Commit 6c104f69 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Patch #1605192: list allowed states in error messages for imaplib.

parent 9e6b4700
......@@ -746,8 +746,10 @@ class IMAP4:
if not command in Commands:
raise self.error("Unknown IMAP4 UID command: %s" % command)
if self.state not in Commands[command]:
raise self.error('command %s illegal in state %s'
% (command, self.state))
raise self.error("command %s illegal in state %s, "
"only allowed in states %s" %
(command, self.state,
', '.join(Commands[command])))
name = 'UID'
typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, command, *args)
if command in ('SEARCH', 'SORT'):
......@@ -811,8 +813,10 @@ class IMAP4:
if self.state not in Commands[name]:
self.literal = None
raise self.error(
'command %s illegal in state %s' % (name, self.state))
raise self.error("command %s illegal in state %s, "
"only allowed in states %s" %
(name, self.state,
', '.join(Commands[name])))
for typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD'):
if typ in self.untagged_responses:
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