Commit 71f477c7 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added forward declarations.

parent 7a904edc
......@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@ typedef struct _nfa {
int nf_start, nf_finish;
} nfa;
/* Forward */
static compile_rhs PROTO((labellist *ll, nfa *nf, node *n, int *pa, int *pb));
static compile_alt PROTO((labellist *ll, nfa *nf, node *n, int *pa, int *pb));
static compile_item PROTO((labellist *ll, nfa *nf, node *n, int *pa, int *pb));
static compile_atom PROTO((labellist *ll, nfa *nf, node *n, int *pa, int *pb));
static int
nfa *nf;
......@@ -114,6 +120,9 @@ typedef struct _nfagrammar {
labellist gr_ll;
} nfagrammar;
/* Forward */
static compile_rule PROTO((nfagrammar *gr, node *n));
static nfagrammar *
......@@ -420,6 +429,12 @@ typedef struct _ss_dfa {
ss_state *sd_state;
} ss_dfa;
/* Forward */
static printssdfa PROTO((int xx_nstates, ss_state *xx_state, int nbits,
labellist *ll, char *msg));
static simplify PROTO((int xx_nstates, ss_state *xx_state));
static convert PROTO((dfa *d, int xx_nstates, ss_state *xx_state));
makedfa(gr, nf, d)
nfagrammar *gr;
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