Commit 5d1ff94b authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

set Print.values to NULL if there are no values

parent 0805b28f
......@@ -2144,9 +2144,9 @@ ast_for_print_stmt(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
| '>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )
expr_ty dest = NULL, expression;
asdl_seq *seq;
asdl_seq *seq = NULL;
bool nl;
int i, j, start = 1;
int i, j, values_count, start = 1;
REQ(n, print_stmt);
if (NCH(n) >= 2 && TYPE(CHILD(n, 1)) == RIGHTSHIFT) {
......@@ -2155,14 +2155,17 @@ ast_for_print_stmt(struct compiling *c, const node *n)
return NULL;
start = 4;
seq = asdl_seq_new((NCH(n) + 1 - start) / 2, c->c_arena);
if (!seq)
return NULL;
for (i = start, j = 0; i < NCH(n); i += 2, ++j) {
expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(n, i));
if (!expression)
values_count = (NCH(n) + 1 - start) / 2;
if (values_count) {
seq = asdl_seq_new(values_count, c->c_arena);
if (!seq)
return NULL;
asdl_seq_SET(seq, j, expression);
for (i = start, j = 0; i < NCH(n); i += 2, ++j) {
expression = ast_for_expr(c, CHILD(n, i));
if (!expression)
return NULL;
asdl_seq_SET(seq, j, expression);
nl = (TYPE(CHILD(n, NCH(n) - 1)) == COMMA) ? false : true;
return Print(dest, seq, nl, LINENO(n), n->n_col_offset, c->c_arena);
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