Commit 4bfe03a4 authored by Sandro Tosi's avatar Sandro Tosi

correct signature for tzinfo.dst() in examples; thanks to Daniil Shved from docs@

parent 316f573d
......@@ -1422,13 +1422,13 @@ methods. Exactly which methods are needed depends on the uses made of aware
Most implementations of :meth:`dst` will probably look like one of these two::
def dst(self):
def dst(self, dt):
# a fixed-offset class: doesn't account for DST
return timedelta(0)
or ::
def dst(self):
def dst(self, dt):
# Code to set dston and dstoff to the time zone's DST
# transition times based on the input dt.year, and expressed
# in standard local time. Then
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