Commit 5c609000 authored by Ka-Ping Yee's avatar Ka-Ping Yee

Added a longish test case to stress seek/tell with a stateful decoder.

parent 4ebfbf02
......@@ -577,20 +577,30 @@ class StatefulIncrementalDecoderTest(unittest.TestCase):
test_cases = [
# I=1 fixed-length mode
# I=1, O=1 (fixed-length input == fixed-length output)
(b'abcd', False, 'a.b.c.d.'),
# I=0, O=0, variable-length mode
# I=0, O=0 (variable-length input, variable-length output)
(b'oiabcd', True, 'abcd.'),
# I=0, O=0, variable-length mode, should ignore extra periods
# I=0, O=0 (should ignore extra periods)
(b'oi...abcd...', True, 'abcd.'),
# I=0, O=6
(b'', False, 'xyz---.'),
# I=2, O=6
# I=0, O=6 (variable-length input, fixed-length output)
(b'', False, ''),
# I=2, O=6 (fixed-length input < fixed-length output)
(b'i.i2.o6xyz', True, 'xy----.z-----.'),
# I=0, O=3
(b'', False, ''),
# I=6, O=3
(b'i.o3.i6.abcdefghijklmnop', True, 'abc.ghi.mno.')
# I=6, O=3 (fixed-length input > fixed-length output)
(b'i.o3.i6.abcdefghijklmnop', True, 'abc.ghi.mno.'),
# I=0, then 3; O=29, then 15 (with longer output)
(b'i.o29.a.b.cde.o15.abcdefghijabcdefghij.i3.a.b.c.d.ei00k.l.m', True,
'a----------------------------.' +
'b----------------------------.' +
'cde--------------------------.' +
'abcdefghijabcde.' +
'a.b------------.' +
'.c.------------.' +
'd.e------------.' +
'k--------------.' +
'l--------------.' +
def testDecoder(self):
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