Commit 4c545ea7 authored by Martin Panter's avatar Martin Panter

Issue #21313: Tolerate truncated buildinfo in sys.version

parent cdea4032
......@@ -1146,9 +1146,11 @@ def processor():
### Various APIs for extracting information from sys.version
_sys_version_parser = re.compile(
'\(#?([^,]+),\s*([\w ]+),\s*([\w :]+)\)\s*'
'\[([^\]]+)\]?', re.ASCII)
r'([\w.+]+)\s*' # "version<space>"
r'\(#?([^,]+)' # "(#buildno"
r'(?:,\s*([\w ]*)' # ", builddate"
r'(?:,\s*([\w :]*))?)?\)\s*' # ", buildtime)<space>"
r'\[([^\]]+)\]?', re.ASCII) # "[compiler]"
_ironpython_sys_version_parser = re.compile(
......@@ -1227,6 +1229,8 @@ def _sys_version(sys_version=None):
'failed to parse Jython sys.version: %s' %
version, buildno, builddate, buildtime, _ = match.groups()
if builddate is None:
builddate = ''
compiler = sys.platform
elif "PyPy" in sys_version:
......@@ -1249,7 +1253,10 @@ def _sys_version(sys_version=None):
version, buildno, builddate, buildtime, compiler = \
name = 'CPython'
builddate = builddate + ' ' + buildtime
if builddate is None:
builddate = ''
elif buildtime:
builddate = builddate + ' ' + buildtime
if hasattr(sys, '_mercurial'):
_, branch, revision = sys._mercurial
......@@ -76,6 +76,22 @@ class PlatformTest(unittest.TestCase):
('IronPython', '1.0.60816', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')),
('IronPython 1.0 (1.0.61005.1977) on .NET 2.0.50727.42',
('IronPython', '1.0.0', '', '', '', '', '.NET 2.0.50727.42')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, date, t) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', 'date t', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, date, ) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', 'date', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, date,) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', 'date', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, date) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', 'date', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, d) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', 'd', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation, ) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', '', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation,) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', '', 'GCC')),
('2.4.3 (truncation) \n[GCC]',
('CPython', '2.4.3', '', '', 'truncation', '', 'GCC')),
# branch and revision are not "parsed", but fetched
# from sys._mercurial. Ignore them
......@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #21313: Fix the "platform" module to tolerate when sys.version
contains truncated build information.
- Issue #26839: On Linux, :func:`os.urandom` now calls ``getrandom()`` with
``GRND_NONBLOCK`` to fall back on reading ``/dev/urandom`` if the urandom
entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch written by Colm Buckley.
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