Commit 7377bec6 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Regenerated (from resource files) with sorting version of gensuitemodule.

This is a first step towards regenerating the modules with newer, MacOSX,
versions of these programs, and using the programmatic interface to
get at the terminology in stead of poking in resource files.
parent 03b9c91a
......@@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ Resource aete resid 0 AppleEvent Suites
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Required
import Standard_Suite
import CodeWarrior_suite
import Standard_Suite
import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite
import Required
_code_to_module = {
'reqd' : Required,
'CoRe' : Standard_Suite,
'CWIE' : CodeWarrior_suite,
'CoRe' : Standard_Suite,
'MMPR' : Metrowerks_Shell_Suite,
'reqd' : Required,
_code_to_fullname = {
'reqd' : ('CodeWarrior.Required', 'Required'),
'CoRe' : ('CodeWarrior.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'CWIE' : ('CodeWarrior.CodeWarrior_suite', 'CodeWarrior_suite'),
'CoRe' : ('CodeWarrior.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'MMPR' : ('CodeWarrior.Metrowerks_Shell_Suite', 'Metrowerks_Shell_Suite'),
'reqd' : ('CodeWarrior.Required', 'Required'),
from Required import *
from Standard_Suite import *
from CodeWarrior_suite import *
from Standard_Suite import *
from Metrowerks_Shell_Suite import *
from Required import *
def getbaseclasses(v):
if not getattr(v, '_propdict', None):
......@@ -48,32 +48,6 @@ import StdSuites
# Set property and element dictionaries now that all classes have been defined
......@@ -110,37 +84,37 @@ getbaseclasses(Font)
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'cha ' : character,
'ctxt' : text,
'cwin' : window,
'file' : file,
'clin' : line,
'csel' : selection_2d_object,
'capp' : application,
'cins' : insertion_point,
'docu' : document,
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
'PRJD' : project_document,
'SYMB' : symbol_browser,
'EDIT' : editor_document,
'COMP' : file_compare_document,
'BROW' : class_browser,
'SBTG' : subtarget,
'MSSG' : message_document,
'INSP' : project_inspector,
'TXTD' : text_document,
'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
'TRGT' : target,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
'SRCF' : target_file,
'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
'FMap' : File_Mapping,
'Cata' : browser_catalog,
'BSTG' : Build_Settings,
......@@ -177,13 +151,39 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'TSTs' : Target_Source_Trees,
'DbDS' : Debugger_Display,
'Clas' : class_,
'cha ' : character,
'ctxt' : text,
'cwin' : window,
'file' : file,
'clin' : line,
'csel' : selection_2d_object,
'capp' : application,
'cins' : insertion_point,
'docu' : document,
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
'PRJD' : project_document,
'SYMB' : symbol_browser,
'EDIT' : editor_document,
'COMP' : file_compare_document,
'BROW' : class_browser,
'SBTG' : subtarget,
'MSSG' : message_document,
'INSP' : project_inspector,
'TXTD' : text_document,
'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
'TRGT' : target,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
'SRCF' : target_file,
'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
class CodeWarrior(Required_Events,
class CodeWarrior(CodeWarrior_suite_Events,
_signature = 'CWIE'
......@@ -33,21 +33,15 @@ class Microsoft_Internet_Explorer_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_do_script = {
'window' : 'WIND',
def do_script(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do script: Execute script commands
Required argument: JavaScript text to execute
Keyword argument window: optional Window Identifier (as supplied by the ListWindows event) specifying context in which to execute the script
def PrintBrowserWindow(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""PrintBrowserWindow: Print contents of browser window (HTML)
Required argument: Window Identifier of the window to print. No value means print the frontmost browser window.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: Return value
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'dosc'
_subcode = 'pWND'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_do_script)
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -59,15 +53,21 @@ class Microsoft_Internet_Explorer_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def PrintBrowserWindow(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""PrintBrowserWindow: Print contents of browser window (HTML)
Required argument: Window Identifier of the window to print. No value means print the frontmost browser window.
_argmap_do_script = {
'window' : 'WIND',
def do_script(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do script: Execute script commands
Required argument: JavaScript text to execute
Keyword argument window: optional Window Identifier (as supplied by the ListWindows event) specifying context in which to execute the script
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: Return value
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'pWND'
_subcode = 'dosc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_do_script)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@ _code = 'reqd'
from StdSuites.Required_Suite import *
class Required_Suite_Events(Required_Suite_Events):
def run(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open documents
Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'alis'
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'oapp'
_subcode = 'odoc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -32,13 +33,13 @@ class Required_Suite_Events(Required_Suite_Events):
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open documents
def print_(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""print: Print documents
Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'alis'
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'odoc'
_subcode = 'pdoc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -52,16 +53,15 @@ class Required_Suite_Events(Required_Suite_Events):
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def print_(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""print: Print documents
Required argument: undocumented, typecode 'alis'
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit application
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'pdoc'
_subcode = 'quit'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ class Required_Suite_Events(Required_Suite_Events):
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit application
def run(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
_subcode = 'oapp'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
......@@ -12,57 +12,16 @@ _code = 'WWW!'
class Web_Browser_Suite_Events:
_argmap_OpenURL = {
'to' : 'INTO',
'toWindow' : 'WIND',
'Flags' : 'FLGS',
'FormData' : 'POST',
'MIME_Type' : 'MIME',
def OpenURL(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""OpenURL: Retrieves URL off the Web.
Required argument: Fully-qualified URL
Keyword argument to: Target file for saving downloaded data
Keyword argument toWindow: Target window for resource at URL (-1 for top window, 0 for new window)
Keyword argument Flags: Valid Flags settings are: 1-Ignore the document cache; 2-Ignore the image cache; 4-Operate in background mode.
Keyword argument FormData: data to post
Keyword argument MIME_Type: MIME type of data being posted
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'OURL'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_OpenURL)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_ShowFile = {
'MIME_Type' : 'MIME',
'Window_Identifier' : 'WIND',
'URL' : 'URL ',
def ShowFile(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""ShowFile: FileSpec containing data of specified MIME type to be rendered in window specified by Window Identifier.
Required argument: The file
Keyword argument MIME_Type: MIME type
Keyword argument Window_Identifier: Identifier of the target window for the URL. (Can use -1 for top window)
Keyword argument URL: URL that allows this document to be reloaded.
def Activate(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""Activate: Activate Internet Explorer and optionally select window designated by Window Identifier.
Required argument: Window Identifier
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: Window Identifier of window to activate
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'SHWF'
_subcode = 'ACTV'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_ShowFile)
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -121,14 +80,14 @@ class Web_Browser_Suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def Activate(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""Activate: Activate Internet Explorer and optionally select window designated by Window Identifier.
Required argument: Window Identifier
def GetWindowInfo(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""GetWindowInfo: Returns a window info record (URL/Title) for the specified window.
Required argument: Window Identifier of the window
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: Window Identifier of window to activate
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'ACTV'
_subcode = 'WNFO'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -162,16 +121,28 @@ class Web_Browser_Suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def GetWindowInfo(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""GetWindowInfo: Returns a window info record (URL/Title) for the specified window.
Required argument: Window Identifier of the window
_argmap_OpenURL = {
'to' : 'INTO',
'toWindow' : 'WIND',
'Flags' : 'FLGS',
'FormData' : 'POST',
'MIME_Type' : 'MIME',
def OpenURL(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""OpenURL: Retrieves URL off the Web.
