Commit 7edbd4ff authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Patch #103885: Add dynamic registration and lookup of DOM implementations.

parent f5d3ea00
......@@ -85,6 +85,36 @@ the strict mapping from IDL). See section \ref{dom-conformance},
{This specifies the mapping from OMG IDL to Python.}
\subsection{Module Contents}
The \module{xml.dom} contains the following functions:
\begin{funcdesc}{registerDOMImplementation}{name, factory}
Register the \var{factory} function with the \var{name}. The factory
function should return an object which implements the
\code{DOMImplementation| interface. The factory function can either return
the same object, or a new one (e.g. if that implementation supports
some customization).
\begin{funcdesc}{getDOMImplementation}{name = None, features = ()}
Return a suitable DOM implementation. The \var{name} is either
well-known, the module name of a DOM implementation, or
\code{None}. If it is not \code{None}, imports the corresponding module and
returns a \class{DOMImplementation} object if the import succeeds. If
no name is given, and if the environment variable \code{PYTHON_DOM} is
set, this variable is used to find the implementation.
If name is not given, consider the available implementations to find
one with the required feature set. If no implementation can be found,
raise an \exception{ImportError}. The features list must be a sequence of
(feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature.
% Should the Node documentation go here?
In addition, \module{xml.dom} contains the \class{Node}, and the DOM
\subsection{Objects in the DOM \label{dom-objects}}
......@@ -115,3 +115,5 @@ class NamespaceErr(DOMException):
class InvalidAccessErr(DOMException):
from domreg import getDOMImplementation,registerDOMImplementation
"""Registration facilities for DOM. This module should not be used
directly. Instead, the functions getDOMImplementation and
registerDOMImplementation should be imported from xml.dom."""
# This is a list of well-known implementations. Well-known names
# should be published by posting to, and are
# subsequently recorded in this file.
well_known_implementations = {
'4DOM': 'xml.dom.DOMImplementation',
# DOM implementations not officially registered should register
# themselves with their
registered = {}
def registerDOMImplementation(name, factory):
"""registerDOMImplementation(name, factory)
Register the factory function with the name. The factory function
should return an object which implements the DOMImplementation
interface. The factory function can either return the same object,
or a new one (e.g. if that implementation supports some
registered[name] = factory
def _good_enough(dom, features):
"_good_enough(dom, features) -> Return 1 if the dom offers the features"
for f,v in features:
if not dom.hasFeature(f,v):
return 0
return 1
def getDOMImplementation(name = None, features = ()):
"""getDOMImplementation(name = None, features = ()) -> DOM implementation.
Return a suitable DOM implementation. The name is either
well-known, the module name of a DOM implementation, or None. If
it is not None, imports the corresponding module and returns
DOMImplementation object if the import succeeds.
If name is not given, consider the available implementations to
find one with the required feature set. If no implementation can
be found, raise an ImportError. The features list must be a sequence
of (feature, version) pairs which are passed to hasFeature."""
import os
creator = None
mod = well_known_implementations.get(name)
if mod:
mod = __import__(mod, {}, {}, ['getDOMImplementation'])
return mod.getDOMImplementation()
elif name:
return registered[name]()
elif os.environ.has_key("PYTHON_DOM"):
return getDOMImplementation(name = os.environ["PYTHON_DOM"])
# User did not specify a name, try implementations in arbitrary
# order, returning the one that has the required features
for creator in registered.values():
dom = creator()
if _good_enough(dom, features):
return dom
for creator in well_known_implementations.keys():
dom = getDOMImplementation(name = creator)
except StandardError: # typically ImportError, or AttributeError
if _good_enough(dom, features):
return dom
raise ImportError,"no suitable DOM implementation found"
......@@ -782,3 +782,6 @@ def parseString(*args, **kwargs):
"""Parse a file into a DOM from a string."""
from xml.dom import pulldom
return _doparse(pulldom.parseString, args, kwargs)
def getDOMImplementation():
return Document.implementation
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