Commit 69130b3c authored by Phillip J. Eby's avatar Phillip J. Eby

Yield is now allowed in try-finally, so update docs accordingly

parent 05778a13
......@@ -488,11 +488,12 @@ enough information is saved so that the next time \method{next()} is
invoked, the function can proceed exactly as if the \keyword{yield}
statement were just another external call.
The \keyword{yield} statement is not allowed in the \keyword{try}
clause of a \keyword{try} ...\ \keyword{finally} construct. The
difficulty is that there's no guarantee the generator will ever be
resumed, hence no guarantee that the \keyword{finally} block will ever
get executed.
As of Python version 2.5, the \keyword{yield} statement is now
allowed in the \keyword{try} clause of a \keyword{try} ...\
\keyword{finally} construct. If the generator is not resumed before
it is finalized (by reaching a zero reference count or by being garbage
collected), the generator-iterator's \method{close()} method will be
called, allowing any pending \keyword{finally} clauses to execute.
In Python 2.2, the \keyword{yield} statement is only allowed
......@@ -510,6 +511,11 @@ from __future__ import generators
\seepep{0255}{Simple Generators}
{The proposal for adding generators and the \keyword{yield}
statement to Python.}
\seepep{0342}{Coroutines via Enhanced Generators}
{The proposal that, among other generator enhancements,
proposed allowing \keyword{yield} to appear inside a
\keyword{try} ... \keyword{finally} block.}
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