Commit 585755cb authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #19456: ntpath.join() now joins relative paths correctly when a drive

is present.
parent 1f1502c1
......@@ -104,82 +104,36 @@ def isabs(s):
# Join two (or more) paths.
def join(a, *p):
"""Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\\" as needed.
If any component is an absolute path, all previous path components
will be discarded."""
sep = _get_sep(a)
seps = _get_bothseps(a)
colon = _get_colon(a)
path = a
for b in p:
b_wins = 0 # set to 1 iff b makes path irrelevant
if not path:
b_wins = 1
elif isabs(b):
# This probably wipes out path so far. However, it's more
# complicated if path begins with a drive letter. You get a+b
# (minus redundant slashes) in these four cases:
# 1. join('c:', '/a') == 'c:/a'
# 2. join('//computer/share', '/a') == '//computer/share/a'
# 3. join('c:/', '/a') == 'c:/a'
# 4. join('//computer/share/', '/a') == '//computer/share/a'
# But b wins in all of these cases:
# 5. join('c:/a', '/b') == '/b'
# 6. join('//computer/share/a', '/b') == '/b'
# 7. join('c:', 'd:/') == 'd:/'
# 8. join('c:', '//computer/share/') == '//computer/share/'
# 9. join('//computer/share', 'd:/') == 'd:/'
# 10. join('//computer/share', '//computer/share/') == '//computer/share/'
# 11. join('c:/', 'd:/') == 'd:/'
# 12. join('c:/', '//computer/share/') == '//computer/share/'
# 13. join('//computer/share/', 'd:/') == 'd:/'
# 14. join('//computer/share/', '//computer/share/') == '//computer/share/'
b_prefix, b_rest = splitdrive(b)
# if b has a prefix, it always wins.
if b_prefix:
b_wins = 1
# b doesn't have a prefix.
# but isabs(b) returned true.
# and therefore b_rest[0] must be a slash.
# (but let's check that.)
assert(b_rest and b_rest[0] in seps)
# so, b still wins if path has a rest that's more than a sep.
# you get a+b if path_rest is empty or only has a sep.
# (see cases 1-4 for times when b loses.)
path_rest = splitdrive(path)[1]
b_wins = path_rest and path_rest not in seps
if b_wins:
path = b
# Join, and ensure there's a separator.
assert len(path) > 0
if path[-1:] in seps:
if b and b[:1] in seps:
path += b[1:]
path += b
elif path[-1:] == colon:
path += b
elif b:
if b[:1] in seps:
path += b
path += sep + b
# path is not empty and does not end with a backslash,
# but b is empty; since, e.g., split('a/') produces
# ('a', ''), it's best if join() adds a backslash in
# this case.
path += sep
return path
def join(path, *paths):
sep = _get_sep(path)
seps = _get_bothseps(path)
colon = _get_colon(path)
result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
for p in paths:
p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
if p_path and p_path[0] in seps:
# Second path is absolute
if p_drive or not result_drive:
result_drive = p_drive
result_path = p_path
elif p_drive and p_drive != result_drive:
if p_drive.lower() != result_drive.lower():
# Different drives => ignore the first path entirely
result_drive = p_drive
result_path = p_path
# Same drive in different case
result_drive = p_drive
# Second path is relative to the first
if result_path and result_path[-1] not in seps:
result_path = result_path + sep
result_path = result_path + p_path
## add separator between UNC and non-absolute path
if (result_path and result_path[0] not in seps and
result_drive and result_drive[-1:] != colon):
return result_drive + sep + result_path
return result_drive + result_path
# Split a path in a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a
......@@ -126,10 +126,7 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
tester('ntpath.join("/a")', '/a')
tester('ntpath.join("\\a")', '\\a')
tester('ntpath.join("a:")', 'a:')
tester('ntpath.join("a:", "b")', 'a:b')
tester('ntpath.join("a:", "/b")', 'a:/b')
tester('ntpath.join("a:", "\\b")', 'a:\\b')
tester('ntpath.join("a", "/b")', '/b')
tester('ntpath.join("a", "\\b")', '\\b')
tester('ntpath.join("a", "b", "c")', 'a\\b\\c')
tester('ntpath.join("a\\", "b", "c")', 'a\\b\\c')
......@@ -137,42 +134,48 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
tester('ntpath.join("a", "b", "\\c")', '\\c')
tester('ntpath.join("d:\\", "\\pleep")', 'd:\\pleep')