Required argument: Fully-qualified URL
Keyword argument to: Target file for saving downloaded data
Keyword argument toWindow: Target window for resource at URL (-1 for top window, 0 for new window)
Keyword argument Flags: Valid Flags settings are: 1-Ignore the document cache; 2-Ignore the image cache; 4-Operate in background mode.
Keyword argument FormData: data to post
Keyword argument MIME_Type: MIME type of data being posted
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'WNFO'
_subcode = 'OURL'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_OpenURL)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -201,6 +172,35 @@ class Web_Browser_Suite_Events:
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_ShowFile = {
'MIME_Type' : 'MIME',
'Window_Identifier' : 'WIND',
'URL' : 'URL ',
def ShowFile(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""ShowFile: FileSpec containing data of specified MIME type to be rendered in window specified by Window Identifier.
Required argument: The file
Keyword argument MIME_Type: MIME type
Keyword argument Window_Identifier: Identifier of the target window for the URL. (Can use -1 for top window)
Keyword argument URL: URL that allows this document to be reloaded.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'SHWF'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_ShowFile)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
......@@ -4,40 +4,40 @@ Resource aete resid 0
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Required_Suite
import Standard_Suite
import Web_Browser_Suite
import URL_Suite
import Microsoft_Internet_Explorer
import Netscape_Suite
import Microsoft_Internet_Explorer
import Web_Browser_Suite
import Required_Suite
_code_to_module = {
'reqd' : Required_Suite,
'****' : Standard_Suite,
'WWW!' : Web_Browser_Suite,
'GURL' : URL_Suite,
'MSIE' : Microsoft_Internet_Explorer,
'MOSS' : Netscape_Suite,
'MSIE' : Microsoft_Internet_Explorer,
'WWW!' : Web_Browser_Suite,
'reqd' : Required_Suite,
_code_to_fullname = {
'reqd' : ('Explorer.Required_Suite', 'Required_Suite'),
'****' : ('Explorer.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'WWW!' : ('Explorer.Web_Browser_Suite', 'Web_Browser_Suite'),
'GURL' : ('Explorer.URL_Suite', 'URL_Suite'),
'MSIE' : ('Explorer.Microsoft_Internet_Explorer', 'Microsoft_Internet_Explorer'),
'MOSS' : ('Explorer.Netscape_Suite', 'Netscape_Suite'),
'MSIE' : ('Explorer.Microsoft_Internet_Explorer', 'Microsoft_Internet_Explorer'),
'WWW!' : ('Explorer.Web_Browser_Suite', 'Web_Browser_Suite'),
'reqd' : ('Explorer.Required_Suite', 'Required_Suite'),
from Required_Suite import *
from Standard_Suite import *
from Web_Browser_Suite import *
from URL_Suite import *
from Microsoft_Internet_Explorer import *
from Netscape_Suite import *
from Microsoft_Internet_Explorer import *
from Web_Browser_Suite import *
from Required_Suite import *
def getbaseclasses(v):
if not getattr(v, '_propdict', None):
......@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ _classdeclarations = {
class Explorer(Required_Suite_Events,
class Explorer(Standard_Suite_Events,
_signature = 'MSIE'
......@@ -16,6 +16,18 @@ class Earlier_terms_Events(Type_Names_Suite_Events):
class accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
want = 'pcda'
accessory_processes = accessory_process
class accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'dsut'
accessory_suitcases = accessory_suitcase
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - The Finder """
want = 'capp'
......@@ -176,24 +188,6 @@ class use_relative_dates(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'urdt'
want = 'bool'
class accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
want = 'pcda'
accessory_processes = accessory_process
class accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'dsut'
accessory_suitcases = accessory_suitcase
class internet_location(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""internet location - An file containing an internet location """
want = 'inlf'
internet_locations = internet_location
class information_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""information window - An information window (opened by \xd2Get Info\xd3) """
want = 'iwnd'
......@@ -234,6 +228,12 @@ class warn_before_emptying(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'warn'
want = 'bool'
class internet_location(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""internet location - An file containing an internet location """
want = 'inlf'
internet_locations = internet_location
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item """
want = 'cobj'
......@@ -290,6 +290,26 @@ class information_window(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'iwnd'
want = 'obj '
class preferences(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences - The Finder Preferences """
want = 'cprf'
class delay_before_springing(aetools.NProperty):
"""delay before springing - the delay before springing open a container in ticks (1/60th of a second) (12 is shortest delay, 60 is longest delay) """
which = 'dela'
want = 'shor'
class spring_open_folders(aetools.NProperty):
"""spring open folders - Spring open folders after the specified delay? """
which = 'sprg'
want = 'bool'
class use_simple_menus(aetools.NProperty):
"""use simple menus - Use simplified Finder menus? """
which = 'usme'
want = 'bool'
class use_wide_grid(aetools.NProperty):
"""use wide grid - Space icons on a wide grid? """
which = 'uswg'
want = 'bool'
class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""process - A process running on this computer """
want = 'prcs'
......@@ -362,26 +382,6 @@ class trash_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""trash-object - Trash-object is the class of the \xd2trash\xd3 object """
want = 'ctrs'
class preferences(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences - The Finder Preferences """
want = 'cprf'
class delay_before_springing(aetools.NProperty):
"""delay before springing - the delay before springing open a container in ticks (1/60th of a second) (12 is shortest delay, 60 is longest delay) """
which = 'dela'
want = 'shor'
class spring_open_folders(aetools.NProperty):
"""spring open folders - Spring open folders after the specified delay? """
which = 'sprg'
want = 'bool'
class use_simple_menus(aetools.NProperty):
"""use simple menus - Use simplified Finder menus? """
which = 'usme'
want = 'bool'
class use_wide_grid(aetools.NProperty):
"""use wide grid - Space icons on a wide grid? """
which = 'uswg'
want = 'bool'
class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""window - A window """
want = 'cwin'
......@@ -429,6 +429,16 @@ class collapsed(aetools.NProperty):
"""collapsed - Is the window collapsed (only applies to open non-pop-up windows)? """
which = 'wshd'
want = 'bool'
accessory_process._superclassnames = []
accessory_process._privpropdict = {
accessory_process._privelemdict = {
accessory_suitcase._superclassnames = []
accessory_suitcase._privpropdict = {
accessory_suitcase._privelemdict = {
application._superclassnames = []
application._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
......@@ -483,21 +493,6 @@ container_window._privpropdict = {
container_window._privelemdict = {
accessory_process._superclassnames = []
accessory_process._privpropdict = {
accessory_process._privelemdict = {
accessory_suitcase._superclassnames = []
accessory_suitcase._privpropdict = {
accessory_suitcase._privelemdict = {
internet_location._superclassnames = []
internet_location._privpropdict = {
internet_location._privelemdict = {
information_window._superclassnames = ['window']
information_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -519,6 +514,11 @@ information_window._privpropdict = {
information_window._privelemdict = {
internet_location._superclassnames = []
internet_location._privpropdict = {
internet_location._privelemdict = {
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
......@@ -546,6 +546,25 @@ item._privpropdict = {
item._privelemdict = {
preferences._superclassnames = []
preferences._privpropdict = {
'window' : window,
'calculate_folder_sizes' : calculate_folder_sizes,
'delay_before_springing' : delay_before_springing,
'show_comments' : show_comments,
'show_creation_date' : show_creation_date,
'show_kind' : show_kind,
'show_label' : show_label,
'show_modification_date' : show_modification_date,
'show_size' : show_size,
'show_version' : show_version,
'spring_open_folders' : spring_open_folders,
'use_relative_dates' : use_relative_dates,
'use_simple_menus' : use_simple_menus,
'use_wide_grid' : use_wide_grid,
preferences._privelemdict = {
process._superclassnames = []
process._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
......@@ -586,25 +605,6 @@ trash_2d_object._privpropdict = {
trash_2d_object._privelemdict = {
preferences._superclassnames = []
preferences._privpropdict = {
'window' : window,
'calculate_folder_sizes' : calculate_folder_sizes,
'delay_before_springing' : delay_before_springing,
'show_comments' : show_comments,
'show_creation_date' : show_creation_date,
'show_kind' : show_kind,
'show_label' : show_label,
'show_modification_date' : show_modification_date,
'show_size' : show_size,
'show_version' : show_version,
