Commit 74bb4c1b authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Fix minor markup nits.

parent e91a3b50
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Hello, world
list. Select ``Multithreaded DLL'' from the ``Use run-time
library:'' dropdown list.
You should now create the file spam.def as instructed in the
You should now create the file \file{spam.def} as instructed in the
previous section. Then chose the \menuselection{Insert \sub Files
into Project} dialog. Set the pattern to \code{*.*} and select
both \file{spam.c} and \file{spam.def} and click OK. (Inserting
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ and add the following to the module initialization function:
MyObject_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
Refer to section 3 of the
Refer to section~3 of the
\citetitle[]{Python FAQ} for details
on why you must do this.
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