Commit 5a7092de authored by Ivan Levkivskyi's avatar Ivan Levkivskyi Committed by GitHub

Allow dynamic creation of generic dataclasses (GH-6319)

parent 233de021
......@@ -1004,7 +1004,9 @@ def make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None, init=True,
anns[name] = tp
namespace['__annotations__'] = anns
cls = type(cls_name, bases, namespace)
# We use `types.new_class()` instead of simply `type()` to allow dynamic creation
# of generic dataclassses.
cls = types.new_class(cls_name, bases, {}, lambda ns: ns.update(namespace))
return dataclass(cls, init=init, repr=repr, eq=eq, order=order,
unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, frozen=frozen)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import pickle
import inspect
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock
from typing import ClassVar, Any, List, Union, Tuple, Dict, Generic, TypeVar
from typing import ClassVar, Any, List, Union, Tuple, Dict, Generic, TypeVar, Optional
from collections import deque, OrderedDict, namedtuple
from functools import total_ordering
......@@ -1690,6 +1690,23 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
c = Alias(10, 1.0)
self.assertEqual(c.new_method(), 1.0)
def test_generic_dynamic(self):
T = TypeVar('T')
class Parent(Generic[T]):
x: T
Child = make_dataclass('Child', [('y', T), ('z', Optional[T], None)],
bases=(Parent[int], Generic[T]), namespace={'other': 42})
self.assertIs(Child[int](1, 2).z, None)
self.assertEqual(Child[int](1, 2, 3).z, 3)
self.assertEqual(Child[int](1, 2, 3).other, 42)
# Check that type aliases work correctly.
Alias = Child[T]
self.assertEqual(Alias[int](1, 2).x, 1)
# Check MRO resolution.
self.assertEqual(Child.__mro__, (Child, Parent, Generic, object))
def test_helper_replace(self):
class C:
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