Commit 7727e0c8 authored by Fredrik Lundh's avatar Fredrik Lundh

-- ANSI-fying, names

   (patch #100762 by Peter Schneider-Kamp, minus the
    indentation changes)

-- added INT_PTR workaround to make it build under VC 5.0
parent c1e20767
......@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
#ifdef MS_WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#if _MSC_VER < 1200
#define INT_PTR unsigned long
#ifdef UNIX
......@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct {
} mmap_object;
static void
mmap_object_dealloc(mmap_object * m_obj)
mmap_object_dealloc(mmap_object *m_obj)
#ifdef MS_WIN32
UnmapViewOfFile (m_obj->data);
......@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ mmap_object_dealloc(mmap_object * m_obj)
static PyObject *
mmap_close_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
mmap_close_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":close"))
return NULL;
......@@ -115,11 +118,11 @@ do { \
#endif /* UNIX */
static PyObject *
mmap_read_byte_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_read_byte_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
char value;
char * where;
char *where;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":read_byte"))
return NULL;
......@@ -135,13 +138,13 @@ mmap_read_byte_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_read_line_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_read_line_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
char * start = self->data+self->pos;
char * eof = self->data+self->size;
char * eol;
PyObject * result;
char *start = self->data+self->pos;
char *eof = self->data+self->size;
char *eol;
PyObject *result;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":readline"))
......@@ -159,14 +162,14 @@ mmap_read_line_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_read_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_read_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
long num_bytes;
PyObject *result;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &num_bytes))
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l:read", &num_bytes))
/* silently 'adjust' out-of-range requests */
......@@ -179,22 +182,22 @@ mmap_read_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_find_method (mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
mmap_find_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
int start = self->pos;
char * needle;
char *needle;
int len;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s#|i", &needle, &len, &start)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s#|i:find", &needle, &len, &start)) {
return NULL;
} else {
char * p = self->data+self->pos;
char * e = self->data+self->size;
char *p = self->data+self->pos;
char *e = self->data+self->size;
while (p < e) {
char * s = p;
char * n = needle;
char *s = p;
char *n = needle;
while ((s<e) && (*n) && !(*s-*n)) {
s++, n++;
......@@ -210,14 +213,14 @@ mmap_find_method (mmap_object *self,
static PyObject *
mmap_write_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_write_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
long length;
char * data;
char *data;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s#", &data, &length))
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s#:write", &data, &length))
if ((self->pos + length) > self->size) {
......@@ -231,13 +234,13 @@ mmap_write_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_write_byte_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_write_byte_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
char value;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "c", &value))
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "c:write_byte", &value))
*(self->data+self->pos) = value;
......@@ -247,8 +250,8 @@ mmap_write_byte_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_size_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_size_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":size"))
......@@ -286,12 +289,12 @@ mmap_size_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_resize_method (mmap_object * self,
PyObject * args)
mmap_resize_method(mmap_object *self,
PyObject *args)
unsigned long new_size;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l", &new_size)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "l:resize", &new_size)) {
return NULL;
#ifdef MS_WIN32
} else {
......@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ mmap_resize_method (mmap_object * self,
static PyObject *
mmap_tell_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
mmap_tell_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":tell"))
......@@ -372,12 +375,12 @@ mmap_tell_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
static PyObject *