'spring_open_folders' : spring_open_folders,
'use_relative_dates' : use_relative_dates,
'use_simple_menus' : use_simple_menus,
'use_wide_grid' : use_wide_grid,
preferences._privelemdict = {
window._superclassnames = []
window._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
......@@ -632,11 +632,11 @@ window._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'ctrs' : trash_2d_object,
'dsut' : accessory_suitcase,
'cprf' : preferences,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'capp' : application,
'ctrs' : trash_2d_object,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'pcda' : accessory_process,
'cwin' : window,
'iwnd' : information_window,
......@@ -15,6 +15,37 @@ class Enumerations_Events(Type_Names_Suite_Events):
_Enum_earr = {
'not_arranged' : 'narr', #
'snap_to_grid' : 'grda', #
'arranged_by_name' : 'nama', #
'arranged_by_modification_date' : 'mdta', #
'arranged_by_creation_date' : 'cdta', #
'arranged_by_size' : 'siza', #
'arranged_by_kind' : 'kina', #
'arranged_by_label' : 'laba', #
_Enum_ese0 = {
'starting_up' : 'ese2', #
'running' : 'ese3', #
'rebuilding_desktop' : 'ese5', #
'copying' : 'ese4', #
'restarting' : 'ese6', #
'quitting' : 'ese7', #
_Enum_gsen = {
'CPU' : 'proc', #
'FPU' : 'fpu ', #
'MMU' : 'mmu ', #
'hardware' : 'hdwr', #
'operating_system' : 'os ', #
'sound_system' : 'snd ', #
'memory_available' : 'lram', #
'memory_installed' : 'ram ', #
_Enum_ipnl = {
'General_Information_panel' : 'gpnl', #
'Sharing_panel' : 'spnl', #
......@@ -23,6 +54,12 @@ _Enum_ipnl = {
'Fonts_panel' : 'fpnl', #
_Enum_isiz = {
'mini' : 'miic', #
'small' : 'smic', #
'large' : 'lgic', #
_Enum_pple = {
'General_Preferences_panel' : 'pgnp', #
'Label_Preferences_panel' : 'plbp', #
......@@ -31,28 +68,11 @@ _Enum_pple = {
'List_View_Preferences_panel' : 'plvp', #
_Enum_earr = {
'not_arranged' : 'narr', #
'snap_to_grid' : 'grda', #
'arranged_by_name' : 'nama', #
'arranged_by_modification_date' : 'mdta', #
'arranged_by_creation_date' : 'cdta', #
'arranged_by_size' : 'siza', #
'arranged_by_kind' : 'kina', #
'arranged_by_label' : 'laba', #
_Enum_sodr = {
'normal' : 'snrm', #
'reversed' : 'srvs', #
_Enum_isiz = {
'mini' : 'miic', #
'small' : 'smic', #
'large' : 'lgic', #
_Enum_vwby = {
'conflicts' : 'cflc', #
'existing_items' : 'exsi', #
......@@ -72,26 +92,6 @@ _Enum_vwby = {
'all' : 'kyal', #
_Enum_gsen = {
'CPU' : 'proc', #
'FPU' : 'fpu ', #
'MMU' : 'mmu ', #
'hardware' : 'hdwr', #
'operating_system' : 'os ', #
'sound_system' : 'snd ', #
'memory_available' : 'lram', #
'memory_installed' : 'ram ', #
_Enum_ese0 = {
'starting_up' : 'ese2', #
'running' : 'ese3', #
'rebuilding_desktop' : 'ese5', #
'copying' : 'ese4', #
'restarting' : 'ese6', #
'quitting' : 'ese7', #
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ _compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
'sodr' : _Enum_sodr,
'ipnl' : _Enum_ipnl,
'sodr' : _Enum_sodr,
'pple' : _Enum_pple,
'ese0' : _Enum_ese0,
'vwby' : _Enum_vwby,
'gsen' : _Enum_gsen,
'isiz' : _Enum_isiz,
'earr' : _Enum_earr,
'pple' : _Enum_pple,
'gsen' : _Enum_gsen,
......@@ -15,43 +15,13 @@ class Files_and_suitcases_Events:
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file """
want = 'file'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the item class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the item """
which = 'asty'
want = 'type'
class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""creator type - the OSType identifying the application that created the item """
which = 'fcrt'
want = 'type'
class locked(aetools.NProperty):
"""locked - Is the file locked? """
which = 'aslk'
want = 'bool'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery pad? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
class product_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""product version - the version of the product (visible at the top of the \xd2Get Info\xd3 window) """
which = 'ver2'
want = 'itxt'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
"""version - the version of the file (visible at the bottom of the \xd2Get Info\xd3 window) """
which = 'vers'
want = 'itxt'
files = file
class alias_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias file - An alias file (created with \xd2Make Alias\xd3) """
want = 'alia'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the file class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'file'
class original_item(aetools.NProperty):
"""original item - the original item pointed to by the alias """
which = 'orig'
......@@ -85,23 +55,73 @@ class has_scripting_terminology(aetools.NProperty):
application_files = application_file
class clipping(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""clipping - A clipping """
want = 'clpf'
clippings = clipping
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory file - A desk accessory file """
want = 'dafi'
desk_accessory_files = desk_accessory_file
class desk_accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'dsut'
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
desk_accessory_suitcases = desk_accessory_suitcase
class document_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document file - A document file """
want = 'docf'
document_files = document_file
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file """
want = 'file'
class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the item """
which = 'asty'
want = 'type'
class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""creator type - the OSType identifying the application that created the item """
which = 'fcrt'
want = 'type'
class locked(aetools.NProperty):
"""locked - Is the file locked? """
which = 'aslk'
want = 'bool'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery pad? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
class product_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""product version - the version of the product (visible at the top of the \xd2Get Info\xd3 window) """
which = 'ver2'
want = 'itxt'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
"""version - the version of the file (visible at the bottom of the \xd2Get Info\xd3 window) """
which = 'vers'
want = 'itxt'
files = file
class font_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""font file - A font file """
want = 'fntf'
font_files = font_file
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory file - A desk accessory file """
want = 'dafi'
class font_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""font suitcase - A font suitcase """
want = 'fsut'
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
desk_accessory_files = desk_accessory_file
font_suitcases = font_suitcase
class internet_location_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""internet location file - An file containing an internet location """
......@@ -113,6 +133,12 @@ class location(aetools.NProperty):
internet_location_files = internet_location_file
class package(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""package - A package """
want = 'pack'
packages = package
class sound_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sound file - A sound file """
want = 'sndf'
......@@ -123,51 +149,12 @@ class sound(aetools.NProperty):
sound_files = sound_file
class clipping(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""clipping - A clipping """
want = 'clpf'
clippings = clipping
class package(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""package - A package """
want = 'pack'
packages = package
class suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""suitcase - A font or desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'stcs'
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
suitcases = suitcase
class font_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""font suitcase - A font suitcase """
want = 'fsut'
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
font_suitcases = font_suitcase
class desk_accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'dsut'
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
desk_accessory_suitcases = desk_accessory_suitcase
import Earlier_terms
file._superclassnames = ['item']
file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'file_type' : file_type,
'creator_type' : creator_type,
'locked' : locked,
'stationery' : stationery,
'product_version' : product_version,
'version' : version,
file._privelemdict = {
alias_file._superclassnames = ['file']
alias_file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -186,23 +173,56 @@ application_file._privpropdict = {
application_file._privelemdict = {
clipping._superclassnames = ['file']
clipping._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
clipping._privelemdict = {
desk_accessory_file._superclassnames = ['file']
desk_accessory_file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_file._privelemdict = {
desk_accessory_suitcase._superclassnames = ['suitcase']
import Earlier_terms
desk_accessory_suitcase._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_suitcase._privelemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
document_file._superclassnames = ['file']
document_file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
document_file._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = ['item']
