Commit 599a41e5 authored by Ronald Oussoren's avatar Ronald Oussoren

Drop the calldll demo's for macos, calldll isn't present anymore, no need

to keep the demo's around.
parent a516031a
...@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ ...@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
<h1>Using the Open Scripting Architecture from Python</h1> <h1>Using the Open Scripting Architecture from Python</h1>
<hr> <hr>
<p><b>NOTE:</b> this document describes the OSA support that is shipped with
the core python distribution. Most users are better of with the more
userfriendly <a href="">appscript library</a>.
<p>OSA support in Python is still not 100% complete, but <p>OSA support in Python is still not 100% complete, but
there is already enough in place to allow you to do some nifty things there is already enough in place to allow you to do some nifty things
with other programs from your python program. </p> with other programs from your python program. </p>
...@@ -355,4 +359,4 @@ man pages for more details. ...@@ -355,4 +359,4 @@ man pages for more details.
</body> </body>
</html> </html>
\ No newline at end of file
Preliminary notes/documentation for the calldll module, version 0.2.
Calldll allows you to call random C functions from python without writing any
C code. It is mainly meant to call MacOS toolbox routines for which no Python
wrapper module is available. It is also incomplete, in that only a few argument
types are currently supported. Please let me know which other argument types
you need, and/or whether you have any ideas on a general "escape" allowing people
to pass anything.
The module exports three functions:
- symtable = getlibrary(libraryname)
Get a reference to import library libraryname. "InterfaceLib" is the most commonly
used one, containing most toolbox routines. The symbol table can be used
to lookup routines to be passed to newcall: "symtable.WaitNextEvent" will
return the address of routine WaitNextEvent. and so will "symtable['WaitNextEvent']".
The symtable is a mapping, so you can use keys() and len(...) to inspect it.
- symtable = getdiskfragment(file)
Load the specified file (given by fsspec or filename) and return a reference to
its symboltable.
- callable = newcall(routine, returntype, [argtype, ...])
Return a callable object. You specify the C routine to be called (as explained above),
the type of the return value and the argument types. The resulting object can
be called from Python code in the normal way, and typechecking on arguments is
performed (but, of course, if you specify incorrect argument types in this call
you may well crash your machine). Printing a callable will give you a description
of the (C-) calling sequence.
The C return value can be one of 'None', 'Byte', 'Short', 'Long', 'Pstring' (a pascal
string returned by address, copied to a Python string), 'Cobject' (a wrapper around a void
pointer), 'Handle' (a new handle, returned as a Res.Resource object) or 'OSErr' (which raises
MacOS.Error if non-zero).
Arguments can be any of 'InByte', 'InShort', 'InLong', 'InString' (a python string, with the
address of the data passed to the C routine, so be careful!), 'InPstring' (a python string copied
to a Str255 and passed by address), 'InCobject', 'InHandle', 'OutByte' (storage is allocated for
a single byte, the address passed to C and the resulting value returned to Python), 'OutShort',
'OutLong', 'OutPstring' (again: storage pre-allocated and the address passed to C), 'OutCobject'
(storage for a void * is allocated, this void ** is passed to C and the resulting void * is
encapsulated in the Cobject returned) or 'OutHandle' (ditto, which means that this is usually *not*
what you use, you normally use 'InHandle' because most toolbox calls expect you to preallocate
the handle).
All values to be returned (from the return value and the Out arguments) are collected. If there
aren't any None is returned, if there is one value this value is returned, if there are multiple
values a tuple is returned.
There is test code in, and a minimal example in
# Test calldll. Tell the user how often menus flash, and let her change it.
import calldll
import sys
# Obtain a reference to the library with the toolbox calls
interfacelib = calldll.getlibrary('InterfaceLib')
# Get the routines we need (see LowMem.h for details)
LMGetMenuFlash = calldll.newcall(interfacelib.LMGetMenuFlash, 'Short')
LMSetMenuFlash = calldll.newcall(interfacelib.LMSetMenuFlash, 'None', 'InShort')
print "Menus currently flash",LMGetMenuFlash(),"times."
print "How often would you like them to flash?",
# Note: we use input(), so you can try passing non-integer objects
newflash = input()
print "Okay, menus now flash", LMGetMenuFlash(),"times."
