Commit 56558bf7 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Mechanical edits just so I can read it.

parent 4ce126b8
......@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ static Py_complex c_1 = {1., 0.};
static Py_complex c_half = {0.5, 0.};
static Py_complex c_i = {0., 1.};
static Py_complex c_i2 = {0., 0.5};
#if 0
static Py_complex c_mi = {0., -1.};
static Py_complex c_pi2 = {M_PI/2., 0.};
/* forward declarations */
staticforward Py_complex c_log(Py_complex);
......@@ -39,19 +35,21 @@ staticforward Py_complex c_prodi(Py_complex);
staticforward Py_complex c_sqrt(Py_complex);
static Py_complex c_acos(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_acos(Py_complex x)
return c_neg(c_prodi(c_log(c_sum(x,c_prod(c_i,
static char c_acos_doc [] =
Return the arc cosine of x.";
static char c_acos_doc[] =
"Return the arc cosine of x.";
static Py_complex c_acosh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_acosh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex z;
z = c_sqrt(c_half);
......@@ -60,28 +58,30 @@ static Py_complex c_acosh(Py_complex x)
return c_sum(z, z);
static char c_acosh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic arccosine of x.";
static char c_acosh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arccosine of x.";
static Py_complex c_asin(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_asin(Py_complex x)
Py_complex z;
z = c_sqrt(c_half);
z = c_log(c_prod(z, c_sum(c_sqrt(c_sum(x,c_i)),
z = c_log(c_prod(z, c_sum(c_sqrt(c_sum(x, c_i)),
c_sqrt(c_diff(x, c_i)))));
return c_sum(z, z);
static char c_asin_doc [] =
Return the arc sine of x.";
static char c_asin_doc[] =
"Return the arc sine of x.";
static Py_complex c_asinh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_asinh(Py_complex x)
/* Break up long expression for WATCOM */
Py_complex z;
......@@ -89,35 +89,38 @@ static Py_complex c_asinh(Py_complex x)
return c_log(c_sum(c_sqrt(z), x));
static char c_asinh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic arc sine of x.";
static char c_asinh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arc sine of x.";
static Py_complex c_atan(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_atan(Py_complex x)
return c_prod(c_i2,c_log(c_quot(c_sum(c_i,x),c_diff(c_i,x))));
static char c_atan_doc [] =
Return the arc tangent of x.";
static char c_atan_doc[] =
"Return the arc tangent of x.";
static Py_complex c_atanh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_atanh(Py_complex x)
return c_prod(c_half,c_log(c_quot(c_sum(c_1,x),c_diff(c_1,x))));
static char c_atanh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x.";
static char c_atanh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x.";
static Py_complex c_cos(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_cos(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.real)*cosh(x.imag);
......@@ -125,13 +128,14 @@ static Py_complex c_cos(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_cos_doc [] =
Return the cosine of x.";
static char c_cos_doc[] =
"Return the cosine of x.";
static Py_complex c_cosh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_cosh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.imag)*cosh(x.real);
......@@ -139,13 +143,14 @@ static Py_complex c_cosh(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_cosh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.";
static char c_cosh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.";
static Py_complex c_exp(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_exp(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = exp(x.real);
......@@ -154,13 +159,14 @@ static Py_complex c_exp(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_exp_doc [] =
Return the exponential value e**x.";
static char c_exp_doc[] =
"Return the exponential value e**x.";
static Py_complex c_log(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_log(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = hypot(x.real,x.imag);
......@@ -169,13 +175,14 @@ static Py_complex c_log(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_log_doc [] =
Return the natural logarithm of x.";
static char c_log_doc[] =
"Return the natural logarithm of x.";
static Py_complex c_log10(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_log10(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double l = hypot(x.real,x.imag);
......@@ -184,14 +191,15 @@ static Py_complex c_log10(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_log10_doc [] =
Return the base-10 logarithm of x.";
static char c_log10_doc[] =
"Return the base-10 logarithm of x.";
/* internal function not available from Python */
static Py_complex c_prodi(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_prodi(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = -x.imag;
