Commit 53ed917d authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Update / simplify Identifiers section for nested scopes.

How do I create a cross reference to section 4.1?
parent e7d5773e
...@@ -63,24 +63,8 @@ categorized syntactically as atoms. The syntax for atoms is: ...@@ -63,24 +63,8 @@ categorized syntactically as atoms. The syntax for atoms is:
\index{name} \index{name}
\index{identifier} \index{identifier}
An identifier occurring as an atom is a reference to a local, global An identifier occurring as an atom is a name. See Section 4.1 for
or built-in name binding. If a name is assigned to anywhere in a code documentation of naming and binding.
block (even in unreachable code), and is not mentioned in a
\keyword{global} statement in that code block, then it refers to a local
name throughout that code block. When it is not assigned to anywhere
in the block, or when it is assigned to but also explicitly listed in
a \keyword{global} statement, it refers to a global name if one exists,
else to a built-in name (and this binding may dynamically
change).\footnote{The Python interpreter provides a useful set of
predefined built-in functions. It is not recommended to reuse
(hide) these names with self defined objects. See the
\citetitle[../lib/built-in-funcs.html]{Python Library Reference} for
the descriptions of built-in functions and methods.}
\index{code block}
When the name is bound to an object, evaluation of the atom yields When the name is bound to an object, evaluation of the atom yields
that object. When a name is not bound, an attempt to evaluate it that object. When a name is not bound, an attempt to evaluate it
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