Commit 4a1f593d authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Issue #4296: Fix PyObject_RichCompareBool so that "x in [x]" evaluates to

True, even when x doesn't compare equal to itself.  This was a regression
from 2.6.

Reviewed by R. Hettinger and C. Heimes.
parent 3d4ca74b
from collections import deque
from import run_unittest
import unittest
......@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ class base_set:
def __init__(self, el):
self.el = el
class set(base_set):
class myset(base_set):
def __contains__(self, el):
return self.el == el
......@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ class seq(base_set):
class TestContains(unittest.TestCase):
def test_common_tests(self):
a = base_set(1)
b = set(1)
b = myset(1)
c = seq(1)
self.assert_(1 in b)
self.assert_(0 not in b)
......@@ -80,6 +81,25 @@ class TestContains(unittest.TestCase):
except TypeError:
def test_nonreflexive(self):
# containment and equality tests involving elements that are
# not necessarily equal to themselves
class MyNonReflexive(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return False
def __hash__(self):
return 28
values = float('nan'), 1, None, 'abc', MyNonReflexive()
constructors = list, tuple, dict.fromkeys, set, frozenset, deque
for constructor in constructors:
container = constructor(values)
for elem in container:
self.assert_(elem in container)
self.assert_(container == constructor(values))
self.assert_(container == container)
def test_main():
......@@ -117,6 +117,33 @@ class GeneralFloatCases(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, float('-inf').as_integer_ratio)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, float('nan').as_integer_ratio)
def test_float_containment(self):
floats = (INF, -INF, 0.0, 1.0, NAN)
for f in floats:
self.assert_(f in [f], "'%r' not in []" % f)
self.assert_(f in (f,), "'%r' not in ()" % f)
self.assert_(f in {f}, "'%r' not in set()" % f)
self.assert_(f in {f: None}, "'%r' not in {}" % f)
self.assertEqual([f].count(f), 1, "[].count('%r') != 1" % f)
self.assert_(f in floats, "'%r' not in container" % f)
for f in floats:
# nonidentical containers, same type, same contents
self.assert_([f] == [f], "[%r] != [%r]" % (f, f))
self.assert_((f,) == (f,), "(%r,) != (%r,)" % (f, f))
self.assert_({f} == {f}, "{%r} != {%r}" % (f, f))
self.assert_({f : None} == {f: None}, "{%r : None} != "
"{%r : None}" % (f, f))
# identical containers
l, t, s, d = [f], (f,), {f}, {f: None}
self.assert_(l == l, "[%r] not equal to itself" % f)
self.assert_(t == t, "(%r,) not equal to itself" % f)
self.assert_(s == s, "{%r} not equal to itself" % f)
self.assert_(d == d, "{%r : None} not equal to itself" % f)
class FormatFunctionsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ What's New in Python 3.0 release candiate 3?
Core and Builtins
- Issue #4296: Fix PyObject_RichCompareBool so that "x in [x]" evaluates to
True, even when x doesn't compare equal to itself. This was a regression
from 2.6.
- Issue #3705: Command-line arguments were not correctly decoded when the
terminal does not use UTF8.
......@@ -687,6 +687,15 @@ PyObject_RichCompareBool(PyObject *v, PyObject *w, int op)
PyObject *res;
int ok;
/* Quick result when objects are the same.
Guarantees that identity implies equality. */
if (v == w) {
if (op == Py_EQ)
return 1;
else if (op == Py_NE)
return 0;
res = PyObject_RichCompare(v, w, op);
if (res == NULL)
return -1;
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