Commit 62d48e17 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

vgetargskeywords: Verify kwlist has the required length while parsing

the format, instead of waiting until after we can overindex it by
parent b92cf067
......@@ -1032,9 +1032,9 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
char *fname, *message;
int min, max;
char *formatsave;
int i, len, nargs, nkeywords;
int i, len, nargs, nkeywords, nkwlist;
char *msg, *ks, **p;
int nkwlist, pos, match, converted;
int pos, match, converted;
PyObject *key, *value;
assert(args != NULL && PyTuple_Check(args));
......@@ -1048,15 +1048,24 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
name <- routine name, if any (else NULL).
min <- # of required arguments, or -1 if all are required.
max <- most arguments (required + optional).
Check that kwlist has a non-NULL entry for each arg.
Raise error if a tuple arg spec is found.
fname = message = NULL;
formatsave = format;
p = kwlist;
min = -1;
max = 0;
while ((i = *format++) != '\0') {
if (isalpha(i) && i != 'e')
if (isalpha(i) && i != 'e') {
if (*p == NULL) {
/* kwlist is too short */
return 0;
else if (i == '|')
min = max;
else if (i == ':') {
......@@ -1072,13 +1081,19 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
"tuple found in format when using keyword arguments");
return 0;
format = formatsave;
if (*p != NULL) {
/* kwlist is too long */
return 0;
if (min < 0) {
/* All arguments are required. */
min = max;
format = formatsave;
nkwlist = max;
nargs = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
nkeywords = keywords == NULL ? 0 : PyDict_Size(keywords);
......@@ -1103,9 +1118,11 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
/* required arguments missing from args can be supplied by keyword
arguments */
arguments; set len to the number of posiitional arguments, and,
if that's less than the minimum required, add in the number of
required arguments that are supplied by keywords */
len = nargs;
if (keywords && nargs < min) {
if (nkeywords > 0 && nargs < min) {
for (i = nargs; i < min; i++) {
if (PyDict_GetItemString(keywords, kwlist[i]))
......@@ -1118,7 +1135,6 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
is a little confusing with keywords since keyword arguments
which are supplied, but don't match the required arguments
are not included in the "%d given" part of the message */
if (len < min || max < len) {
if (message == NULL) {
......@@ -1151,18 +1167,6 @@ vgetargskeywords(PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords, char *format,
if (nkeywords == 0)
return 1;
/* make sure the number of keywords in the keyword list matches the
number of items in the format string */
nkwlist = 0;
p = kwlist;
while (*p++)
if (nkwlist != max) {
"number of items in format string and keyword list do not match");
return 0;
/* convert the keyword arguments; this uses the format
string where it was left after processing args */
converted = 0;
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