Commit 4ce5d08c authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

add new reference macro: \seelink

parent 942e8b4d
......@@ -1395,11 +1395,20 @@ This \UNIX\ is also followed by a space.
For each of the following macros, \var{why} should be one or more
complete sentences, starting with a capital letter (unless it
starts with an identifier, which should not be modified), and
ending with the apropriate punctuation.
ending with the appropriate punctuation.
These macros are only defined within the content of the
\env{seealso} and \env{seealso*} environments.
References to specific on-line resources should be given using
the \macro{seelink} macro if they don't have a meaningful title
but there is some short description of what's at the end of the
link. Online documents which have identifiable titles should be
referenced using the \macro{seetitle} macro, using the optional
parameter to that macro to provide the URL.
Refer to another module. \var{why} should be a brief
explanation of why the reference may be interesting. The module
......@@ -1950,6 +1950,19 @@ sub do_cmd_seetitle{
. $_;
sub do_cmd_seelink{
local($_) = @_;
my $url = next_argument();
my $linktext = next_argument();
my $text = next_argument();
my $icon = get_link_icon($url);
return '<dl compact class="seeurl">'
. "\n <dt><a href='$url'"
. "\n >$linktext$icon</a></dt>"
. "\n <dd>$text</dd>\n </dl>"
. $_;
sub do_cmd_seeurl{
local($_) = @_;
my $url = next_argument();
......@@ -1160,6 +1160,14 @@
% \seelink{url}{link text}
% \seetitle[url]{title}{why it's interesting}
......@@ -1204,6 +1212,7 @@
......@@ -1215,6 +1224,7 @@
% Allow the Python release number to be specified independently of the
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