Commit 4e5dcb4c authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Add two items; easy_install is now off the table, though pkgutil still is

parent 0dc9f910
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
% $Id$
% The easy_install stuff
% Describe the pkgutil module
% Fix XXX comments
% Count up the patches and bugs
......@@ -1293,6 +1292,11 @@ ts = datetime.strptime('10:13:15 2006-03-07',
'%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d')
\item The \module{doctest} module gained a \code{SKIP} option that
keeps an example from being executed at all. This is intended for
code snippets that are usage examples intended for the reader and
aren't actually test cases.
\item The \module{fileinput} module was made more flexible.
Unicode filenames are now supported, and a \var{mode} parameter that
defaults to \code{"r"} was added to the
......@@ -1416,6 +1420,15 @@ The \member{st_flags} member is also available, if the platform supports it.
(Contributed by Antti Louko and Diego Petten\`o.)
% (Patch 1180695, 1212117)
\item The Python debugger provided by the \module{pdb} module
can now store lists of commands to execute when a breakpoint is
reached and execution stops. Once breakpoint #1 has been created,
enter \samp{commands 1} and enter a series of commands to be executed,
finishing the list with \samp{end}. The command list can include
commands that resume execution, such as \samp{continue} or
\samp{next}. (Contributed by Gr\'egoire Dooms.)
% Patch 790710
\item The \module{pickle} and \module{cPickle} modules no
longer accept a return value of \code{None} from the
\method{__reduce__()} method; the method must return a tuple of
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