Commit 72be3069 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added some minimal comments and tweaked lay-out a bit.

parent df4c308f
# Helper to provide extensibility for pickle/cPickle.
dispatch_table = {}
safe_constructors = {}
def pickle(ob_type, pickle_function, constructor_ob = None):
dispatch_table[ob_type] = pickle_function
if (constructor_ob is not None):
if constructor_ob is not None:
def constructor(object):
safe_constructors[object] = 1
# Example: provide pickling support for complex numbers.
def pickle_complex(c):
return complex,(c.real, c.imag)
return complex, (c.real, c.imag)
pickle(type(1j), pickle_complex, complex)
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