Commit 7403c88b authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Update printout of SSL certificate examples for 3.2+.

parent d3f617b2
......@@ -788,10 +788,19 @@ This example connects to an SSL server and prints the server's certificate::
# note that closing the SSLSocket will also close the underlying socket
As of October 6, 2010, the certificate printed by this program looks like
As of January 6, 2012, the certificate printed by this program looks like
{'notAfter': 'May 25 23:59:59 2012 GMT',
{'issuer': ((('countryName', 'US'),),
(('organizationName', 'VeriSign, Inc.'),),
(('organizationalUnitName', 'VeriSign Trust Network'),),
'Terms of use at (c)06'),),
'VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL SGC CA'),)),
'notAfter': 'May 25 23:59:59 2012 GMT',
'notBefore': 'May 26 00:00:00 2010 GMT',
'serialNumber': '53D2BEF924A7245E83CA01E46CAA2477',
'subject': ((('', 'US'),),
(('', 'Delaware'),),
(('businessCategory', 'V1.0, Clause 5.(b)'),),
......@@ -803,7 +812,16 @@ this::
(('streetAddress', '487 East Middlefield Road'),),
(('organizationName', 'VeriSign, Inc.'),),
(('organizationalUnitName', ' Production Security Services'),),
(('commonName', ''),))}
(('commonName', ''),)),
'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', ''),
('DNS', '')),
'version': 3}
This other example first creates an SSL context, instructs it to verify
certificates sent by peers, and feeds it a set of recognized certificate
......@@ -834,9 +852,26 @@ Visual inspection shows that the certificate does identify the desired service
(that is, the HTTPS host ````)::
>>> pprint.pprint(cert)
{'notAfter': 'Jun 26 21:41:46 2011 GMT',
{'issuer': ((('organizationName', 'CAcert Inc.'),),
(('organizationalUnitName', ''),),
(('commonName', 'CAcert Class 3 Root'),)),
'notAfter': 'Jun 7 21:02:24 2013 GMT',
'notBefore': 'Jun 8 21:02:24 2011 GMT',
'serialNumber': 'D3E9',
'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''), ('othername', '<unsupported>'))}
'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''),
('othername', '<unsupported>'),
('DNS', ''),
('othername', '<unsupported>'),
('DNS', ''),
('othername', '<unsupported>'),
('DNS', ''),
('othername', '<unsupported>'),
('DNS', ''),
('othername', '<unsupported>'),
('DNS', '*'),
('othername', '<unsupported>')),
'version': 3}
Now that you are assured of its authenticity, you can proceed to talk with
the server::
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