file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'file_type' : file_type,
'creator_type' : creator_type,
'locked' : locked,
'stationery' : stationery,
'product_version' : product_version,
'version' : version,
file._privelemdict = {
font_file._superclassnames = ['file']
font_file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
font_file._privelemdict = {
desk_accessory_file._superclassnames = ['file']
desk_accessory_file._privpropdict = {
font_suitcase._superclassnames = ['suitcase']
font_suitcase._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_file._privelemdict = {
font_suitcase._privelemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
internet_location_file._superclassnames = ['file']
internet_location_file._privpropdict = {
......@@ -211,6 +231,12 @@ internet_location_file._privpropdict = {
internet_location_file._privelemdict = {
package._superclassnames = ['item']
package._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
package._privelemdict = {
sound_file._superclassnames = ['file']
sound_file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -218,18 +244,6 @@ sound_file._privpropdict = {
sound_file._privelemdict = {
clipping._superclassnames = ['file']
clipping._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
clipping._privelemdict = {
package._superclassnames = ['item']
package._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
package._privelemdict = {
suitcase._superclassnames = ['file']
suitcase._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -237,20 +251,6 @@ suitcase._privpropdict = {
suitcase._privelemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
font_suitcase._superclassnames = ['suitcase']
font_suitcase._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
font_suitcase._privelemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
desk_accessory_suitcase._superclassnames = ['suitcase']
desk_accessory_suitcase._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_suitcase._privelemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -258,24 +258,25 @@ desk_accessory_suitcase._privelemdict = {
_classdeclarations = {
'sndf' : sound_file,
'fntf' : font_file,
'inlf' : internet_location_file,
'stcs' : suitcase,
'clpf' : clipping,
'dsut' : desk_accessory_suitcase,
'alia' : alias_file,
'dafi' : desk_accessory_file,
'dsut' : desk_accessory_suitcase,
'fsut' : font_suitcase,
'file' : file,
'appf' : application_file,
'stcs' : suitcase,
'inlf' : internet_location_file,
'docf' : document_file,
'pack' : package,
_propdeclarations = {
'vers' : version,
'ver2' : product_version,
'snd ' : sound,
'vers' : version,
'appt' : preferred_size,
'snd ' : sound,
'pspd' : stationery,
'sprt' : suggested_size,
'isab' : accepts_high_level_events,
'hscr' : has_scripting_terminology,
......@@ -283,7 +284,6 @@ _propdeclarations = {
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'fcrt' : creator_type,
'mprt' : minimum_size,
'pspd' : stationery,
'iloc' : location,
'aslk' : locked,
'orig' : original_item,
......@@ -15,6 +15,30 @@ class Process_classes_Events:
class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application process - A process launched from an application file """
want = 'pcap'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the process class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'prcs'
class application_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""application file - the application file from which this process was launched """
which = 'appf'
want = 'appf'
application_processes = application_process
class desk_accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
want = 'pcda'
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched """
which = 'dafi'
want = 'obj '
desk_accessory_processes = desk_accessory_process
class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""process - A process running on this computer """
want = 'prcs'
......@@ -64,30 +88,20 @@ class partition_space_used(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'long'
processes = process
class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application process - A process launched from an application file """
want = 'pcap'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the process class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'prcs'
class application_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""application file - the application file from which this process was launched """
which = 'appf'
want = 'appf'
application_processes = application_process
class desk_accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
want = 'pcda'
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched """
which = 'dafi'
want = 'obj '
desk_accessory_processes = desk_accessory_process
application_process._superclassnames = ['process']
application_process._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'application_file' : application_file,
application_process._privelemdict = {
desk_accessory_process._superclassnames = ['process']
desk_accessory_process._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file,
desk_accessory_process._privelemdict = {
process._superclassnames = []
process._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
......@@ -104,20 +118,6 @@ process._privpropdict = {
process._privelemdict = {
application_process._superclassnames = ['process']
application_process._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'application_file' : application_file,
application_process._privelemdict = {
desk_accessory_process._superclassnames = ['process']
desk_accessory_process._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file,
desk_accessory_process._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -13,77 +13,6 @@ _code = 'CoRe'
from StdSuites.Standard_Suite import *
class Standard_Suite_Events(Standard_Suite_Events):
_argmap_open = {
'using' : 'usin',
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open the specified object(s)
Required argument: list of objects to open
Keyword argument using: the application file to open the object with
Keyword argument with_properties: the initial values for the properties, to be included with the open command sent to the application that opens the direct object
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'odoc'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_open)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_print_ = {
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def print_(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""print: Print the specified object(s)
Required argument: list of objects to print
Keyword argument with_properties: optional properties to be included with the print command sent to the application that prints the direct object
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'pdoc'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_print_)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit the Finder
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def close(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""close: Close an object
Required argument: the object to close
......@@ -288,6 +217,77 @@ class Standard_Suite_Events(Standard_Suite_Events):
aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'mvpl', _Enum_list)
aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'rout', _Enum_bool)
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_open = {
'using' : 'usin',
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open the specified object(s)
Required argument: list of objects to open
Keyword argument using: the application file to open the object with
Keyword argument with_properties: the initial values for the properties, to be included with the open command sent to the application that opens the direct object
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'odoc'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_open)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_print_ = {
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def print_(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""print: Print the specified object(s)
Required argument: list of objects to print
Keyword argument with_properties: optional properties to be included with the print command sent to the application that prints the direct object
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'pdoc'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_print_)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit the Finder
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
......@@ -15,6 +15,68 @@ class Type_Definitions_Events:
class alias_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias list - A list of aliases. Use \xd4as alias list\xd5 when a list of aliases is needed (instead of a list of file system item references). """
want = 'alst'
class icon_family(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon family - A family of icons """
want = 'ifam'
class large_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large monochrome icon and mask - the large black-and-white icon and the mask for large icons """
which = 'ICN#'
want = 'ICN#'
