Commit 707deb9d authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #24109: Include Tools/scripts/ instead of duplicating it in difflib documentation.

Patch by Keith Gray.
parent 0598da39
......@@ -743,65 +743,4 @@ This example shows how to use difflib to create a ``diff``-like utility.
It is also contained in the Python source distribution, as
.. testcode::
""" Command line interface to providing diffs in four formats:
* ndiff: lists every line and highlights interline changes.
* context: highlights clusters of changes in a before/after format.
* unified: highlights clusters of changes in an inline format.
* html: generates side by side comparison with change highlights.
import sys, os, time, difflib, optparse
def main():
# Configure the option parser
usage = "usage: %prog [options] fromfile tofile"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-c", action="store_true", default=False,
help='Produce a context format diff (default)')
parser.add_option("-u", action="store_true", default=False,
help='Produce a unified format diff')
hlp = 'Produce HTML side by side diff (can use -c and -l in conjunction)'
parser.add_option("-m", action="store_true", default=False, help=hlp)
parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true", default=False,
help='Produce a ndiff format diff')
parser.add_option("-l", "--lines", type="int", default=3,
help='Set number of context lines (default 3)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
if len(args) != 2:
parser.error("need to specify both a fromfile and tofile")
n = options.lines
fromfile, tofile = args # as specified in the usage string
# we're passing these as arguments to the diff function
fromdate = time.ctime(os.stat(fromfile).st_mtime)
todate = time.ctime(os.stat(tofile).st_mtime)
with open(fromfile) as fromf, open(tofile) as tof:
fromlines, tolines = list(fromf), list(tof)
if options.u:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(fromlines, tolines, fromfile, tofile,
fromdate, todate, n=n)
elif options.n:
diff = difflib.ndiff(fromlines, tolines)
elif options.m:
diff = difflib.HtmlDiff().make_file(fromlines, tolines, fromfile,
tofile, context=options.c,
diff = difflib.context_diff(fromlines, tolines, fromfile, tofile,
fromdate, todate, n=n)
# we're using writelines because diff is a generator
if __name__ == '__main__':
.. literalinclude:: ../../Tools/scripts/
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