Commit 61cd0db3 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Don't quote the path to Python unless the path contains an embedded space.

Quoting the path doesn't work on Win2K (cmd.exe) regardless, this is just
a hack to let the test pass again on Win2K (so long as Python isn't
installed in a path that does contain an embedded space).  On Win2K it
looks like we'd also have to add a second pair of double quotes, around
the entire command line.
parent 669454e9
......@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ from os import popen
# python -c "import sys;print sys.argv" {rest_of_commandline}
# This results in Python being spawned and printing the sys.argv list.
# We can then eval() the result of this, and see what each argv was.
python = sys.executable
if ' ' in python:
python = '"' + python + '"' # quote embedded space for cmdline
def _do_test_commandline(cmdline, expected):
cmd = '"%s" -c "import sys;print sys.argv" %s' % (sys.executable, cmdline)
cmd = '%s -c "import sys;print sys.argv" %s' % (python, cmdline)
data = popen(cmd).read()
got = eval(data)[1:] # strip off argv[0]
if got != expected:
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