Commit 5c990290 authored by Senthil Kumaran's avatar Senthil Kumaran

Manually merging the changes from r75476

parent b8ecc4d1
......@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ The :mod:`urllib.request` module defines the following functions:
the default installed global :class:`OpenerDirector` uses
:class:`UnknownHandler` to ensure this never happens).
In addition, default installed :class:`ProxyHandler` makes sure the requests
are handled through the proxy when they are set.
The legacy ``urllib.urlopen`` function from Python 2.6 and earlier has been
discontinued; :func:`urlopen` corresponds to the old ``urllib2.urlopen``.
Proxy handling, which was done by passing a dictionary parameter to
......@@ -350,6 +353,11 @@ The following classes are provided:
Cause requests to go through a proxy. If *proxies* is given, it must be a
dictionary mapping protocol names to URLs of proxies. The default is to read the
list of proxies from the environment variables :envvar:`<protocol>_proxy`.
If no proxy environment variables are set, in a Windows environment, proxy
settings are obtained from the registry's Internet Settings section and in a
Mac OS X environment, proxy information is retrieved from the OS X System
Configuration Framework.
To disable autodetected proxy pass an empty dictionary.
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