Commit 7fcfec5b authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

Remove duplicate entry for sdigit.

I fixed it before the checkin but forgot to save... :wq
parent b0d9695a
......@@ -14,24 +14,19 @@
* Coverity Scan doesn't pick up modifications automatically. The model file
* must be uploaded by an admin in the analysis settings of
/* dummy definitions, in most cases struct fields aren't required. */
#define NULL (void *)0
typedef int sdigit;
typedef long Py_ssize_t;
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
typedef struct {} PyObject;
typedef struct {} grammar;
typedef int sdigit;
typedef struct {} DIR;
typedef struct {} RFILE;
/* Python/pythonrun.c
* resourece leak false positive */
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