Commit 54f1dcb0 authored by Tarek Ziadé's avatar Tarek Ziadé

Merged revisions 71473 via svnmerge from


  r71473 | tarek.ziade | 2009-04-11 16:55:07 +0200 (Sat, 11 Apr 2009) | 1 line

  #5732: added the check command into Distutils
parent 02490abb
......@@ -1950,6 +1950,19 @@ This is described in more detail in :pep:`301`.
.. % todo
:mod:`distutils.command.check` --- Check the meta-data of a package
.. module:: distutils.command.check
:synopsis: Check the metadata of a package
The ``check`` command performs some tests on the meta-data of a package.
It makes sure for example that all required meta-data are provided through
the arguments passed to the :func:`setup` function.
.. % todo
Creating a new Distutils command
......@@ -233,6 +233,58 @@ With exactly the same source tree layout, this extension can be put in the
ext_modules=[Extension('', ['foo.c'])],
Checking a package
The ``check`` command allows you to verify if your package meta-data are
meeting the minimum requirements to build a distribution.
To run it, just call it over your :file:`` script. If something is
missing, ``check`` will display a warning.
Let's take an example with a simple script::
from distutils.core import setup
Running the ``check`` command will display some warnings::
$ python check
running check
warning: check: missing required meta-data: version ,url
warning: check: missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) or
(maintainer and maintainer_email) must be supplied
If you use the reStructuredText syntax in the `long_description` field and
`docutils <>`_ is installed you can check if
the syntax is fine with the ``check`` command, using the `restructuredtext`
For example, if the :file:`` script is changed like this::
from distutils.core import setup
desc = """\
My description
This is the description of the ``foobar`` package.
setup(name='foobar', version='1', author='tarek',
url='', long_description=desc)
Where the long description is broken, ``check`` will be able to detect it
by using the `docutils` parser::
$ pythontrunk check --restructuredtext
running check
warning: check: Title underline too short. (line 2)
warning: check: Could not finish the parsing.
.. % \section{Multiple extension modules}
.. % \label{multiple-ext}
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ __all__ = ['build',
# These two are reserved for future use:
Implements the Distutils 'check' command.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
# docutils is installed
from docutils.utils import Reporter
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser
from docutils import frontend
from docutils import nodes
from StringIO import StringIO
class SilentReporter(Reporter):
def __init__(self, source, report_level, halt_level, stream=None,
debug=0, encoding='ascii', error_handler='replace'):
self.messages = []
Reporter.__init__(self, source, report_level, halt_level, stream,
debug, encoding, error_handler)
def system_message(self, level, message, *children, **kwargs):
self.messages.append((level, message, children, kwargs))
except ImportError:
# docutils is not installed
class check(Command):
"""This command checks the meta-data of the package.
description = ("perform some checks on the package")
user_options = [('metadata', 'm', 'Verify meta-data'),
('restructuredtext', 'r',
('Checks if long string meta-data syntax '
'are reStructuredText-compliant')),
('strict', 's',
'Will exit with an error if a check fails')]
boolean_options = ['metadata', 'restructuredtext', 'strict']
def initialize_options(self):
"""Sets default values for options."""
self.restructuredtext = 0
self.metadata = 1
self.strict = 0
self._warnings = 0
def finalize_options(self):
def warn(self, msg):
"""Counts the number of warnings that occurs."""
self._warnings += 1
return Command.warn(self, msg)
def run(self):
"""Runs the command."""
# perform the various tests
if self.metadata:
if self.restructuredtext:
if docutils:
elif self.strict:
raise DistutilsSetupError('The docutils package is needed.')
# let's raise an error in strict mode, if we have at least
# one warning
if self.strict and self._warnings > 1:
raise DistutilsSetupError('Please correct your package.')
def check_metadata(self):
"""Ensures that all required elements of meta-data are supplied.
name, version, URL, (author and author_email) or
(maintainer and maintainer_email)).
Warns if any are missing.
metadata = self.distribution.metadata
missing = []
for attr in ('name', 'version', 'url'):
if not (hasattr(metadata, attr) and getattr(metadata, attr)):
if missing:
self.warn("missing required meta-data: %s" % ' ,'.join(missing))
if not metadata.author_email:
self.warn("missing meta-data: if 'author' supplied, " +
"'author_email' must be supplied too")
elif metadata.maintainer:
if not metadata.maintainer_email:
self.warn("missing meta-data: if 'maintainer' supplied, " +
"'maintainer_email' must be supplied too")
self.warn("missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) " +
"or (maintainer and maintainer_email) " +
"must be supplied")
def check_restructuredtext(self):
"""Checks if the long string fields are reST-compliant."""
data = self.distribution.get_long_description()
for warning in self._check_rst_data(data):
line = warning[-1].get('line')
if line is None:
warning = warning[1]
warning = '%s (line %s)' % (warning[1], line)
def _check_rst_data(self, data):
"""Returns warnings when the provided data doesn't compile."""
source_path = StringIO()
parser = Parser()
settings = frontend.OptionParser().get_default_values()
settings.tab_width = 4
settings.pep_references = None
settings.rfc_references = None
reporter = SilentReporter(source_path,
document = nodes.document(settings, reporter, source=source_path)
document.note_source(source_path, -1)
parser.parse(data, document)
except AttributeError:
reporter.messages.append((-1, 'Could not finish the parsing.',
'', {}))
return reporter.messages
"""Tests for distutils.command.check."""
import unittest
from distutils.command.check import check, HAS_DOCUTILS
from distutils.tests import support
from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError
class CheckTestCase(support.LoggingSilencer,
def _run(self, metadata=None, **options):
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(**metadata)
cmd = check(dist)
for name, value in options.items():
setattr(cmd, name, value)
return cmd
def test_check_metadata(self):
# let's run the command with no metadata at all
# by default, check is checking the metadata
# should have some warnings
cmd = self._run()
self.assertEquals(cmd._warnings, 2)
# now let's add the required fields
# and run it again, to make sure we don't get
# any warning anymore
metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx',
'author_email': 'xxx',
'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx'}
cmd = self._run(metadata)
self.assertEquals(cmd._warnings, 0)
# now with the strict mode, we should
# get an error if there are missing metadata
self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, self._run, {}, **{'strict': 1})
# and of course, no error when all metadata are present
cmd = self._run(metadata, strict=1)
self.assertEquals(cmd._warnings, 0)
def test_check_document(self):
if not HAS_DOCUTILS: # won't test without docutils
pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist()
cmd = check(dist)
# let's see if it detects broken rest
broken_rest = 'title\n===\n\ntest'
msgs = cmd._check_rst_data(broken_rest)
self.assertEquals(len(msgs), 1)
# and non-broken rest
rest = 'title\n=====\n\ntest'
msgs = cmd._check_rst_data(rest)
self.assertEquals(len(msgs), 0)
def test_check_restructuredtext(self):
if not HAS_DOCUTILS: # won't test without docutils
# let's see if it detects broken rest in long_description
broken_rest = 'title\n===\n\ntest'
pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(long_description=broken_rest)
cmd = check(dist)
self.assertEquals(cmd._warnings, 1)
# let's see if we have an error with strict=1
cmd = check(dist)
cmd.strict = 1
# and non-broken rest
rest = 'title\n=====\n\ntest'
pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(long_description=rest)
cmd = check(dist)
self.assertEquals(cmd._warnings, 0)
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(CheckTestCase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -340,6 +340,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #5732: added a new command in Distutils: check.
- Issue #5731: Distutils bdist_wininst no longer worked on non-Windows
platforms. Initial patch by Paul Moore.
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