tester('ntpath.join("d:\\", "a", "b")', 'd:\\a\\b')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', '/a')", 'c:/a')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '/a')", 'c:/a')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a', '/b')", '/b')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', 'd:/a/b')", 'd:/a/b')
tester("ntpath.join('')", '')
tester("ntpath.join('', '', '', '', '')", '')
tester("ntpath.join('a')", 'a')
tester("ntpath.join('', 'a')", 'a')
tester("ntpath.join('', '', '', '', 'a')", 'a')
tester("ntpath.join('a', '')", 'a\\')
tester("ntpath.join('a', '', '', '', '')", 'a\\')
tester("ntpath.join('a\\', '')", 'a\\')
tester("ntpath.join('a\\', '', '', '', '')", 'a\\')
tester("ntpath.join('a/', '')", 'a/')
tester("ntpath.join('a/b', 'x/y')", 'a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('/a/b', 'x/y')", '/a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('/a/b/', 'x/y')", '/a/b/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', 'x/y')", 'c:x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:a/b', 'x/y')", 'c:a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:a/b/', 'x/y')", 'c:a/b/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', 'x/y')", 'c:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a/b', 'x/y')", 'c:/a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a/b/', 'x/y')", 'c:/a/b/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share', 'x/y')", '//computer/share\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/', 'x/y')", '//computer/share/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/a/b', 'x/y')", '//computer/share/a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('a/b', '/x/y')", '/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('/a/b', '/x/y')", '/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', '/x/y')", 'c:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:a/b', '/x/y')", 'c:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '/x/y')", 'c:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a/b', '/x/y')", 'c:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share', '/x/y')", '//computer/share/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/', '/x/y')", '//computer/share/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/a', '/x/y')", '//computer/share/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', 'C:x/y')", 'C:x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:a/b', 'C:x/y')", 'C:a/b\\x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', 'C:x/y')", 'C:/x/y')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a/b', 'C:x/y')", 'C:/a/b\\x/y')
# from comment in ntpath.join
tester("ntpath.join('c:', '/a')", 'c:/a')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share', '/a')", '//computer/share/a')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '/a')", 'c:/a')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/', '/a')", '//computer/share/a')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/a', '/b')", '/b')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/a', '/b')", '/b')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/', 'd:/')", 'd:/')
tester("ntpath.join('//computer/share/', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '//computer/share/')", '//computer/share/')
tester("ntpath.join('c:/', '//computer/share/a/b')", '//computer/share/a/b')
for x in ('', 'a/b', '/a/b', 'c:', 'c:a/b', 'c:/', 'c:/a/b',
'//computer/share', '//computer/share/', '//computer/share/a/b'):
for y in ('d:', 'd:x/y', 'd:/', 'd:/x/y',
'//machine/common', '//machine/common/', '//machine/common/x/y'):
tester("ntpath.join(%r, %r)" % (x, y), y)
tester("ntpath.join('\\\\computer\\share\\', 'a', 'b')", '\\\\computer\\share\\a\\b')
tester("ntpath.join('\\\\computer\\share', 'a', 'b')", '\\\\computer\\share\\a\\b')
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #19456: ntpath.join() now joins relative paths correctly when a drive
is present.
- Issue #19077: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory cleanup is now most likely
successful when called during nulling out of modules during shutdown.
Misleading exception no longer raised when resource warning is emitted
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