Commit 59498542 authored by Just van Rossum's avatar Just van Rossum

Fix for [ 765456 ]: testAFakeZlib failed on platforms that use a

statically linked zlib module, but since the problem it tests can't
exist on these systems, simply skip it then. Will backport.
parent 4e6b3c55
......@@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ class UncompressedZipImportTestCase(ImportHooksBaseTestCase):
# (Hence the 'A' in the test method name: to make it the first
# item in a list sorted by name, like unittest.makeSuite() does.)
# This test fails on platforms on which the zlib module is
# statically linked, but the problem it tests for can't
# occur in that case (builtin modules are always found first),
# so we'll simply skip it then. Bug #765456.
if "zlib" in sys.builtin_module_names:
if "zlib" in sys.modules:
del sys.modules["zlib"]
files = {"": (NOW, test_src)}
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