Commit 7b2e2df7 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Various items

parent e3ae655e
......@@ -1496,6 +1496,25 @@ specific to a particular implementation of Python such as CPython,
Jython, or IronPython. If either option is used with Python 2.6, the
interpreter will report that the option isn't currently used.
It's now possible to prevent Python from writing :file:`.pyc` or
:file:`.pyo` files on importing a module by supplying the :option:`-B`
switch to the Python interpreter, or by setting the
:envvar:`PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE` environment variable before running
the interpreter. This setting is available to Python programs as the
``sys.dont_write_bytecode`` variable, and can be changed by Python
code to modify the interpreter's behaviour. (Contributed by Neal
Norwitz and Georg Brandl.)
The encoding used for standard input, output, and standard error can
be specified by setting the :envvar:`PYTHONIOENCODING` environment
variable before running the interpreter. The value should be a string
in the form ``**encoding**`` or ``**encoding**:**errorhandler**``.
The **encoding** part specifies the encoding's name, e.g. ``utf-8`` or
``latin-1``; the optional **errorhandler** part specifies
what to do with characters that can't be handled by the encoding,
and should be one of "error", "ignore", or "replace". (Contributed
by Martin von Loewis.)
.. ======================================================================
New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules
......@@ -2276,6 +2295,11 @@ details.
the corresponding method. (Contributed by Erik Demaine;
* The :mod:`Tkinter` module now accepts lists and tuples for options,
separating the elements by spaces before passing the resulting value to
(Contributed by XXX; :issue:`2906`.)
* The :mod:`turtle` module for turtle graphics was greatly enhanced by
Gregor Lingl. New features in the module include:
......@@ -2366,6 +2390,93 @@ details.
.. ======================================================================
.. whole new modules get described in subsections here
The :mod:`ast` module
The :mod:`ast` module provides an Abstract Syntax Tree representation
of Python code. For Python 2.6, Armin Ronacher contributed a set of
helper functions that perform various common tasks. These will be useful
for HTML templating packages, code analyzers, and similar tools that
process Python code.
The :func:`parse` function takes an expression and returns an AST.
The :func:`dump` function outputs a representation of a tree, suitable
for debugging::
import ast
t = ast.parse("""
d = {}
for i in 'abcdefghijklm':
d[i + i] = ord(i) - ord('a') + 1
print d
print ast.dump(t)
This outputs::
Module(body=[Assign(targets=[Name(id='d', ctx=Store())],
value=Dict(keys=[], values=[])), For(target=Name(id='i',
ctx=Store()), iter=Str(s='abcdefghijklm'),
body=[Assign(targets=[Subscript(value=Name(id='d', ctx=Load()),
slice=Index(value=BinOp(left=Name(id='i', ctx=Load()), op=Add(),
right=Name(id='i', ctx=Load()))), ctx=Store())],
value=BinOp(left=BinOp(left=Call(func=Name(id='ord', ctx=Load()),
args=[Name(id='i', ctx=Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None,
kwargs=None), op=Sub(), right=Call(func=Name(id='ord',
ctx=Load()), args=[Str(s='a')], keywords=[], starargs=None,
kwargs=None)), op=Add(), right=Num(n=1)))], orelse=[]),
Print(dest=None, values=[Name(id='d', ctx=Load())], nl=True)])
The :func:`literal_eval` method takes a string or an AST
representing a literal expression, one that contains a Python
expression containing only strings, numbers, dictionaries, etc. but no
statements or function calls, and returns the resulting value. If you
need to unserialize an expression but need to worry about security
and can't risk using an :func:`eval` call, :func:`literal_eval` will
handle it safely::
>>> literal = '("a", "b", {2:4, 3:8, 1:2})'
>>> print ast.literal_eval(literal)
('a', 'b', {1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 8})
>>> print ast.literal_eval('"a" + "b"')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: malformed string
The module also includes
:class:`NodeVisitor` and :class:`NodeTransformer` classes
for traversing and modifying an AST, and functions for common transformations such as changing line numbers.
.. ======================================================================
The :mod:`future_builtins` module
Python 3.0 makes various changes to the repertoire of built-in
functions, and most of the changes can't be introduced in the Python
2.x series because they would break compatibility.