class large_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit mask - the large 8-bit mask for large 32-bit icons """
which = 'l8mk'
want = 'l8mk'
class large_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 32 bit icon - the large 32-bit color icon """
which = 'il32'
want = 'il32'
class large_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit icon - the large 8-bit color icon """
which = 'icl8'
want = 'icl8'
class large_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 4 bit icon - the large 4-bit color icon """
which = 'icl4'
want = 'icl4'
class small_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small monochrome icon and mask - the small black-and-white icon and the mask for small icons """
which = 'ics#'
want = 'ics#'
class small_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 8 bit mask - the small 8-bit mask for small 32-bit icons """
which = 'ics8'
want = 's8mk'
class small_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 32 bit icon - the small 32-bit color icon """
which = 'is32'
want = 'is32'
small_8_bit_icon = small_8_bit_mask
class small_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 4 bit icon - the small 4-bit color icon """
which = 'ics4'
want = 'ics4'
class label(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""label - A Finder label (name and color) """
want = 'clbl'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name associated with the label """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
"""color - the color associated with the label """
which = 'colr'
want = 'cRGB'
class preferences(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences - The Finder Preferences """
want = 'cprf'
......@@ -103,68 +165,34 @@ class view_font_size(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'vfsz'
want = 'long'
# element 'clbl' as ['indx', 'name']
class label(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""label - A Finder label (name and color) """
want = 'clbl'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name associated with the label """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
"""color - the color associated with the label """
which = 'colr'
want = 'cRGB'
class icon_family(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon family - A family of icons """
want = 'ifam'
class large_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large monochrome icon and mask - the large black-and-white icon and the mask for large icons """
which = 'ICN#'
want = 'ICN#'
class large_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit mask - the large 8-bit mask for large 32-bit icons """
which = 'l8mk'
want = 'l8mk'
class large_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 32 bit icon - the large 32-bit color icon """
which = 'il32'
want = 'il32'
class large_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit icon - the large 8-bit color icon """
which = 'icl8'
want = 'icl8'
class large_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 4 bit icon - the large 4-bit color icon """
which = 'icl4'
want = 'icl4'
class small_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small monochrome icon and mask - the small black-and-white icon and the mask for small icons """
which = 'ics#'
want = 'ics#'
class small_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 8 bit mask - the small 8-bit mask for small 32-bit icons """
which = 'ics8'
want = 's8mk'
class small_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 32 bit icon - the small 32-bit color icon """
which = 'is32'
want = 'is32'
small_8_bit_icon = small_8_bit_mask
class small_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 4 bit icon - the small 4-bit color icon """
which = 'ics4'
want = 'ics4'
class alias_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias list - A list of aliases. Use \xd4as alias list\xd5 when a list of aliases is needed (instead of a list of file system item references). """
want = 'alst'
alias_list._superclassnames = []
alias_list._privpropdict = {
alias_list._privelemdict = {
icon_family._superclassnames = []
icon_family._privpropdict = {
'large_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'large_8_bit_mask' : large_8_bit_mask,
'large_32_bit_icon' : large_32_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_icon' : large_8_bit_icon,
'large_4_bit_icon' : large_4_bit_icon,
'small_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'small_8_bit_mask' : small_8_bit_mask,
'small_32_bit_icon' : small_32_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_icon' : small_8_bit_icon,
'small_4_bit_icon' : small_4_bit_icon,
icon_family._privelemdict = {
label._superclassnames = []
label._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
'index' : index,
'color' : color,
label._privelemdict = {
preferences._superclassnames = []
preferences._privpropdict = {
'window' : window,
......@@ -192,34 +220,6 @@ preferences._privpropdict = {
preferences._privelemdict = {
'label' : label,
label._superclassnames = []
label._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
'index' : index,
'color' : color,
label._privelemdict = {
icon_family._superclassnames = []
icon_family._privpropdict = {
'large_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'large_8_bit_mask' : large_8_bit_mask,
'large_32_bit_icon' : large_32_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_icon' : large_8_bit_icon,
'large_4_bit_icon' : large_4_bit_icon,
'small_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'small_8_bit_mask' : small_8_bit_mask,
'small_32_bit_icon' : small_32_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_icon' : small_8_bit_icon,
'small_4_bit_icon' : small_4_bit_icon,
icon_family._privelemdict = {
alias_list._superclassnames = []
alias_list._privpropdict = {
alias_list._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -236,25 +236,25 @@ _propdeclarations = {
'ics4' : small_4_bit_icon,
'iarr' : spatial_view_arrangement,
'barr' : button_view_arrangement,
'ics#' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'vfnt' : view_font,
'sknd' : shows_kind,
'svrs' : shows_version,
'colr' : color,
'ics8' : small_8_bit_mask,
'icl8' : large_8_bit_icon,
'sprg' : spring_open_folders,
'pidx' : index,
'vfsz' : view_font_size,
'sfsz' : calculates_folder_sizes,
'l8mk' : large_8_bit_mask,
'vfnt' : view_font,
'ics#' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'urdt' : uses_relative_dates,
'bisz' : button_view_icon_size,
'usme' : uses_simple_menus,
'sprg' : spring_open_folders,
'icl4' : large_4_bit_icon,
'slbl' : shows_label,
'lisz' : list_view_icon_size,
'scda' : shows_creation_date,
'bisz' : button_view_icon_size,
'pidx' : index,
'ssiz' : shows_size,
'l8mk' : large_8_bit_mask,
'scom' : shows_comments,
'iisz' : spatial_view_icon_size,
'sdat' : shows_modification_date,
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ _propdeclarations = {
'pnam' : name,
'il32' : large_32_bit_icon,
'uswg' : uses_wide_grid,
'ssiz' : shows_size,
'scda' : shows_creation_date,
_compdeclarations = {
......@@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ Resource aete resid 0
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
import Earlier_terms
import Finder_Basics
import Finder_items
import Containers_and_folders
import Files_and_suitcases
import Window_classes
import Finder_Basics
import Finder_items
import Process_classes
import Window_classes
import Type_Definitions
import Earlier_terms
import Enumerations
import Obsolete_terms
_code_to_module = {
'CoRe' : Standard_Suite,
'tpnm' : Earlier_terms,
'fndr' : Finder_Basics,
'fndr' : Finder_items,
'fndr' : Containers_and_folders,
'fndr' : Files_and_suitcases,
'fndr' : Window_classes,
'fndr' : Finder_Basics,
'fndr' : Finder_items,
'fndr' : Process_classes,
'fndr' : Window_classes,
'tpdf' : Type_Definitions,
'tpnm' : Earlier_terms,
'tpnm' : Enumerations,
'tpnm' : Obsolete_terms,
......@@ -35,27 +35,27 @@ _code_to_module = {
_code_to_fullname = {
'CoRe' : ('Finder.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Earlier_terms', 'Earlier_terms'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_Basics', 'Finder_Basics'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_items', 'Finder_items'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Containers_and_folders', 'Containers_and_folders'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Files_and_suitcases', 'Files_and_suitcases'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Window_classes', 'Window_classes'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_Basics', 'Finder_Basics'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_items', 'Finder_items'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Process_classes', 'Process_classes'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Window_classes', 'Window_classes'),
'tpdf' : ('Finder.Type_Definitions', 'Type_Definitions'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Earlier_terms', 'Earlier_terms'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Enumerations', 'Enumerations'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Obsolete_terms', 'Obsolete_terms'),
from Standard_Suite import *
from Earlier_terms import *
from Finder_Basics import *
from Finder_items import *
from Containers_and_folders import *
from Files_and_suitcases import *
