Commit 56d12658 authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #23439: Add missing entries to http.client.__all__.

Also, document the LineTooLong exception since it can be raised by
the members of public API (e.g. http.client.HTTPResponse).

Patch by Martin Panter.
parents a921ee72 97fb6fc6
......@@ -169,6 +169,12 @@ The following exceptions are raised as appropriate:
status code that we don't understand.
.. exception:: LineTooLong
A subclass of :exc:`HTTPException`. Raised if an excessively long line
is received in the HTTP protocol from the server.
The constants defined in this module are:
.. data:: HTTP_PORT
......@@ -75,12 +75,14 @@ import socket
import collections
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
# HTTPMessage, parse_headers(), and the HTTP status code constants are
# intentionally omitted for simplicity
__all__ = ["HTTPResponse", "HTTPConnection",
"HTTPException", "NotConnected", "UnknownProtocol",
"UnknownTransferEncoding", "UnimplementedFileMode",
"IncompleteRead", "InvalidURL", "ImproperConnectionState",
"CannotSendRequest", "CannotSendHeader", "ResponseNotReady",
"BadStatusLine", "error", "responses"]
"BadStatusLine", "LineTooLong", "error", "responses"]
......@@ -920,7 +920,22 @@ class Readliner:
self.remainder = b"".join(data)
class OfflineTest(TestCase):
def test_all(self):
# Documented objects defined in the module should be in __all__
expected = {"responses"} # White-list documented dict() object
# HTTPMessage, parse_headers(), and the HTTP status code constants are
# intentionally omitted for simplicity
blacklist = {"HTTPMessage", "parse_headers"}
for name in dir(client):
if name in blacklist:
module_object = getattr(client, name)
if getattr(module_object, "__module__", None) == "http.client":
self.assertCountEqual(client.__all__, expected)
def test_responses(self):
self.assertEqual(client.responses[client.NOT_FOUND], "Not Found")
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