Commit 4c7108a7 authored by pmp-p's avatar pmp-p Committed by Zachary Ware

bpo-32682: Improve libz version parsing in test_zilb (GH-5347)

parent dfa015cf
......@@ -751,10 +751,15 @@ class CompressObjectTestCase(BaseCompressTestCase, unittest.TestCase):
def test_wbits(self):
# wbits=0 only supported since zlib v1.2.3.5
# Register "1.2.3" as ""
v = (zlib.ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION + ".0").split(".", 4)
supports_wbits_0 = int(v[0]) > 1 or int(v[0]) == 1 \
and (int(v[1]) > 2 or int(v[1]) == 2
and (int(v[2]) > 3 or int(v[2]) == 3 and int(v[3]) >= 5))
# or "1.2.0-linux","1.2.0.f","1.2.0.f-linux"
v = zlib.ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION.split('-', 1)[0].split('.')
if len(v) < 4:
elif not v[-1].isnumeric():
v[-1] = '0'
v = tuple(map(int, v))
supports_wbits_0 = v >= (1, 2, 3, 5)
co = zlib.compressobj(level=1, wbits=15)
zlib15 = co.compress(HAMLET_SCENE) + co.flush()
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