Commit 7c5b3b6d authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Change the way hex type-ins are displayed. The old way was way too

fragile.  Now the leading "0x" on hex numbers are displayed as labels
and the type-in entry fields just accept the hex digits.  Be sure to
strip off the "0x" string when displaying hex values too.

Also, de-string-module-ification, and other Python 2.x improvements.
parent 02dfff8d
......@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ color selection will be made on every change to the text field. Otherwise,
you must hit Return or Tab to select the color.
from Tkinter import *
import string
import sys
import re
from Tkinter import *
class TypeinViewer:
def __init__(self, switchboard, master=None):
# non-gui ivars
......@@ -31,7 +33,12 @@ class TypeinViewer:
# Red
self.__xl = Label(self.__frame, text='Red:')
self.__xl.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__x = Entry(self.__frame, width=4)
subframe = Frame(self.__frame)
subframe.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.__xox = Label(subframe, text='0x')
self.__xox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__xox['font'] = 'courier'
self.__x = Entry(subframe, width=3)
self.__x.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.__x.bindtags(self.__x.bindtags() + ('Normalize', 'Update'))
self.__x.bind_class('Normalize', '<Key>', self.__normalize)
......@@ -39,14 +46,24 @@ class TypeinViewer:
# Green
self.__yl = Label(self.__frame, text='Green:')
self.__yl.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__y = Entry(self.__frame, width=4)
self.__y.grid(row=1, column=1)
subframe = Frame(self.__frame)
subframe.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.__yox = Label(subframe, text='0x')
self.__yox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__yox['font'] = 'courier'
self.__y = Entry(subframe, width=3)
self.__y.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.__y.bindtags(self.__y.bindtags() + ('Normalize', 'Update'))
# Blue
self.__zl = Label(self.__frame, text='Blue:')
self.__zl.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__z = Entry(self.__frame, width=4)
self.__z.grid(row=2, column=1)
subframe = Frame(self.__frame)
subframe.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.__zox = Label(subframe, text='0x')
self.__zox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E)
self.__zox['font'] = 'courier'
self.__z = Entry(subframe, width=3)
self.__z.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.__z.bindtags(self.__z.bindtags() + ('Normalize', 'Update'))
# Update while typing?
self.__uwt = Checkbutton(self.__frame,
......@@ -62,6 +79,13 @@ class TypeinViewer:
def __togglehex(self, event=None):
red, green, blue = self.__sb.current_rgb()
if self.__hexp.get():
label = '0x'
label = ' '
self.__xox['text'] = label
self.__yox['text'] = label
self.__zox['text'] = label
self.update_yourself(red, green, blue)
def __normalize(self, event=None):
......@@ -70,31 +94,27 @@ class TypeinViewer:
icursor = ew.index(INSERT)
if contents and contents[0] in 'xX' and self.__hexp.get():
contents = '0' + contents
# figure out what the contents value is in the current base
# Figure out the contents in the current base.
if self.__hexp.get():
v = string.atoi(contents, 16)
v = int(contents, 16)
v = string.atoi(contents)
v = int(contents)
except ValueError:
v = None
# if value is not legal, delete the last character inserted and ring
# the bell
if v is None or v < 0 or v > 255:
# If value is not legal, or empty, delete the last character inserted
# and ring the bell. Don't ring the bell if the field is empty (it'll
# just equal zero.
if v is None:
elif v < 0 or v > 255:
i = ew.index(INSERT)
if event.char:
contents = contents[:i-1] + contents[i:]
icursor = icursor-1
icursor -= 1
elif self.__hexp.get():
# Special case: our contents were 0x0 and we just deleted the
# trailing 0. We want our contents to now be 0x and not 0x0.
if v == 0 and contents == '0':
contents = '0x'
icursor = END
elif not (v == 0 and contents == '0x'):
contents = hex(v)
contents = hex(v)[2:]
contents = int(v)
ew.delete(0, END)
......@@ -106,36 +126,21 @@ class TypeinViewer:
def __update(self, event=None):
redstr = self.__x.get()
greenstr = self.__y.get()
bluestr = self.__z.get()
redstr = self.__x.get() or '0'
greenstr = self.__y.get() or '0'
bluestr = self.__z.get() or '0'
if self.__hexp.get():
red = string.atoi(redstr, 16)
green = string.atoi(greenstr, 16)
blue = string.atoi(bluestr, 16)
base = 16
def intify(colorstr):
if colorstr == '':
return 0
return string.atoi(colorstr)
red, green, blue = map(intify, (redstr, greenstr, bluestr))
base = 10
red, green, blue = [int(x, base) for x in (redstr, greenstr, bluestr)]
self.__sb.update_views(red, green, blue)
def update_yourself(self, red, green, blue):
if self.__hexp.get():
# Special case: our contents were 0x0 and we just deleted the
# trailing 0. We want our contents to now be 0x and not 0x0.
def hexify((color, widget)):
contents = widget.get()
if not (color == 0 and contents == '0x'):
return hex(color)
return contents
redstr, greenstr, bluestr = map(hexify, ((red, self.__x),
(green, self.__y),
(blue, self.__z)))
sred, sgreen, sblue = [hex(x)[2:] for x in (red, green, blue)]
redstr, greenstr, bluestr = red, green, blue
sred, sgreen, sblue = red, green, blue
x, y, z = self.__x, self.__y, self.__z
xicursor = x.index(INSERT)
yicursor = y.index(INSERT)
......@@ -143,9 +148,9 @@ class TypeinViewer:
x.delete(0, END)
y.delete(0, END)
z.delete(0, END)
x.insert(0, redstr)
y.insert(0, greenstr)
z.insert(0, bluestr)
x.insert(0, sred)
y.insert(0, sgreen)
z.insert(0, sblue)
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