@@ -271,10 +271,15 @@ fonts, indentation, keybindings, text color themes, startup windows and
size, additional help sources, and extensions. On macOS, open the
configuration dialog by selecting Preferences in the application
menu. For more, see
<aclass="reference internal"href="#preferences"><spanclass="std std-ref">Setting preferences</span></a> under Help and preferences.</dd>
<aclass="reference internal"href="#preferences"><spanclass="std std-ref">Setting preferences</span></a> under Help and preferences.
Most configuration options apply to all windows or all future windows.
The option items below only apply to the active window.</dd>
<dt>Show/Hide Code Context (Editor Window only)</dt><dd>Open a pane at the top of the edit window which shows the block context
of the code which has scrolled above the top of the window. See
<aclass="reference internal"href="#code-context"><spanclass="std std-ref">Code Context</span></a> in the Editing and Navigation section below.</dd>
<dt>Line Numbers (Editor Window only)</dt><dd>Open a column to the left of the edit window which shows the linenumber
of each line of text. The default is off unless configured on
(see <aclass="reference internal"href="#preferences"><spanclass="std std-ref">Setting preferences</span></a>).</dd>
<dt>Zoom/Restore Height</dt><dd>Toggles the window between normal size and maximum height. The initial size
defaults to 40 lines by 80 chars unless changed on the General tab of the
Configure IDLE dialog. The maximum height for a screen is determined by
@@ -607,7 +612,7 @@ IDLE should be started in a command line window. The secondary subprocess
will then be attached to that window for input and output.</p>
<p>The IDLE code running in the execution process adds frames to the call stack
that would not be there otherwise. IDLE wraps <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">sys.getrecursionlimit</span></code> and
<codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">sys.setrecursionlimit</span></code> to reduce their visibility.</p>
<codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">sys.setrecursionlimit</span></code> to reduce the effect of the additional stack frames.</p>
<p>If <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">sys</span></code> is reset by user code, such as with <codeclass="docutils literal notranslate"><spanclass="pre">importlib.reload(sys)</span></code>,
IDLE’s changes are lost and input from the keyboard and output to the screen
will not work correctly.</p>
@@ -895,7 +900,7 @@ also used for testing.</p>
Last updated on Jul 04, 2019.
Last updated on Jul 23, 2019.
<ahref="https://docs.python.org/3/bugs.html">Found a bug</a>?