The :mod:`future_builtins` module provides versions
of these built-in functions that can be imported when writing
3.0-compatible code.
The functions in this module currently include:
* ``ascii(**obj**)``: equivalent to :func:`repr`. In Python 3.0,
:func:`repr` will return a Unicode string, while :func:`ascii` will
return a pure ASCII bytestring.
* ``filter(**predicate**, **iterable**)``,
``map(**func**, **iterable1**, ...)``: the 3.0 versions
return iterators, differing from the 2.x built-ins that return lists.
* ``hex(**value**)``, ``oct(**value**)``: instead of calling the
:meth:`__hex__` or :meth:`__oct__` methods, these versions will
call the :meth:`__index__` method and convert the result to hexadecimal
or octal.
.. ======================================================================
The :mod:`json` module
......@@ -2391,28 +2502,6 @@ types. Pretty-printing of the JSON strings is also supported.
:mod:`json` (originally called simplejson) was written by Bob Ippolito.
Improved SSL Support
Bill Janssen made extensive improvements to Python 2.6's support for
the Secure Sockets Layer by adding a new module, :mod:`ssl`, on top of
the `OpenSSL <>`__ library. This new module
provides more control over the protocol negotiated, the X.509
certificates used, and has better support for writing SSL servers (as
opposed to clients) in Python. The existing SSL support in the
:mod:`socket` module hasn't been removed and continues to work,
though it will be removed in Python 3.0.
To use the new module, first you must create a TCP connection in the
usual way and then pass it to the :func:`ssl.wrap_socket` function.
It's possible to specify whether a certificate is required, and to
obtain certificate info by calling the :meth:`getpeercert` method.
.. seealso::
The documentation for the :mod:`ssl` module.
.. ======================================================================
plistlib: A Property-List Parser
......@@ -2452,31 +2541,28 @@ Using the module is simple::
# read/writePlist accepts file-like objects as well as paths.
plistlib.writePlist(data_struct, sys.stdout)
.. ======================================================================
The :mod:`future_builtins` module
Python 3.0 makes various changes to the repertoire of built-in
functions, and most of the changes can't be introduced in the Python
2.x series because they would break compatibility.
The :mod:`future_builtins` module provides versions
of these built-in functions that can be imported when writing
3.0-compatible code.
Improved SSL Support
The functions in this module currently include:
Bill Janssen made extensive improvements to Python 2.6's support for
the Secure Sockets Layer by adding a new module, :mod:`ssl`, on top of
the `OpenSSL <>`__ library. This new module
provides more control over the protocol negotiated, the X.509
certificates used, and has better support for writing SSL servers (as
opposed to clients) in Python. The existing SSL support in the
:mod:`socket` module hasn't been removed and continues to work,
though it will be removed in Python 3.0.
* ``ascii(**obj**)``: equivalent to :func:`repr`. In Python 3.0,
:func:`repr` will return a Unicode string, while :func:`ascii` will
return a pure ASCII bytestring.
To use the new module, first you must create a TCP connection in the
usual way and then pass it to the :func:`ssl.wrap_socket` function.
It's possible to specify whether a certificate is required, and to
obtain certificate info by calling the :meth:`getpeercert` method.
* ``filter(**predicate**, **iterable**)``,
``map(**func**, **iterable1**, ...)``: the 3.0 versions
return iterators, differing from the 2.x built-ins that return lists.
.. seealso::
* ``hex(**value**)``, ``oct(**value**)``: instead of calling the
:meth:`__hex__` or :meth:`__oct__` methods, these versions will
call the :meth:`__index__` method and convert the result to hexadecimal
or octal.
The documentation for the :mod:`ssl` module.
.. ======================================================================
......@@ -2632,6 +2718,11 @@ Port-Specific Changes: Windows
registry reflection for 32-bit processes running on 64-bit systems.
* The :mod:`msilib` module's :class:`Record` object
gained :meth:`GetInteger` and :meth:`GetString` methods that
return field values as an integer or a string.
(Contributed by XXX; :issue:`2125`.)
* The new default compiler on Windows is Visual Studio 2008 (VS 9.0). The
build directories for Visual Studio 2003 (VS7.1) and 2005 (VS8.0)
were moved into the PC/ directory. The new PCbuild directory supports
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