @@ fakeuid = uids[0] + 1
except KeyError:
print 'caught expected exception'
print 'fakeuid', fakeuid, 'did not except pwd.getpwuid()'
import rotor
r = rotor.newrotor("you'll never guess this")
r = rotor.newrotor("you'll never guess this", 12)
A = 'spam and eggs'
B = 'cheese shop'
a = r.encrypt(A)
print a
b = r.encryptmore(B)
print b
A1 = r.decrypt(a)
print A1
if A1 <> A:
print 'decrypt failed'
B1 = r.decryptmore(b)
print B1
if B1 <> B:
print 'decryptmore failed'
r.setkey('you guessed it!')
# Test the signal module
from test_support import verbose
import signal
import os
if verbose:
x = '-x'
x = '+x'
pid = os.getpid()
# Shell script that will send us asynchronous signals
script = """
set -x
set %(x)s
sleep 2
kill -5 %(pid)d
sleep 2
kill -2 %(pid)d
sleep 2
kill -3 %(pid)d
) &
) &
""" % vars()
def handlerA(*args):
print "handlerA", args
if verbose:
print "handlerA", args
HandlerBCalled = "HandlerBCalled" # Exception
def handlerB(*args):
print "handlerB", args
if verbose:
print "handlerB", args
raise HandlerBCalled, args
signal.alarm(20) # Entire test lasts at most 20 sec.
......@@ -40,11 +46,18 @@ print "starting pause() loop..."
while 1:
print "call pause()..."
if verbose:
print "call pause()..."
print "pause() returned"
if verbose:
print "pause() returned"
except HandlerBCalled:
print "HandlerBCalled exception caught"
if verbose:
print "HandlerBCalled exception caught"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "KeyboardInterrupt (assume the alarm() went off)"
if verbose:
print "KeyboardInterrupt (assume the alarm() went off)"
from test_support import verbose
import _xdr
verbose = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbose = 1
fd = 8.01
print '_xdr.pack_float()'
s = _xdr.pack_float(fd)
if verbose:
print `s`
print '_xdr.unpack_float()'
f = _xdr.unpack_float(s)
if verbose:
print f
if int(100*f) <> int(100*fd):
print 'pack_float() <> unpack_float()'
fd = 9900000.9
print '_xdr.pack_double()'
s = _xdr.pack_double(fd)
if verbose:
print `s`
print '_xdr.unpack_double()'
f = _xdr.unpack_double(s)
if verbose:
print f
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ tests = ['test_grammar',
if __name__ == '__main__':
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