Commit 5f817411 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Actually make test_wsgiref independent from the Python version.

parent 38a66adc
......@@ -182,9 +182,10 @@ class IntegrationTests(TestCase):
return [b"data"]
out, err = run_amock(validator(app))
self.failUnless(err.endswith('"GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 4\n'))
ver = sys.version.split()[0].encode('ascii')
b"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
b"Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/3.1a0\r\n"
b"Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/" + ver + b"\r\n"
b"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"
b"Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 13:29:32 GMT\r\n"
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