......@@ -200,35 +208,38 @@ static Py_complex c_prodi(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex c_sin(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_sin(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = sin(x.real)*cosh(x.imag);
r.imag = cos(x.real)*sinh(x.imag);
r.real = sin(x.real) * cosh(x.imag);
r.imag = cos(x.real) * sinh(x.imag);
return r;
static char c_sin_doc [] =
Return the sine of x.";
static char c_sin_doc[] =
"Return the sine of x.";
static Py_complex c_sinh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_sinh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
r.real = cos(x.imag)*sinh(x.real);
r.imag = sin(x.imag)*cosh(x.real);
r.real = cos(x.imag) * sinh(x.real);
r.imag = sin(x.imag) * cosh(x.real);
return r;
static char c_sinh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic sine of x.";
static char c_sinh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic sine of x.";
static Py_complex c_sqrt(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_sqrt(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double s,d;
......@@ -253,13 +264,14 @@ static Py_complex c_sqrt(Py_complex x)
return r;
static char c_sqrt_doc [] =
Return the square root of x.";
static char c_sqrt_doc[] =
"Return the square root of x.";
static Py_complex c_tan(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_tan(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double sr,cr,shi,chi;
......@@ -269,23 +281,24 @@ static Py_complex c_tan(Py_complex x)
cr = cos(x.real);
shi = sinh(x.imag);
chi = cosh(x.imag);
rs = sr*chi;
is = cr*shi;
rc = cr*chi;
ic = -sr*shi;
d = rc*rc + ic*ic;
r.real = (rs*rc+is*ic)/d;
r.imag = (is*rc-rs*ic)/d;
rs = sr * chi;
is = cr * shi;
rc = cr * chi;
ic = -sr * shi;
d = rc*rc + ic * ic;
r.real = (rs*rc + is*ic) / d;
r.imag = (is*rc - rs*ic) / d;
return r;
static char c_tan_doc [] =
Return the tangent of x.";
static char c_tan_doc[] =
"Return the tangent of x.";
static Py_complex c_tanh(Py_complex x)
static Py_complex
c_tanh(Py_complex x)
Py_complex r;
double si,ci,shr,chr;
......@@ -295,20 +308,20 @@ static Py_complex c_tanh(Py_complex x)
ci = cos(x.imag);
shr = sinh(x.real);
chr = cosh(x.real);
rs = ci*shr;
is = si*chr;
rc = ci*chr;
ic = si*shr;
rs = ci * shr;
is = si * chr;
rc = ci * chr;
ic = si * shr;
d = rc*rc + ic*ic;
r.real = (rs*rc+is*ic)/d;
r.imag = (is*rc-rs*ic)/d;
r.real = (rs*rc + is*ic) / d;
r.imag = (is*rc - rs*ic) / d;
return r;
static char c_tanh_doc [] =
Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.";
static char c_tanh_doc[] =
"Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.";
/* And now the glue to make them available from Python: */
......@@ -321,7 +334,7 @@ math_error(void)
else if (errno == ERANGE)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "math range error");
else /* Unexpected math error */
return NULL;
......@@ -366,44 +379,27 @@ FUNC1(cmath_tan, c_tan)
FUNC1(cmath_tanh, c_tanh)
static char module_doc [] =
"This module is always available. It provides access to mathematical\n\
functions for complex numbers.";
static char module_doc[] =
"This module is always available. It provides access to mathematical\n"
"functions for complex numbers.";
static PyMethodDef cmath_methods[] = {
{"acos", cmath_acos,
METH_VARARGS, c_acos_doc},
{"acosh", cmath_acosh,
METH_VARARGS, c_acosh_doc},
{"asin", cmath_asin,
METH_VARARGS, c_asin_doc},
{"asinh", cmath_asinh,
METH_VARARGS, c_asinh_doc},
{"atan", cmath_atan,
METH_VARARGS, c_atan_doc},
{"atanh", cmath_atanh,
METH_VARARGS, c_atanh_doc},
{"cos", cmath_cos,
METH_VARARGS, c_cos_doc},
{"cosh", cmath_cosh,
METH_VARARGS, c_cosh_doc},
{"exp", cmath_exp,
METH_VARARGS, c_exp_doc},
{"log", cmath_log,
METH_VARARGS, c_log_doc},
{"log10", cmath_log10,
METH_VARARGS, c_log10_doc},
{"sin", cmath_sin,
METH_VARARGS, c_sin_doc},
{"sinh", cmath_sinh,
METH_VARARGS, c_sinh_doc},
{"sqrt", cmath_sqrt,
METH_VARARGS, c_sqrt_doc},
{"tan", cmath_tan,
METH_VARARGS, c_tan_doc},
{"tanh", cmath_tanh,
METH_VARARGS, c_tanh_doc},
{"acos", cmath_acos, METH_VARARGS, c_acos_doc},
{"acosh", cmath_acosh, METH_VARARGS, c_acosh_doc},
{"asin", cmath_asin, METH_VARARGS, c_asin_doc},
{"asinh", cmath_asinh, METH_VARARGS, c_asinh_doc},
{"atan", cmath_atan, METH_VARARGS, c_atan_doc},
{"atanh", cmath_atanh, METH_VARARGS, c_atanh_doc},
{"cos", cmath_cos, METH_VARARGS, c_cos_doc},
{"cosh", cmath_cosh, METH_VARARGS, c_cosh_doc},
{"exp", cmath_exp, METH_VARARGS, c_exp_doc},
{"log", cmath_log, METH_VARARGS, c_log_doc},
{"log10", cmath_log10, METH_VARARGS, c_log10_doc},
{"sin", cmath_sin, METH_VARARGS, c_sin_doc},
{"sinh", cmath_sinh, METH_VARARGS, c_sinh_doc},
{"sqrt", cmath_sqrt, METH_VARARGS, c_sqrt_doc},
{"tan", cmath_tan, METH_VARARGS, c_tan_doc},
{"tanh", cmath_tanh, METH_VARARGS, c_tanh_doc},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
......@@ -411,7 +407,7 @@ DL_EXPORT(void)
PyObject *m, *d, *v;
m = Py_InitModule3("cmath", cmath_methods, module_doc);
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "pi",
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