Commit 759a02ca authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

merge with 3.4

parents 4f8e2a98 95988f98
......@@ -27,15 +27,16 @@ directives = [
'parsed-literal', 'pull-quote', 'raw', 'replace',
'restructuredtext-test-directive', 'role', 'rubric', 'sectnum', 'sidebar',
'table', 'target-notes', 'tip', 'title', 'topic', 'unicode', 'warning',
# Sphinx custom ones
# Sphinx and Python docs custom ones
'acks', 'attribute', 'autoattribute', 'autoclass', 'autodata',
'autoexception', 'autofunction', 'automethod', 'automodule', 'centered',
'cfunction', 'class', 'classmethod', 'cmacro', 'cmdoption', 'cmember',
'code-block', 'confval', 'cssclass', 'ctype', 'currentmodule', 'cvar',
'data', 'deprecated-removed', 'deprecated(?!-removed)', 'describe', 'directive',
'doctest', 'envvar', 'event',
'exception', 'function', 'glossary', 'highlight', 'highlightlang', 'index',
'literalinclude', 'method', 'module', 'moduleauthor', 'productionlist',
'data', 'decorator', 'decoratormethod', 'deprecated-removed',
'deprecated(?!-removed)', 'describe', 'directive', 'doctest', 'envvar',
'event', 'exception', 'function', 'glossary', 'highlight', 'highlightlang',
'impl-detail', 'index', 'literalinclude', 'method', 'miscnews', 'module',
'moduleauthor', 'opcode', 'pdbcommand', 'productionlist',
'program', 'role', 'sectionauthor', 'seealso', 'sourcecode', 'staticmethod',
'tabularcolumns', 'testcode', 'testoutput', 'testsetup', 'toctree', 'todo',
'todolist', 'versionadded', 'versionchanged'
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