Commit 66de5374 authored by Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower

Add scripts for uploading Windows builds to a Linux server using pscp

parent 65b20bf8
......@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (
copy /Y "%BUILD%en-us\*.cab" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"
copy /Y "%BUILD%en-us\*.exe" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"
copy /Y "%BUILD%en-us\*.msi" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"
copy /Y "%BUILD%en-us\*.msu" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"
exit /B 0
@echo off
set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
set HOST=
set USER=
set DRYRUN=false
if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-o" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--host" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-u" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
if not defined PLINK echo Cannot locate plink.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found plink.exe at %PLINK%
if not defined PSCP where pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
if not defined PSCP echo Cannot locate pscp.exe & exit /B 1
echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86
msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
exit /B 0
echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]
echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
echo -h Display this help information
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<DownloadUrlBase Condition="'$(DownloadUrlBase)' == ''">$(TARGET)</DownloadUrlBase>
<DownloadUrlBase Condition="'$(DownloadUrlBase)' == ''">/srv/</DownloadUrlBase>
<IncludeDoc Condition="'$(IncludeDoc)' == ''">true</IncludeDoc>
<DryRun Condition="'$(DryRun)' == ''">false</DryRun>
<Import Project="msi.props" />
<Import Project="bundle\bundle.targets" />
<File Include="$(OutputPath)\*.msi;$(OutputPath)\*.msu">
<File Include="$(OutputPath)\*.exe">
<File Include="$(PySourcePath)Doc\build\htmlhelp\python$(MajorVersionNumber)$(MinorVersionNumber)$(MicroVersionNumber)$(ReleaseLevelName).chm" Condition="$(IncludeDoc)">
<Target Name="_ValidateProperties">
<Error Text="No value for Host provided" Condition="'$(Host)' == ''" />
<Error Text="No value for User provided" Condition="'$(User)' == ''" />
<Error Text="No path for PSCP provided" Condition="'$(PSCP)' == ''" />
<Error Text="No path for PLINK provided" Condition="'$(PLINK)' == ''" />
<Target Name="_Upload" Condition="!$(DryRun)">
<Exec Command="&quot;$(PLINK)&quot; $(User)@$(Host) mkdir %(File.CopyTo) ^&amp;^&amp; chgrp downloads %(File.CopyTo) ^&amp;^&amp; chmod g-w,o+rx %(File.CopyTo)
&quot;$(PSCP)&quot; @(File,' ') $(User)@$(Host):%(File.CopyTo)
&quot;$(PLINK)&quot; $(User)@$(Host) chgrp downloads %(File.CopyTo)/* ^&amp;^&amp; chmod g-w,o+r %(File.CopyTo)/*
" />
<Target Name="_PrintNames" Condition="$(DryRun)">
<Exec Command="echo &quot;$(PLINK)&quot; $(User)@$(Host) mkdir %(File.CopyTo) ^&amp;^&amp; chgrp downloads %(File.CopyTo) ^&amp;^&amp; chmod g-w,o+rx %(File.CopyTo)
echo &quot;$(PSCP)&quot; @(File,' ') $(User)@$(Host):%(File.CopyTo)
echo &quot;$(PLINK)&quot; $(User)@$(Host) chgrp downloads %(File.CopyTo)/* ^&amp;^&amp; chmod g-w,o+r %(File.CopyTo)/*
echo." />
<Target Name="Upload" DependsOnTargets="_ValidateProperties;_PrintNames;_Upload" />
<Target Name="Build">
<Error Text="This script should be invoked using uploadrelease.bat." />
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