Commit 6032c48b authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Add new section on the XML package. (This was the only major new 2.0 feature

   left that wasn't covered.  The article is therefore now essentially complete.)
A few minor changes
parent 0be483fd
......@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ type implementation by Fredrik Lundh. A detailed explanation of the
interface is in the file \file{Misc/unicode.txt} in the Python source
distribution; it's also available on the Web at
This article will simply cover the most significant points from the
full interface.
This article will simply cover the most significant points about the Unicode
In Python source code, Unicode strings are written as
\code{u"string"}. Arbitrary Unicode characters can be written using a
......@@ -615,12 +615,12 @@ b.append(b)
The comparison \code{a==b} returns true, because the two recursive
data structures are isomorphic. \footnote{See the thread ``trashcan
data structures are isomorphic. See the thread ``trashcan
and PR\#7'' in the April 2000 archives of the python-dev mailing list
for the discussion leading up to this implementation, and some useful
relevant links.
% Starting URL:
Work has been done on porting Python to 64-bit Windows on the Itanium
processor, mostly by Trent Mick of ActiveState. (Confusingly,
......@@ -950,7 +950,6 @@ expat_extension = Extension('xml.parsers.pyexpat',
setup (name = "PyXML", version = "0.5.4",
ext_modules =[ expat_extension ] )
The Distutils can also take care of creating source and binary
......@@ -966,10 +965,165 @@ development.
All this is documented in a new manual, \textit{Distributing Python
Modules}, that joins the basic set of Python documentation.
% ======================================================================
%\section{New XML Code}
\section{XML Modules}
Python 1.5.2 included a simple XML parser in the form of the
\module{xmllib} module, contributed by Sjoerd Mullender. Since
1.5.2's release, two different interfaces for processing XML have
become common: SAX2 (version 2 of the Simple API for XML) provides an
event-driven interface with some similarities to \module{xmllib}, and
the DOM (Document Object Model) provides a tree-based interface,
transforming an XML document into a tree of nodes that can be
traversed and modified. Python 2.0 includes a SAX2 interface and a
stripped-down DOM interface as part of the \module{xml} package.
Here we will give a brief overview of these new interfaces; consult
the Python documentation or the source code for complete details.
The Python XML SIG is also working on improved documentation.
\subsection{SAX2 Support}
SAX defines an event-driven interface for parsing XML. To use SAX,
you must write a SAX handler class. Handler classes inherit from
various classes provided by SAX, and override various methods that
will then be called by the XML parser. For example, the
\method{startElement} and \method{endElement} methods are called for
every starting and end tag encountered by the parser, the
\method{characters()} method is called for every chunk of character
data, and so forth.
The advantage of the event-driven approach is that that the whole
document doesn't have to be resident in memory at any one time, which
matters if you are processing really huge documents. However, writing
the SAX handler class can get very complicated if you're trying to
modify the document structure in some elaborate way.
For example, this little example program defines a handler that prints
a message for every starting and ending tag, and then parses the file
\file{hamlet.xml} using it:
from xml import sax
class SimpleHandler(sax.ContentHandler):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
print 'Start of element:', name, attrs.keys()
def endElement(self, name):
print 'End of element:', name
# Create a parser object
parser = sax.make_parser()
# Tell it what handler to use
handler = SimpleHandler()
parser.setContentHandler( handler )
# Parse a file!
parser.parse( 'hamlet.xml' )
For more information, consult the Python documentation, or the XML
HOWTO at \url{}.
\subsection{DOM Support}
The Document Object Model is a tree-based representation for an XML
document. A top-level \class{Document} instance is the root of the
tree, and has a single child which is the top-level \class{Element}
instance. This \class{Element} has children nodes representing
character data and any sub-elements, which may have further children
of their own, and so forth. Using the DOM you can traverse the
resulting tree any way you like, access element and attribute values,
insert and delete nodes, and convert the tree back into XML.
The DOM is useful for modifying XML documents, because you can create
a DOM tree, modify it by adding new nodes or rearranging subtrees, and
then produce a new XML document as output. You can also construct a
DOM tree manually and convert it to XML, which can be a more flexible
way of producing XML output than simply writing
\code{<tag1>}...\code{</tag1>} to a file.
The DOM implementation included with Python lives in the
\module{xml.dom.minidom} module. It's a lightweight implementation of
the Level 1 DOM with support for XML namespaces. The
\function{parse()} and \function{parseString()} convenience
functions are provided for generating a DOM tree:
from xml.dom import minidom
doc = minidom.parse('hamlet.xml')
\code{doc} is a \class{Document} instance. \class{Document}, like all
the other DOM classes such as \class{Element} and \class{Text}, is a
subclass of the \class{Node} base class. All the nodes in a DOM tree
therefore support certain common methods, such as \method{toxml()}
which returns a string containing the XML representation of the node
and its children. Each class also has special methods of its own; for
example, \class{Element} and \class{Document} instances have a method
to find all child elements with a given tag name. Continuing from the
previous 2-line example:
perslist = doc.getElementsByTagName( 'PERSONA' )
print perslist[0].toxml()
print perslist[1].toxml()
%XXX write this section...
For the \textit{Hamlet} XML file, the above few lines output:
<PERSONA>CLAUDIUS, king of Denmark. </PERSONA>
<PERSONA>HAMLET, son to the late, and nephew to the present king.</PERSONA>
The root element of the document is available as
\code{doc.documentElement}, and its children can be easily modified
by deleting, adding, or removing nodes:
root = doc.documentElement
# Remove the first child
root.removeChild( root.childNodes[0] )
# Move the new first child to the end
root.appendChild( root.childNodes[0] )
# Insert the new first child (originally,
# the third child) before the 20th child.
root.insertBefore( root.childNodes[0], root.childNodes[20] )
Again, I will refer you to the Python documentation for a complete
listing of the different \class{Node} classes and their various methods.
\subsection{Relationship to PyXML}
The XML Special Interest Group has been working on XML-related Python
code for a while. Its code distribution, called PyXML, is available
from the SIG's Web pages at \url{}.
The PyXML distribution also used the package name \samp{xml}. If
you've written programs that used PyXML, you're probably wondering
about its compatibility with the 2.0 \module{xml} package.
The answer is that Python 2.0's \module{xml} package isn't compatible
with PyXML, but can be made compatible by installing a recent version
PyXML. Many applications can get by with the XML support that is
included with Python 2.0, but more complicated applications will
require that the full PyXML package will be installed. When
installed, PyXML versions 0.6.0 or greater will replace the
\module{xml} package shipped with Python, and will be a strict
superset of the standard package, adding a bunch of additional
features. Some of the additional features in PyXML include:
\item 4DOM, a full DOM implementation
from FourThought LLC.
\item The xmlproc validating parser, written by Lars Marius Garshol.
\item The \module{sgmlop} parser accelerator module, written by Fredrik Lundh.
% ======================================================================
\section{Module changes}
......@@ -982,6 +1136,8 @@ standard library; some of the affected modules include
and \module{nntplib}. Consult the CVS logs for the exact
patch-by-patch details.
% XXX gettext support
Brian Gallew contributed OpenSSL support for the \module{socket}
module. OpenSSL is an implementation of the Secure Socket Layer,
which encrypts the data being sent over a socket. When compiling
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