Commit 6ff7bd6a authored by Phillip J. Eby's avatar Phillip J. Eby

Document objects that can be used with the ``with`` statement.

parent 3ab82593
......@@ -442,9 +442,33 @@ the \function{getcontext()} and \function{setcontext()} functions:
Set the current context for the active thread to \var{c}.
New contexts can formed using the \class{Context} constructor described below.
In addition, the module provides three pre-made contexts:
Beginning with Python 2.5, you can also use the \keyword{with} statement
to temporarily change the active context. For example the following code
increases the current decimal precision by 2 places, performs a
calculation, and then automatically restores the previous context:
from __future__ import with_statement
import decimal
with decimal.getcontext() as ctx:
ctx.prec += 2 # add 2 more digits of precision
The context that's active in the body of the \keyword{with} statement is
a \emph{copy} of the context you provided to the \keyword{with}
statement, so modifying its attributes doesn't affect anything except
that temporary copy.
You can use any decimal context in a \keyword{with} statement, but if
you just want to make a temporary change to some aspect of the current
context, it's easiest to just use \function{getcontext()} as shown
New contexts can also be created using the \class{Context} constructor
described below. In addition, the module provides three pre-made
This is a standard context defined by the General Decimal Arithmetic
......@@ -1500,6 +1500,38 @@ Files have the following methods:
Any operation which requires that the file be open will raise a
\exception{ValueError} after the file has been closed. Calling
\method{close()} more than once is allowed.
As of Python 2.5, you can avoid having to call this method explicitly
if you use the \keyword{with} statement. For example, the following
code will automatically close \code{f} when the \keyword{with} block
is exited:
from __future__ import with_statement
with open("hello.txt") as f:
for line in f:
print line
In older versions of Python, you would have needed to do this to get
the same effect:
f = open("hello.txt")
for line in f:
print line
\note{Not all ``file-like'' types in Python support use as a context
manager for the \keyword{with} statement. If your code is intended to
work with any file-like object, you can use the \function{closing()}
function in the \module{contextlib} module instead of using the object
directly. See section~\ref{context-closing} for details.}
......@@ -100,6 +100,19 @@ Return the status of the lock:\ \code{True} if it has been acquired by
some thread, \code{False} if not.
In addition to these methods, lock objects can also be used via the
\keyword{with} statement, e.g.:
from __future__ import with_statement
import thread
a_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
with a_lock:
print "a_lock is locked while this executes"
......@@ -675,3 +675,26 @@ keyword arguments \var{kwargs}, after \var{interval} seconds have passed.
Stop the timer, and cancel the execution of the timer's action. This
will only work if the timer is still in its waiting stage.
\subsection{Using locks, conditions, and semaphores in the \keyword{with}
statement \label{with-locks}}
All of the objects provided by this module that have \method{acquire()} and
\method{release()} methods can be used as context managers for a \keyword{with}
statement. The \method{acquire()} method will be called when the block is
entered, and \method{release()} will be called when the block is exited.
Currently, \class{Lock}, \class{RLock}, \class{Condition}, \class{Semaphore},
and \class{BoundedSemaphore} objects may be used as \keyword{with}
statement context managers. For example:
from __future__ import with_statement
import threading
some_rlock = threading.RLock()
with some_rlock:
print "some_rlock is locked while this executes"
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