Commit 731098b3 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

cPickle now generates proto 2 EXT[124] when appropriate.

Moved such EXT tests as currently exist from TempAbstractPickleTests to
AbstractPickleTests, so that test_cpickle runs them too.
parent 7fe16e79
......@@ -583,23 +583,6 @@ class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(B(x), B(y), detail)
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__, detail)
# XXX Temporary hack, so long as the C implementation of pickle protocol
# XXX 2 isn't ready. When it is, move the methods in TempAbstractPickleTests
# XXX into AbstractPickleTests above, and get rid of TempAbstractPickleTests
# XXX along with the references to it in
class TempAbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_newobj_list_slots(self):
x = SlotList([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
s = self.dumps(x, 2)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
# Register a type with copy_reg, with extension code extcode. Pickle
# an object of that type. Check that the resulting pickle uses opcode
# (EXT[124]) under proto 2, and not in proto 1.
......@@ -638,7 +621,24 @@ class TempAbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.produce_global_ext(0xfff0, pickle.EXT2)
def test_global_ext4(self):
self.produce_global_ext(0xffffff0, pickle.EXT4)
self.produce_global_ext(0xabcdef0, pickle.EXT4)
# XXX Temporary hack, so long as the C implementation of pickle protocol
# XXX 2 isn't ready. When it is, move the methods in TempAbstractPickleTests
# XXX into AbstractPickleTests above, and get rid of TempAbstractPickleTests
# XXX along with the references to it in
class TempAbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_newobj_list_slots(self):
x = SlotList([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
s = self.dumps(x, 2)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
class MyInt(int):
......@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ static PyObject *inverted_registry;
/* copy_reg._extension_cache, {code: object} */
static PyObject *extension_cache;
/* For looking up name pairs in copy_reg._extension_registry. */
static PyObject *two_tuple;
static PyObject *__class___str, *__getinitargs___str, *__dict___str,
*__getstate___str, *__setstate___str, *__name___str, *__reduce___str,
*write_str, *append_str,
......@@ -1931,12 +1934,70 @@ save_global(Picklerobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *name)
if (klass != args) {
"Can't pickle %s: it's not the same object as %s.%s",
"Can't pickle %s: it's not the same object "
"as %s.%s",
"OSS", args, module, global_name);
goto finally;
if (self->proto >= 2) {
/* See whether this is in the extension registry, and if
* so generate an EXT opcode.
PyObject *py_code; /* extension code as Python object */
long code; /* extensoin code as C value */
char c_str[5];
int n;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(two_tuple, 0, module);
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(two_tuple, 1, global_name);
py_code = PyDict_GetItem(extension_registry, two_tuple);
if (py_code == NULL)
goto gen_global; /* not registered */
/* Verify py_code has the right type and value. */
if (!PyInt_Check(py_code)) {
cPickle_ErrFormat(PicklingError, "Can't pickle %s: "
"extension code %s isn't n integer",
"OO", args, py_code);
goto finally;
code = PyInt_AS_LONG(py_code);
if (code <= 0 || code > 0x7fffffffL) {
cPickle_ErrFormat(PicklingError, "Can't pickle %s: "
"extension code %ld is out of range",
"Ol", args, code);
goto finally;
/* Generate an EXT opcode. */
if (code <= 0xff) {
c_str[0] = EXT1;
c_str[1] = (char)code;
n = 2;
else if (code <= 0xffff) {
c_str[0] = EXT2;
c_str[1] = (char)(code & 0xff);
c_str[2] = (char)((code >> 8) & 0xff);
n = 3;
else {
c_str[0] = EXT4;
c_str[1] = (char)(code & 0xff);
c_str[2] = (char)((code >> 8) & 0xff);
c_str[3] = (char)((code >> 16) & 0xff);
c_str[4] = (char)((code >> 24) & 0xff);
n = 5;
if (self->write_func(self, c_str, n) >= 0)
res = 0;
goto finally; /* and don't memoize */
if (self->write_func(self, &global, 1) < 0)
goto finally;
......@@ -5213,7 +5274,11 @@ init_stuff(PyObject *module_dict)
if (!( empty_tuple = PyTuple_New(0)))
if (!(empty_tuple = PyTuple_New(0)))
return -1;
two_tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
if (two_tuple == NULL)
return -1;
/* Ugh */
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