from Window_classes import *
from Finder_Basics import *
from Finder_items import *
from Process_classes import *
from Window_classes import *
from Type_Definitions import *
from Earlier_terms import *
from Enumerations import *
from Obsolete_terms import *
......@@ -129,9 +129,6 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.null)
......@@ -139,6 +136,9 @@ getbaseclasses(sharing_privileges)
......@@ -206,17 +206,6 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.null)
......@@ -257,6 +246,17 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.null)
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -315,9 +315,6 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'targ' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.target_id,
'QDpt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.point,
'qdrt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.bounding_rectangle,
'capp' : application,
'spfl' : special_folders,
'cobj' : item,
'ctrs' : trash_2d_object,
'cdsk' : desktop_2d_object,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
......@@ -325,6 +322,9 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'cdis' : disk,
'cfol' : folder,
'ctnr' : container,
'capp' : application,
'spfl' : special_folders,
'cobj' : item,
'sndf' : sound_file,
'fntf' : font_file,
'inlf' : internet_location_file,
......@@ -392,17 +392,6 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'targ' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.target_id,
'QDpt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.point,
'qdrt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.bounding_rectangle,
'qwnd' : status_window,
'capp' : application,
'swnd' : sharing_window,
'ccdv' : control_panel,
'prcs' : process,
'cobj' : item,
'file' : file,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'cwnd' : container_window,
'ctnr' : container,
'iwnd' : information_window,
'shor' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.small_integer,
'tr16' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.RGB16_color,
'aeut' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.system_dictionary,
......@@ -443,18 +432,29 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'targ' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.target_id,
'QDpt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.point,
'qdrt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.bounding_rectangle,
'qwnd' : status_window,
'capp' : application,
'swnd' : sharing_window,
'ccdv' : control_panel,
'prcs' : process,
'cobj' : item,
'file' : file,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'cwnd' : container_window,
'ctnr' : container,
'iwnd' : information_window,
class Finder(Standard_Suite_Events,
......@@ -12,21 +12,20 @@ _code = 'ppnt'
class PowerPlant_Events:
_argmap_select = {
'data' : 'data',
_argmap_SwitchTellTarget = {
'to' : 'data',
def select(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""select: Sets the present selection
Required argument: object to select or container of sub-objects to select
Keyword argument data: sub-object(s) to select
def SwitchTellTarget(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""SwitchTellTarget: Makes an object the \xd2focus\xd3 of AppleEvents
Keyword argument to: reference to new focus of AppleEvents
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'slct'
_code = 'ppnt'
_subcode = 'sttg'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_select)
_arguments['----'] = _object
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_SwitchTellTarget)
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -37,20 +36,21 @@ class PowerPlant_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_SwitchTellTarget = {
'to' : 'data',
_argmap_select = {
'data' : 'data',
def SwitchTellTarget(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""SwitchTellTarget: Makes an object the \xd2focus\xd3 of AppleEvents
Keyword argument to: reference to new focus of AppleEvents
def select(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""select: Sets the present selection
Required argument: object to select or container of sub-objects to select
Keyword argument data: sub-object(s) to select
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'ppnt'
_subcode = 'sttg'
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'slct'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_SwitchTellTarget)
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_select)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -16,31 +16,6 @@ class Text_Events(Text_Suite_Events):
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - independent text view objects """
want = 'ctxt'
class updateLevel(aetools.NProperty):
"""updateLevel - updating level. Can only be incremented or decremented. Do so only in a try block -- if the level is greater than zero, visual text updating will cease. """
which = 'pUpL'
want = 'long'
class beginning(aetools.NProperty):
"""beginning - Beginning of element """
which = 'bgng'
want = 'obj '
class end(aetools.NProperty):
"""end - Ending of element """
which = 'end '
want = 'obj '
class infront(aetools.NProperty):
"""infront - Immediately before element """
which = 'pBef'
want = 'obj '
class justbehind(aetools.NProperty):
"""justbehind - Immediately after element """
which = 'pAft'
want = 'obj '
# element 'stys' as ['indx', 'name']
class styleset(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styleset - A style \xd2set\xd3 that may be used repeatedly in text objects. """
want = 'stys'
......@@ -70,17 +45,31 @@ class style(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'tsty'
stylesets = styleset
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
'updateLevel' : updateLevel,
'beginning' : beginning,
'end' : end,
'infront' : infront,
'justbehind' : justbehind,
text._privelemdict = {
'styleset' : styleset,
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - independent text view objects """
want = 'ctxt'
class updateLevel(aetools.NProperty):
"""updateLevel - updating level. Can only be incremented or decremented. Do so only in a try block -- if the level is greater than zero, visual text updating will cease. """
which = 'pUpL'
want = 'long'
class beginning(aetools.NProperty):
"""beginning - Beginning of element """
which = 'bgng'
want = 'obj '
class end(aetools.NProperty):
"""end - Ending of element """
which = 'end '
want = 'obj '
class infront(aetools.NProperty):
"""infront - Immediately before element """
which = 'pBef'
want = 'obj '
class justbehind(aetools.NProperty):
"""justbehind - Immediately after element """
which = 'pAft'
want = 'obj '
# element 'stys' as ['indx', 'name']
styleset._superclassnames = []
styleset._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
......@@ -92,27 +81,38 @@ styleset._privpropdict = {
styleset._privelemdict = {
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
'updateLevel' : updateLevel,
'beginning' : beginning,
'end' : end,
'infront' : infront,
'justbehind' : justbehind,
text._privelemdict = {
'styleset' : styleset,
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'ctxt' : text,
'stys' : styleset,
'ctxt' : text,
_propdeclarations = {
'pBef' : infront,
'ptsz' : size,
'bgng' : beginning,
'colr' : color,
'txst' : style,
'psct' : writing_code,
'pAft' : justbehind,
'font' : font,
'end ' : end,
'ptsz' : size,
'pUpL' : updateLevel,
'pnam' : name,
'font' : font,
'pBef' : infront,
_compdeclarations = {
......@@ -70,32 +70,6 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_parse_anchor = {
'relative_to' : 'RELA',
def parse_anchor(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""parse anchor: Resolves the relative URL
Required argument: Main URL
Keyword argument relative_to: Relative URL
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: Parsed URL
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'PRSA'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_parse_anchor)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
......@@ -150,13 +124,14 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def webActivate(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""webActivate: Makes Netscape the frontmost application, and selects a given window. This event is here for suite completeness/ cross-platform compatibility only, you should use standard AppleEvents instead.
Required argument: window to bring to front
def get_window_info(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""get window info: Returns the information about the window as a list. Currently the list contains the window title and the URL. You can get the same information using standard Apple Event GetProperty.
Required argument: window ID
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: undocumented, typecode 'list'
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'ACTV'
_subcode = 'WNFO'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -190,16 +165,21 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def get_window_info(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""get window info: Returns the information about the window as a list. Currently the list contains the window title and the URL. You can get the same information using standard Apple Event GetProperty.