sys.exit(1) # So the window stays on-screen
import calldll
import macfs
import sys
import MacOS
from Carbon import Res
fss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile("Show me calldll.ppc.slb")
lib = calldll.getdiskfragment(fss, 'calldll.ppc.slb')
cdll_b_bbbbbbbb = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_b_bbbbbbbb, 'Byte', 'InByte', 'InByte',
'InByte', 'InByte','InByte', 'InByte','InByte', 'InByte')
cdll_h_hhhhhhhh = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_h_hhhhhhhh, 'Short', 'InShort', 'InShort',
'InShort', 'InShort','InShort', 'InShort','InShort', 'InShort')
cdll_l_llllllll = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_l_llllllll, 'Long', 'InLong', 'InLong',
'InLong', 'InLong','InLong', 'InLong','InLong', 'InLong')
cdll_N_ssssssss = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_ssssssss, 'None', 'InString', 'InString',
'InString', 'InString', 'InString', 'InString', 'InString', 'InString')
cdll_o_l = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_o_l, 'OSErr', 'InLong')
cdll_N_pp = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_pp, 'None', 'InPstring', 'OutPstring')
cdll_N_bb = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_bb, 'None', 'InByte', 'OutByte')
cdll_N_hh = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_hh, 'None', 'InShort', 'OutShort')
cdll_N_ll = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_ll, 'None', 'InLong', 'OutLong')
cdll_N_sH = calldll.newcall(lib.cdll_N_sH, 'None', 'InString', 'InHandle')
print 'Test cdll_b_bbbbbbbb'
rv = cdll_b_bbbbbbbb(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
if rv == 36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_b_bbbbbbbb negative'
rv = cdll_b_bbbbbbbb(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8)
if rv == -36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_h_hhhhhhhh'
rv = cdll_h_hhhhhhhh(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
if rv == 36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_h_hhhhhhhh negative'
rv = cdll_h_hhhhhhhh(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8)
if rv == -36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_l_llllllll'
rv = cdll_l_llllllll(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
if rv == 36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_l_llllllll negative'
rv = cdll_l_llllllll(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8)
if rv == -36:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_N_ssssssss'
print 'Should print one two three four five six seven eight'
rv = cdll_N_ssssssss('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight')
if rv == None:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_o_l(0)'
rv = cdll_o_l(0)
if rv == None:
print 'ok.'
print 'Error, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_o_l(-100)'
rv = cdll_o_l(-100)
print 'Error, did not raise exception, returned', rv
except MacOS.Error, arg:
if arg[0] == -100:
print 'ok.'
print 'Error, returned incorrect exception arg:', arg[0]
print 'Test cdll_N_pp'
rv = cdll_N_pp('pascal string')
if rv == 'Was: pascal string':
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', repr(rv)
print 'Test cdll_N_bb'
rv = cdll_N_bb(-100)
if rv == -100:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_N_hh'
rv = cdll_N_hh(-100)
if rv == -100:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_N_ll'
rv = cdll_N_ll(-100)
if rv == -100:
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, returned', rv
print 'Test cdll_N_sH'
h = Res.Resource('xyz')
rv = cdll_N_sH('new data', h)
if rv == None and == 'new data':
print 'ok.'
print 'Failed, rv is', rv, 'and handle data is', repr(
...@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ ...@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
<H1><IMG SRC="html.icons/python.gif">Macintosh Python crash course</H1> <H1><IMG SRC="html.icons/python.gif">Macintosh Python crash course</H1>
<HR> <HR>
This set of documents provides an introduction to various aspects of <p>This set of documents provides an introduction to various aspects of
Python programming on the Mac. It is assumed that the reader is Python programming on the Mac. It is assumed that the reader is
already familiar with Python and, to some extent, with MacOS Toolbox already familiar with Python and, to some extent, with MacOS Toolbox
programming. Other readers may find something interesting here too, programming. Other readers may find something interesting here too,
your mileage may vary. <p> your mileage may vary. </p>
There is a companion document <a href="using.html">Using Python on the Mac</a> <p>As the previous paragraph reveals to the careful observer these examples
which you should read before starting here: it explains the basics of using are dated, most of them were writting before OSX and haven't been updated
python on the Macintosh. <p> afterwards. They still show how to use the Carbon wrappers but aren't
necessarily the best way to use the Carbon API's in OSX.</p>
Another set of Macintosh-savvy examples, more aimed at beginners, is Another set of Macintosh-savvy examples, more aimed at beginners, is
maintained by Joseph Strout, at Python Tidbits in <A maintained by Joseph Strout, at Python Tidbits in <A
...@@ -27,10 +28,9 @@ in PostScript and other forms, see the <a ...@@ -27,10 +28,9 @@ in PostScript and other forms, see the <a
href="">documentation</a> section on the href="">documentation</a> section on the
webserver. <p> webserver. <p>
The W widget set by Just van Rossum, which is used by the Python IDE, does not <p>The W widget set by Just van Rossum, does not have complete documentation as
have complete documentation as of this writing, but Corran Webster has of this writing, but Corran Webster has documented most of it on his
documented most of it on his <A HREF="">Python Page</A>.</p>
<A HREF="">Python Page</A>. <p>
There are also some documentation links, as well as other MacPython-related There are also some documentation links, as well as other MacPython-related
pages, in the pages, in the
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