Commit 68ffe3ec authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

don't rely on the order dict repr #5605

parent ad74dfe8
......@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ class QueryTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
{}, dict2(), dict3(),
verify, pprint,
-6, -6L, -6-6j, -1.5, "x", uni("x"), (3,), [3], {3: 6},
(1,2), [3,4], {5: 6, 7: 8},
(1,2), [3,4], {5: 6},
tuple2((1,2)), tuple3((1,2)), tuple3(range(100)),
[3,4], list2([3,4]), list3([3,4]), list3(range(100)),
{5: 6, 7: 8}, dict2({5: 6}), dict3({5: 6}),
dict2({5: 6}), dict3({5: 6}),
range(10, -11, -1)
native = repr(simple)
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