Commit 4df16c79 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

read repair instructions from file

parent 9bcb641a
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Scanner:
def initblacklists(self):
self.blacklistnames = self.makeblacklistnames()
self.blacklisttypes = ["unknown"] + self.makeblacklisttypes()
self.blacklisttypes = ["unknown", "-"] + self.makeblacklisttypes()
def makeblacklistnames(self):
return []
......@@ -73,7 +73,103 @@ class Scanner:
self.repairinstructions = self.makerepairinstructions()
def makerepairinstructions(self):
return []
"""Parse the repair file into repair instructions.
The file format is simple:
1) use \ to split a long logical line in multiple physical lines
2) everything after the first # on a line is ignored (as comment)
3) empty lines are ignored
4) remaining lines must have exactly 3 colon-separated fields:
functionpattern : argumentspattern : argumentsreplacement
5) all patterns use shell style pattern matching
6) an empty functionpattern means the same as *
7) the other two fields are each comma-separated lists of triples
8) a triple is a space-separated list of 1-3 words
9) a triple with less than 3 words is padded at the end with "*" words
10) when used as a pattern, a triple matches the type, name, and mode
of an argument, respectively
11) when used as a replacement, the words of a triple specify
replacements for the corresponding words of the argument,
with "*" as a word by itself meaning leave the original word
(no other uses of "*" is allowed)
12) the replacement need not have the same number of triples
as the pattern
f = self.openrepairfile()
if not f: return []
print "Reading repair file", ``, "..."
list = []
lineno = 0
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: break
lineno = lineno + 1
startlineno = lineno
while line[-2:] == '\\\n':
line = line[:-2] + ' ' + f.readline()
lineno = lineno + 1
i = string.find(line, '#')
if i >= 0: line = line[:i]
words = map(string.strip, string.splitfields(line, ':'))
if words == ['']: continue
if len(words) <> 3:
print "Line", startlineno,
print ": bad line (not 3 colon-separated fields)"
print `line`
[fpat, pat, rep] = words
if not fpat: fpat = "*"
if not pat:
print "Line", startlineno,
print "Empty pattern"
print `line`
patparts = map(string.strip, string.splitfields(pat, ','))
repparts = map(string.strip, string.splitfields(rep, ','))
patterns = []
for p in patparts:
if not p:
print "Line", startlineno,
print "Empty pattern part"
print `line`
pattern = string.split(p)
if len(pattern) > 3:
print "Line", startlineno,
print "Pattern part has > 3 words"
print `line`
pattern = pattern[:3]
while len(pattern) < 3:
replacements = []
for p in repparts:
if not p:
print "Line", startlineno,
print "Empty replacement part"
print `line`
replacement = string.split(p)
if len(replacement) > 3:
print "Line", startlineno,
print "Pattern part has > 3 words"
print `line`
replacement = replacement[:3]
while len(replacement) < 3:
list.append((fpat, patterns, replacements))
return list
def openrepairfile(self, filename = "REPAIR"):
return open(filename, "r")
except IOError, msg:
print `filename`, ":", msg
print "Cannot open repair file -- assume no repair needed"
return None
def initfiles(self):
self.specmine = 0
......@@ -90,11 +186,13 @@ class Scanner:
def initpatterns(self):
self.head_pat = "^pascal[ \t]+" # XXX Mac specific!
self.tail_pat = "[);]"
self.whole_pat = "\(<type>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)[ \t\n]+" + \
"\(<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)[ \t\n]*(\(<args>[^()]*\))"
self.tail_pat = "[;={}]"
self.type_pat = "pascal[ \t\n]+\(<type>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)[ \t\n]+"
self.name_pat = "\(<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)[ \t\n]*"
self.args_pat = "(\(<args>\([^(;=)]+\|([^(;=)]*)\)*\))"
self.whole_pat = self.type_pat + self.name_pat + self.args_pat
self.sym_pat = "^[ \t]*\(<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)[ \t]*=" + \
"[ \t]*\(<defn>[-0-9'\"][^\t\n,}]*\),?"
"[ \t]*\(<defn>[-0-9'\"][^\t\n,;}]*\),?"
self.asplit_pat = "^\(<type>.*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)\(<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)$"
def compilepatterns(self):
......@@ -212,12 +310,12 @@ class Scanner:"(No interface specifications will be written)")
else:"specfile = %s", ``)
self.specfile.write("# Generated from %s\n" % `inputname`)
self.specfile.write("# Generated from %s\n\n" % `inputname`)
if not self.defsfile:"(No symbol definitions will be written)")
else:"defsfile = %s", ``)
self.defsfile.write("# Generated from %s\n" % `inputname`)
self.defsfile.write("# Generated from %s\n\n" % `inputname`)
self.alreadydone = []
while 1:
......@@ -237,7 +335,7 @@ class Scanner:
self.defsfile.write("%s = %s\n" % (name, defn))
def dofuncspec(self):
raw = self.line[len(]
raw = self.line
while < 0:
line = self.getline()
raw = raw + line
......@@ -256,7 +354,7 @@ class Scanner:
self.error("*** %s %s blacklisted", type, name)
arglist = self.extractarglist(args)
arglist = self.repairarglist(arglist)
arglist = self.repairarglist(name, arglist)
if self.unmanageable(type, name, arglist):
##for arg in arglist:
##" %s", `arg`)
......@@ -285,18 +383,30 @@ class Scanner:
type = regsub.gsub("\*", " ptr ", type)
type = string.strip(type)
type = regsub.gsub("[ \t]+", "_", type)
return self.modifyarg(type, name, mode)
def modifyarg(self, type, name, mode):
if type[:6] == "const_":
type = type[6:]
elif type[-4:] == "_ptr":
type = type[:-4]
mode = "OutMode"
if type[-4:] == "_far":
type = type[:-4]
return type, name, mode
def repairarglist(self, arglist):
def repairarglist(self, functionname, arglist):
arglist = arglist[:]
i = 0
while i < len(arglist):
for pattern, replacement in self.repairinstructions:
for item in self.repairinstructions:
if len(item) == 2:
pattern, replacement = item
functionpat = "*"
functionpat, pattern, replacement = item
if not fnmatch.fnmatchcase(functionname, functionpat):
n = len(pattern)
if i+n > len(arglist): continue
current = arglist[i:i+n]
......@@ -336,12 +446,12 @@ class Scanner:
def generate(self, type, name, arglist):
classname, listname = self.destination(type, name, arglist)
if not self.specfile: return
self.specfile.write("\nf = %s(%s, %s,\n" % (classname, type, `name`))
self.specfile.write("f = %s(%s, %s,\n" % (classname, type, `name`))
for atype, aname, amode in arglist:
self.specfile.write(" (%s, %s, %s),\n" %
(atype, `aname`, amode))
self.specfile.write("%s.append(f)\n" % listname)
self.specfile.write("%s.append(f)\n\n" % listname)
def destination(self, type, name, arglist):
return "FunctionGenerator", "functions"
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