Commit 7b7a2c2e authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added new folder types

parent 0ec0e639
......@@ -28,3 +28,65 @@ kExtensionFolderType = 'extn' # Finder extensions go here
kFontsFolderType = 'font' # Fonts go here
kPreferencesFolderType = 'pref' # preferences for applications go here
kTemporaryFolderType = 'temp'
# Alias types
kContainerFolderAliasType = 'fdrp'
kContainerTrashAliasType = 'trsh'
kContainerHardDiskAliasType = 'hdsk'
kContainerFloppyAliasType = 'flpy'
kContainerServerAliasType = 'srvr'
kApplicationAliasType = 'adrp'
kContainerAliasType = 'drop'
# types for Special folder aliases
kSystemFolderAliasType = 'fasy'
kAppleMenuFolderAliasType = 'faam'
kStartupFolderAliasType = 'fast'
kPrintMonitorDocsFolderAliasType = 'fapn'
kPreferencesFolderAliasType = 'fapf'
kControlPanelFolderAliasType = 'fact'
kExtensionFolderAliasType = 'faex'
kExportedFolderAliasType = 'faet'
kDropFolderAliasType = 'fadr'
kSharedFolderAliasType = 'fash'
kMountedFolderAliasType = 'famn'
# New FindFolder constants
kExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'extD'
kControlPanelDisabledFolderType = 'ctrD'
kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'macD'
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType = 'strD'
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType = 'shdD'
kApplicationsFolderType = 'apps'
kDocumentsFolderType = 'docs'
kVolumeRootFolderType = 'root'
kChewableItemsFolderType = 'flnt'
kApplicationSupportFolderType = 'asup'
kTextEncodingsFolderType = 'tex'
kStationeryFolderType = 'odst'
kOpenDocFolderType = 'odod'
kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderType = 'odsp'
kEditorsFolderType = 'oded'
kOpenDocEditorsFolderType = 'odf'
kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType = 'odlb'
kGenEditorsFolderType = 'edi'
kHelpFolderType = 'hlp'
kInternetPlugInFolderType = 'net'
kModemScriptsFolderType = 'mod'
kPrinterDescriptionFolderType = 'ppdf'
kPrinterDriverFolderType = 'prd'
kScriptingAdditionsFolderType = 'scr'
kSharedLibrariesFolderType = 'lib'
kVoicesFolderType = 'fvoc'
kControlStripModulesFolderType = 'sdev'
kAssistantsFolderType = 'ast'
kUtilitiesFolderType = 'uti'
kAppleExtrasFolderType = 'aex'
kContextualMenuItemsFolderType = 'cmnu'
kMacOSReadMesFolderType = 'mor'
kALMModulesFolderType = 'walk'
kALMPreferencesFolderType = 'trip'
kALMLocationsFolderType = 'fall'
kColorSyncProfilesFolderType = 'prof'
kThemesFolderType = 'thme'
kFavoritesFolderType = 'favs'
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