Commit 643d76d7 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add support for new \pep, \seepep, excclassdesc markup.

Update processing of module synopsis tables (found at the beginning of
most chapters of the library reference) to reflect changes in the
processing pattern of recent versions LaTeX2HMTL.  Requires most
recent change to

This does not fix the module index problem.
parent 4e607964
......@@ -238,6 +238,23 @@ sub do_cmd_manpage{
return "<span class='manpage'><i>$page</i>($section)</span>" . $_;
sub get_pep_url{
my $rfcnum = sprintf("%04d", @_[0]);
return "$rfcnum.html";
sub do_cmd_pep{
local($_) = @_;
my $rfcnumber = next_argument();
my $id = "rfcref-" . ++$global{'max_id'};
my $href = get_pep_url($rfcnumber);
# Save the reference
my $nstr = gen_index_id("Python Enhancement Proposals!PEP $rfcnumber", '');
$index{$nstr} .= make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$id");
return ("<a class=\"rfc\" name=\"$id\"\nhref=\"$href\">PEP $rfcnumber</a>"
. $_);
sub get_rfc_url{
my $rfcnum = sprintf("%04d", @_[0]);
return "$rfcnum.txt";
......@@ -814,16 +831,24 @@ sub do_env_excdesc{
sub do_env_fulllineitems{ return do_env_itemize(@_); }
sub do_env_classdesc{
local($_) = @_;
sub handle_classlike_descriptor{
local($_, $what) = @_;
$THIS_CLASS = next_argument();
my $arg_list = next_argument();
$idx = make_str_index_entry(
"<tt class='class'>$THIS_CLASS</tt> (class in $THIS_MODULE)" );
"<tt class='$what'>$THIS_CLASS</tt> ($what in $THIS_MODULE)" );
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b> (<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
sub do_env_classdesc{
return handle_classlike_descriptor(@_[0], "class");
sub do_env_excclassdesc{
return handle_classlike_descriptor(@_[0], "exception");
sub do_env_methoddesc{
local($_) = @_;
......@@ -1269,18 +1294,18 @@ sub get_chapter_id(){
return $id;
%ModuleSynopses = ('chapter' => 'SynopsisTable instance');
# 'chapter' => 'SynopsisTable instance'
%ModuleSynopses = ();
sub get_synopsis_table($){
my($chap) = @_;
my $st = $ModuleSynopses{$chap};
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %ModuleSynopses) {
if ($key eq $chap) {
return $ModuleSynopses{$chap};
$st = SynopsisTable->new();
my $st = SynopsisTable->new();
$ModuleSynopses{$chap} = $st;
return $st;
......@@ -1323,10 +1348,33 @@ sub do_cmd_modulesynopsis{
sub do_cmd_localmoduletable{
local($_) = @_;
my $chap = get_chapter_id();
my $st = get_synopsis_table($chap);
return "<tex2html-localmoduletable><$chap>\\tableofchildlinks[off]" . $_;
sub process_all_localmoduletables{
my $key;
my $st, $file;
foreach $key (keys %ModuleSynopses) {
$st = $ModuleSynopses{$key};
$file = $st->get_file();
if ($file) {
else {
print "\nsynopsis table $key has no file association";
sub process_localmoduletables_in_file{
my $file = @_[0];
open(MYFILE, "<$file");
sysread(MYFILE, $_, 1024*1024);
# need to get contents of file in $_
while (/<tex2html-localmoduletable><(\d+)>/) {
my $match = $&;
my $chap = $1;
......@@ -1334,6 +1382,9 @@ sub process_all_localmoduletables{
my $data = $st->tohtml();
print MYFILE $_;
sub process_python_state{
......@@ -1371,8 +1422,8 @@ sub do_cmd_seemodule{
. $_;
sub do_cmd_seerfc{
local($_) = @_;
sub handle_rfclike_reference{
local($_, $what) = @_;
my $rfcnum = next_argument();
my $title = next_argument();
my $text = next_argument();
......@@ -1380,11 +1431,19 @@ sub do_cmd_seerfc{
return '<dl compact class="seerfc">'
. "\n <dt><a href=\"$url\""
. "\n title=\"$title\""
. "\n >RFC $rfcnum, <em>$title</em></a>:"
. "\n >$what $rfcnum, <em>$title</em></a>:"
. "\n <dd>$text\n </dl>"
. $_;
sub do_cmd_seepep{
return handle_rfclike_reference(@_[0], "PEP");
sub do_cmd_seerfc{
return handle_rfclike_reference(@_[0], "RFC");
sub do_cmd_seeurl{
local($_) = @_;
my $url = next_argument();
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