Required argument: window ID
_argmap_parse_anchor = {
'relative_to' : 'RELA',
def parse_anchor(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""parse anchor: Resolves the relative URL
Required argument: Main URL
Keyword argument relative_to: Relative URL
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: undocumented, typecode 'list'
Returns: Parsed URL
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'WNFO'
_subcode = 'PRSA'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_parse_anchor)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -231,15 +211,21 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def unregister_URL_echo(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""unregister URL echo: cancels URL echo
Required argument: application signature
_argmap_register_protocol = {
'for_protocol' : 'PROT',
def register_protocol(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""register protocol: Registers application as a \xd2handler\xd3 for this protocol with a given prefix. The handler will receive \xd2OpenURL\xd3, or if that fails, \xd2GetURL\xd3 event.
Required argument: Application sig
Keyword argument for_protocol: protocol prefix: \xd2finger:\xd3, \xd2file\xd3,
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: TRUE if registration has been successful
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'UNRU'
_subcode = 'RGPR'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_register_protocol)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -279,21 +265,21 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_unregister_viewer = {
'MIME_type' : 'MIME',
_argmap_register_window_close = {
'for_window' : 'WIND',
def unregister_viewer(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""unregister viewer: Revert to the old way of handling this MIME type
Required argument: Application sig
Keyword argument MIME_type: MIME type to be unregistered
def register_window_close(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""register window close: Netscape will notify registered application when this window closes
Required argument: Application signature
Keyword argument for_window: window ID
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: TRUE if the event was successful
Returns: true if successful
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'UNRV'
_subcode = 'RGWC'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_unregister_viewer)
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_register_window_close)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -305,21 +291,15 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_register_protocol = {
'for_protocol' : 'PROT',
def register_protocol(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""register protocol: Registers application as a \xd2handler\xd3 for this protocol with a given prefix. The handler will receive \xd2OpenURL\xd3, or if that fails, \xd2GetURL\xd3 event.
Required argument: Application sig
Keyword argument for_protocol: protocol prefix: \xd2finger:\xd3, \xd2file\xd3,
def unregister_URL_echo(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""unregister URL echo: cancels URL echo
Required argument: application signature
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: TRUE if registration has been successful
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'RGPR'
_subcode = 'UNRU'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_register_protocol)
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -357,21 +337,21 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_register_window_close = {
'for_window' : 'WIND',
_argmap_unregister_viewer = {
'MIME_type' : 'MIME',
def register_window_close(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""register window close: Netscape will notify registered application when this window closes
Required argument: Application signature
Keyword argument for_window: window ID
def unregister_viewer(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""unregister viewer: Revert to the old way of handling this MIME type
Required argument: Application sig
Keyword argument MIME_type: MIME type to be unregistered
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: true if successful
Returns: TRUE if the event was successful
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'RGWC'
_subcode = 'UNRV'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_register_window_close)
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_unregister_viewer)
_arguments['----'] = _object
......@@ -401,6 +381,26 @@ class WorldWideWeb_suite_Events:
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def webActivate(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""webActivate: Makes Netscape the frontmost application, and selects a given window. This event is here for suite completeness/ cross-platform compatibility only, you should use standard AppleEvents instead.
Required argument: window to bring to front
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'WWW!'
_subcode = 'ACTV'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
......@@ -4,44 +4,44 @@ Resource aete resid 0
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Required_suite
import Standard_Suite
import Standard_URL_suite
import WorldWideWeb_suite
import Mozilla_suite
import PowerPlant
import Text
import WorldWideWeb_suite
import PowerPlant
import Required_suite
_code_to_module = {
'reqd' : Required_suite,
'CoRe' : Standard_Suite,
'GURL' : Standard_URL_suite,
'WWW!' : WorldWideWeb_suite,
'MOSS' : Mozilla_suite,
'ppnt' : PowerPlant,
'TEXT' : Text,
'WWW!' : WorldWideWeb_suite,
'ppnt' : PowerPlant,
'reqd' : Required_suite,
_code_to_fullname = {
'reqd' : ('Netscape.Required_suite', 'Required_suite'),
'CoRe' : ('Netscape.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'GURL' : ('Netscape.Standard_URL_suite', 'Standard_URL_suite'),
'WWW!' : ('Netscape.WorldWideWeb_suite', 'WorldWideWeb_suite'),
'MOSS' : ('Netscape.Mozilla_suite', 'Mozilla_suite'),
'ppnt' : ('Netscape.PowerPlant', 'PowerPlant'),
'TEXT' : ('Netscape.Text', 'Text'),
'WWW!' : ('Netscape.WorldWideWeb_suite', 'WorldWideWeb_suite'),
'ppnt' : ('Netscape.PowerPlant', 'PowerPlant'),
'reqd' : ('Netscape.Required_suite', 'Required_suite'),
from Required_suite import *
from Standard_Suite import *
from Standard_URL_suite import *
from WorldWideWeb_suite import *
from Mozilla_suite import *
from PowerPlant import *
from Text import *
from WorldWideWeb_suite import *
from PowerPlant import *
from Required_suite import *
def getbaseclasses(v):
if not getattr(v, '_propdict', None):
......@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ import StdSuites
......@@ -71,6 +69,8 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Text_Suite.word)
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Text_Suite.text)
_classdeclarations = {
'cwin' : window,
'capp' : application,
'ctxt' : text,
'stys' : styleset,
'cpar' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.paragraph,
'cha ' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.character,
'tsty' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text_style_info,
......@@ -87,16 +85,18 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'cflo' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text_flow,
'clin' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.line,
'ctxt' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text,
'ctxt' : text,
'stys' : styleset,
class Netscape(Required_suite_Events,
class Netscape(Standard_Suite_Events,
_signature = 'MOSS'
......@@ -15,38 +15,6 @@ class Macintosh_Connectivity_Clas_Events:
class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""device specification - A device connected to a computer """
want = 'cdev'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
which = 'pALL'
want = 'reco'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""device type - the kind of device """
which = 'pdvt'
want = 'edvt'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
"""device address - the address of the device """
which = 'pdva'
want = 'cadr'
device_specifications = device_specification
class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
want = 'cadr'
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
which = 'pcon'
want = 'econ'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
"""protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
which = 'pprt'
want = 'epro'
address_specifications = address_specification
class ADB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ADB address - Addresses a device connected via Apple Desktop Bus """
want = 'cadb'
......@@ -79,12 +47,6 @@ class AppleTalk_type(aetools.NProperty):
AppleTalk_addresses = AppleTalk_address
class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
want = 'cbus'
bus_slots = bus_slot
class Ethernet_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Ethernet address - Addresses a device by its Ethernet address """
want = 'cen '
......@@ -149,31 +111,53 @@ class Token_Ring_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
Token_Ring_addresses = Token_Ring_address
class USB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""USB address - Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus """
class USB_Addresses(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""USB Addresses - """
want = 'cusb'
USB_address = USB_Addresses
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the USB device name """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'TEXT'
USB_Addresses = USB_address
device_specification._superclassnames = []
