Commit 59d59042 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

SF bug #495548: troublesome #define in pyport.h

Removed the ancient "#define ANY void".

Bugfix candidate?  Hard call.  The bug report claims the existence of
this #define creates conflicts with other packages, which is easy to
believe.  OTOH, some extension authors may still be relying on its
presence.  I'm afraid you can't win on this one.
parent c21e2d5b
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ Used in: LONG_LONG
/* For backward compatibility only. Obsolete, do not use. */
#define ANY void
#define Py_PROTO(x) x
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ Build
- An old #define of ANY as void has been removed from pyport.h. This
hasn't been used since Python's pre-ANSI days, and the #define has
been marked as obsolete since then. SF bug 495548 says it created
conflicts with other packages, so keeping it around wasn't harmless.
- Because Python's magic number scheme broke on January 1st, we decided
to stop Python development. Thanks for all the fish!
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