Commit 5f22af16 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Remove last(?) use of httplib.HTTPS, which caused test_socket_ssl to fail.

Refactor the urllib open_http() and open_https() to use the same
internal logic.  The only difference between the two is the call to
constructor an HTTPConnection object.
parent d9a1579e
......@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ used to query various info about the object, if available.
(mimetools.Message objects are queried with the getheader() method.)
import socket
import httplib
import os
import time
import socket
import sys
import time
from urlparse import urljoin as basejoin
__all__ = ["urlopen", "URLopener", "FancyURLopener", "urlretrieve",
......@@ -268,9 +269,19 @@ class URLopener:
# Each method named open_<type> knows how to open that type of URL
def open_http(self, url, data=None):
"""Use HTTP protocol."""
import httplib
def _open_generic_http(self, connection_factory, url, data):
"""Make an HTTP connection using connection_class.
This is an internal method that should be called from
open_http() or open_https().
- connection_factory should take a host name and return an
HTTPConnection instance.
- url is the url to retrieval or a host, relative-path pair.
- data is payload for a POST request or None.
user_passwd = None
proxy_passwd= None
if isinstance(url, str):
......@@ -312,7 +323,7 @@ class URLopener:
auth = base64.b64encode(user_passwd).strip()
auth = None
http_conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
http_conn = connection_factory(host)
# XXX We should fix urllib so that it works with HTTP/1.1.
http_conn._http_vsn = 10
http_conn._http_vsn_str = "HTTP/1.0"
......@@ -347,6 +358,10 @@ class URLopener:
url, response.fp,
response.status, response.reason, response.msg, data)
def open_http(self, url, data=None):
"""Use HTTP protocol."""
return self._open_generic_http(httplib.HTTPConnection, url, data)
def http_error(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, data=None):
"""Handle http errors.
......@@ -370,76 +385,14 @@ class URLopener:
raise IOError, ('http error', errcode, errmsg, headers)
if hasattr(socket, "ssl"):
def _https_connection(self, host):
return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host,
def open_https(self, url, data=None):
"""Use HTTPS protocol."""
import httplib
user_passwd = None
proxy_passwd = None
if isinstance(url, str):
host, selector = splithost(url)
if host:
user_passwd, host = splituser(host)
host = unquote(host)
realhost = host
host, selector = url
# here, we determine, whether the proxy contains authorization information
proxy_passwd, host = splituser(host)
urltype, rest = splittype(selector)
url = rest
user_passwd = None
if urltype.lower() != 'https':
realhost = None
realhost, rest = splithost(rest)
if realhost:
user_passwd, realhost = splituser(realhost)
if user_passwd:
selector = "%s://%s%s" % (urltype, realhost, rest)
#print "proxy via https:", host, selector
if not host: raise IOError, ('https error', 'no host given')
if proxy_passwd:
import base64
proxy_auth = base64.b64encode(proxy_passwd).strip()
proxy_auth = None
if user_passwd:
import base64
auth = base64.b64encode(user_passwd).strip()
auth = None
h = httplib.HTTPS(host, 0,
if data is not None:
h.putrequest('POST', selector)
h.putheader('Content-Length', '%d' % len(data))
h.putrequest('GET', selector)
if proxy_auth: h.putheader('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic %s' % proxy_auth)
if auth: h.putheader('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth)
if realhost: h.putheader('Host', realhost)
for args in self.addheaders: h.putheader(*args)
if data is not None:
errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
fp = h.getfile()
if errcode == -1:
if fp: fp.close()
# something went wrong with the HTTP status line
raise IOError, ('http protocol error', 0,
'got a bad status line', None)
if errcode == 200:
return addinfourl(fp, headers, "https:" + url)
if data is None:
return self.http_error(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers)
return self.http_error(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers,
return self._open_generic_http(self._https_connection, url, data)
def open_file(self, url):
"""Use local file or FTP depending on form of URL."""
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