device_specification._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
'device_type' : device_type,
'device_address' : device_address,
device_specification._privelemdict = {
address_specification._superclassnames = []
address_specification._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
'conduit' : conduit,
'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._privelemdict = {
class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
want = 'cadr'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
which = 'pALL'
want = 'reco'
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
which = 'pcon'
want = 'econ'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
"""protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
which = 'pprt'
want = 'epro'
address_specifications = address_specification
class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
want = 'cbus'
bus_slots = bus_slot
class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""device specification - A device connected to a computer """
want = 'cdev'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""device type - the kind of device """
which = 'pdvt'
want = 'edvt'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
"""device address - the address of the device """
which = 'pdva'
want = 'cadr'
device_specifications = device_specification
ADB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
ADB_address._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -190,13 +174,6 @@ AppleTalk_address._privpropdict = {
AppleTalk_address._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
bus_slot._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'ID' : ID,
bus_slot._privelemdict = {
Ethernet_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
Ethernet_address._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -245,36 +222,34 @@ Token_Ring_address._privpropdict = {
Token_Ring_address._privelemdict = {
USB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
USB_address._privpropdict = {
USB_Addresses._superclassnames = []
USB_Addresses._privpropdict = {
USB_Addresses._privelemdict = {
address_specification._superclassnames = []
address_specification._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
'conduit' : conduit,
'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
bus_slot._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'name' : name,
'ID' : ID,
USB_address._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._privelemdict = {
_Enum_edvt = {
'hard_disk_drive' : 'ehd ', #
'floppy_disk_drive' : 'efd ', #
'CD_ROM_drive' : 'ecd ', #
'DVD_drive' : 'edvd', #
'storage_device' : 'edst', #
'keyboard' : 'ekbd', #
'mouse' : 'emou', #
'trackball' : 'etrk', #
'trackpad' : 'edtp', #
'pointing_device' : 'edpd', #
'video_monitor' : 'edvm', #
'LCD_display' : 'edlc', #
'display' : 'edds', #
'modem' : 'edmm', #
'PC_card' : 'ecpc', #
'PCI_card' : 'edpi', #
'NuBus_card' : 'ednb', #
'printer' : 'edpr', #
'speakers' : 'edsp', #
'microphone' : 'ecmi', #
device_specification._superclassnames = []
device_specification._privpropdict = {
'properties' : properties,
'device_type' : device_type,
'device_address' : device_address,
device_specification._privelemdict = {
_Enum_econ = {
'ADB' : 'eadb', #
'printer_port' : 'ecpp', #
......@@ -301,6 +276,29 @@ _Enum_econ = {
'microphone' : 'ecmi', #
_Enum_edvt = {
'hard_disk_drive' : 'ehd ', #
'floppy_disk_drive' : 'efd ', #
'CD_ROM_drive' : 'ecd ', #
'DVD_drive' : 'edvd', #
'storage_device' : 'edst', #
'keyboard' : 'ekbd', #
'mouse' : 'emou', #
'trackball' : 'etrk', #
'trackpad' : 'edtp', #
'pointing_device' : 'edpd', #
'video_monitor' : 'edvm', #
'LCD_display' : 'edlc', #
'display' : 'edds', #
'modem' : 'edmm', #
'PC_card' : 'ecpc', #
'PCI_card' : 'edpi', #
'NuBus_card' : 'ednb', #
'printer' : 'edpr', #
'speakers' : 'edsp', #
'microphone' : 'ecmi', #
_Enum_epro = {
'serial' : 'epsr', #
'AppleTalk' : 'epat', #
......@@ -335,16 +333,16 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'cbus' : bus_slot,
'cscs' : SCSI_address,
'cadb' : ADB_address,
'cusb' : USB_address,
'cdev' : device_specification,
'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
'cusb' : USB_Addresses,
'cip ' : IP_address,
'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
'cdev' : device_specification,
'cen ' : Ethernet_address,
_propdeclarations = {
'pdns' : DNS_form,
'ppor' : port,
'pdva' : device_address,
'patt' : AppleTalk_type,
'pprt' : protocol,
'pcon' : conduit,
......@@ -355,10 +353,10 @@ _propdeclarations = {
'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'ID ' : ID,
'pALL' : properties,
'psoc' : socket,
'pscb' : SCSI_bus,
'pdva' : device_address,
'ppor' : port,
'patm' : AppleTalk_machine,
'psoc' : socket,
'pslu' : LUN,
'pnod' : node,
......@@ -119,6 +119,12 @@ class update_on_change(aetools.NProperty):
drawing_areas = drawing_area
class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
want = 'cpic'
graphic_groups = graphic_group
class graphic_line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic line - A graphic line """
want = 'glin'
......@@ -173,12 +179,6 @@ class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'ustl'
want = 'tsty'
class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
want = 'cpic'
graphic_groups = graphic_group
class oval(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""oval - An oval """
want = 'covl'
......@@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel - A pixel """
want = 'cpxl'
pixels = pixel
class pixel_map(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel map - A pixel map """
want = 'cpix'
pixel_maps = pixel_map
pixels = pixel
class polygon(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""polygon - A polygon """
want = 'cpgn'
......@@ -259,6 +259,11 @@ drawing_area._privpropdict = {
drawing_area._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {
graphic_line._superclassnames = []
graphic_line._privpropdict = {
'start_point' : start_point,
......@@ -287,11 +292,6 @@ graphic_text._privpropdict = {
graphic_text._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {
oval._superclassnames = []
oval._privpropdict = {
......@@ -326,6 +326,13 @@ rounded_rectangle._privpropdict = {
rounded_rectangle._privelemdict = {
_Enum_arro = {
'no_arrow' : 'arno', # No arrow on line
'arrow_at_start' : 'arst', # Arrow at start of line
'arrow_at_end' : 'aren', # Arrow at end of line
'arrow_at_both_ends' : 'arbo', # Arrow at both the start and the end of the line
_Enum_tran = {
'copy_pixels' : 'cpy ', #
'not_copy_pixels' : 'ncpy', #
......@@ -344,13 +351,6 @@ _Enum_tran = {
'blend_pixels' : 'blnd', #
_Enum_arro = {
'no_arrow' : 'arno', # No arrow on line
'arrow_at_start' : 'arst', # Arrow at start of line
'arrow_at_end' : 'aren', # Arrow at end of line
'arrow_at_both_ends' : 'arbo', # Arrow at both the start and the end of the line
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -12,15 +12,17 @@ _code = 'trmx'
class Terminal_Suite_Events:
def run(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""run: Run the Terminal application
def count(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object
Required argument: a reference to the objects to be counted
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the number of objects counted
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'oapp'
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'cnte'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -31,15 +33,23 @@ class Terminal_Suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit the Terminal application
_argmap_do_script = {
'with_command' : 'cmnd',
'in_' : 'kfil',
def do_script(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do script: Run a UNIX shell script or command
Required argument: data to be passed to the Terminal application as the command line
Keyword argument with_command: data to be passed to the Terminal application as the command line, deprecated, use direct parameter
Keyword argument in_: the window in which to execute the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'dosc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_do_script)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -50,17 +60,15 @@ class Terminal_Suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def count(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object
Required argument: a reference to the objects to be counted
def quit(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit the Terminal application
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the number of objects counted
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'cnte'
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
......@@ -71,23 +79,15 @@ class Terminal_Suite_Events:
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_do_script = {
'with_command' : 'cmnd',
'in_' : 'kfil',
def do_script(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do script: Run a UNIX shell script or command
Required argument: data to be passed to the Terminal application as the command line
Keyword argument with_command: data to be passed to the Terminal application as the command line, deprecated, use direct parameter
Keyword argument in_: the window in which to execute the command
def run(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""run: Run the Terminal application
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'dosc'
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'oapp'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_do_script)
_arguments['----'] = _object
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
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