mmap_flush_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
mmap_flush_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
size_t offset = 0;
size_t size = self->size;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "|ll", &offset, &size)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "|ll:flush", &offset, &size)) {
return NULL;
} else if ((offset + size) > self->size) {
PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ValueError,
......@@ -403,12 +406,12 @@ mmap_flush_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
static PyObject *
mmap_seek_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
mmap_seek_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
int dist;
int how=0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i|i", &dist, &how)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "i|i:seek", &dist, &how)) {
} else {
size_t where;
......@@ -446,11 +449,11 @@ onoutofrange:
static PyObject *
mmap_move_method (mmap_object * self, PyObject * args)
mmap_move_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
unsigned long dest, src, count;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "iii", &dest, &src, &count)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "iii:move", &dest, &src, &count)) {
return NULL;
} else {
/* bounds check the values */
......@@ -502,10 +505,7 @@ mmap_buffer_getreadbuf(mmap_object *self, int index, const void **ptr)
static int
mmap_buffer_getwritebuf(self, index, ptr)
mmap_object *self;
int index;
const void **ptr;
mmap_buffer_getwritebuf(mmap_object *self, int index, const void **ptr)
if ( index != 0 ) {
......@@ -518,9 +518,7 @@ mmap_buffer_getwritebuf(self, index, ptr)
static int
mmap_buffer_getsegcount(self, lenp)
mmap_object *self;
int *lenp;
mmap_buffer_getsegcount(mmap_object *self, int *lenp)
if (lenp)
......@@ -529,10 +527,7 @@ mmap_buffer_getsegcount(self, lenp)
static int
mmap_buffer_getcharbuffer(self, index, ptr)
mmap_object *self;
int index;
const void **ptr;
mmap_buffer_getcharbuffer(mmap_object *self, int index, const void **ptr)
if ( index != 0 ) {
......@@ -544,23 +539,20 @@ mmap_buffer_getcharbuffer(self, index, ptr)
static PyObject *
mmap_object_getattr(mmap_object * self, char * name)
mmap_object_getattr(mmap_object *self, char *name)
return Py_FindMethod (mmap_object_methods, (PyObject *)self, name);
static int
mmap_object *self;
mmap_length(mmap_object *self)
return self->size;
static PyObject *
mmap_item(self, i)
mmap_object *self;
int i;
mmap_item(mmap_object *self, int i)
if (i < 0 || (size_t)i >= self->size) {
......@@ -571,9 +563,7 @@ mmap_item(self, i)
static PyObject *
mmap_slice(self, ilow, ihigh)
mmap_object *self;
int ilow, ihigh;
mmap_slice(mmap_object *self, int ilow, int ihigh)
if (ilow < 0)
......@@ -591,9 +581,7 @@ mmap_slice(self, ilow, ihigh)
static PyObject *
mmap_concat(self, bb)
mmap_object *self;
PyObject *bb;
mmap_concat(mmap_object *self, PyObject *bb)
......@@ -602,9 +590,7 @@ mmap_concat(self, bb)
static PyObject *
mmap_repeat(self, n)
mmap_object *self;
int n;
mmap_repeat(mmap_object *self, int n)
......@@ -613,10 +599,7 @@ mmap_repeat(self, n)
static int
mmap_ass_slice(self, ilow, ihigh, v)
mmap_object *self;
int ilow, ihigh;
PyObject *v;
mmap_ass_slice(mmap_object *self, int ilow, int ihigh, PyObject *v)
const char *buf;
......@@ -648,10 +631,7 @@ mmap_ass_slice(self, ilow, ihigh, v)
static int
mmap_ass_item(self, i, v)
mmap_object *self;
int i;
PyObject *v;
mmap_ass_item(mmap_object *self, int i, PyObject *v)
const char *buf;
......@@ -724,8 +704,7 @@ static PyTypeObject mmap_object_type = {
Returns -1 on error, with an apprpriate Python exception raised. On
success, the map size is returned. */
static int
PyObject *o;
_GetMapSize(PyObject *o)
if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
long i = PyInt_AsLong(o);
......@@ -772,9 +751,9 @@ onposoverflow:
#ifdef UNIX
static PyObject *
new_mmap_object (PyObject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject *kwdict)
new_mmap_object(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict)
mmap_object * m_obj;
mmap_object *m_obj;
PyObject *map_size_obj = NULL;
int map_size;
int fd, flags = MAP_SHARED, prot = PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ;
......@@ -809,12 +788,12 @@ new_mmap_object (PyObject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject *kwdict)
#ifdef MS_WIN32
static PyObject *
new_mmap_object (PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
new_mmap_object(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
mmap_object * m_obj;
mmap_object *m_obj;
PyObject *map_size_obj = NULL;
int map_size;
char * tagname = "";
char *tagname = "";
DWORD dwErr = 0;
int fileno;
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