Commit 80475bb4 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Implemented datetime.astimezone() and datetimetz.astimezone().

parent 6578dc92
......@@ -601,6 +601,11 @@ Instance methods:
Return a datetime with the same value, except for those fields given
new values by whichever keyword arguments are specified.
- astimezone(tz)
Return a \class{datetimetz} with the same date and time fields, and
with \member{tzinfo} member \var{tz}. \var{tz} must be an instance
of a \class{tzinfo} subclass.
- timetuple()
Return a 9-element tuple of the form returned by
......@@ -1083,6 +1088,23 @@ Instance methods:
\code{tzinfo=None} can be specified to create a naive datetimetz from
an aware datetimetz.
- astimezone(tz)
Return a \class{datetimetz} with new tzinfo member \var{tz}. \var{tz}
must be an instance of a \class{tzinfo} subclass. If self is naive, or
if \code(tz.utcoffset(self)} returns \code{None},
\code{self.astimezone(tz)} is equivalent to
\code{self.replace(tzinfo=tz)}: a new timezone object is attached
without any conversion of date or time fields. If self is aware and
\code{tz.utcoffset(self)} does not return \code{None}, the date and
time fields are adjusted so that the result is local time in timezone
tz, representing the same UTC time as self. \code{self.astimezone(tz)}
is then equivalent to
(self - (self.utcoffset() - tz.utcoffset(self)).replace(tzinfo=tz)
where the result of \code{tz.uctcoffset(self)} is converted to a
\class{timedelta} if it's an integer.
- utcoffset()
If \member{tzinfo} is \code{None}, returns \code{None}, else
\code{tzinfo.utcoffset(self)} converted to a \class{timedelta}
......@@ -1295,6 +1295,21 @@ class TestDateTime(TestDate):
base = cls(2000, 2, 29)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, base.replace, year=2001)
def test_astimezone(self):
# Pretty boring for a datetime! datetimetz is more interesting here.
dt =
f = FixedOffset(44, "")
for dtz in dt.astimezone(f), dt.astimezone(tz=f):
self.failUnless(isinstance(dtz, datetimetz))
self.assertEqual(dt.time(), dtz.time())
self.failUnless(dtz.tzinfo is f)
self.assertEqual(dtz.utcoffset(), timedelta(minutes=44))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone) # not enough args
self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone, f, f) # too many args
self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone, dt) # arg wrong type
class TestTime(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -2308,6 +2323,44 @@ class TestDateTimeTZ(TestDateTime, TZInfoBase):
base = cls(2000, 2, 29)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, base.replace, year=2001)
def test_more_astimezone(self):
# The inherited test_astimezone covered some trivial and error cases.
fnone = FixedOffset(None, "None")
f44m = FixedOffset(44, "44")
fm5h = FixedOffset(-timedelta(hours=5), "m300")
dt =
self.failUnless(dt.tzinfo is f44m)
# Replacing with degenerate tzinfo doesn't do any adjustment.
for x in dt.astimezone(fnone), dt.astimezone(tz=fnone):
self.failUnless(x.tzinfo is fnone)
self.assertEqual(x.time(), dt.time())
# Ditt with None tz.
x = dt.astimezone(tz=None)
self.failUnless(x.tzinfo is None)
self.assertEqual(x.time(), dt.time())
# Ditto replacing with same tzinfo.
x = dt.astimezone(dt.tzinfo)
self.failUnless(x.tzinfo is f44m)
self.assertEqual(x.time(), dt.time())
# Replacing with different tzinfo does adjust.
got = dt.astimezone(fm5h)
self.failUnless(got.tzinfo is fm5h)
self.assertEqual(got.utcoffset(), timedelta(hours=-5))
expected = dt - dt.utcoffset() # in effect, convert to UTC
expected += fm5h.utcoffset(dt) # and from there to local time
expected = expected.replace(tzinfo=fm5h) # and attach new tzinfo
self.assertEqual(got.time(), expected.time())
self.assertEqual(got.timetz(), expected.timetz())
self.failUnless(got.tzinfo is expected.tzinfo)
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
def test_suite():
allsuites = [unittest.makeSuite(klass, 'test')
for klass in (TestModule,
......@@ -600,6 +600,18 @@ get_tzinfo_member(PyObject *self)
return tzinfo;
/* self is a datetimetz. Replace its tzinfo member. */
replace_tzinfo(PyObject *self, PyObject *newtzinfo)
assert(self != NULL);
assert(check_tzinfo_subclass(newtzinfo) >= 0);
Py_DECREF(((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)self)->tzinfo);
((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)self)->tzinfo = newtzinfo;
/* Internal helper.
* Call getattr(tzinfo, name)(tzinfoarg), and extract an int from the
* result. tzinfo must be an instance of the tzinfo class. If the method
......@@ -2915,10 +2927,7 @@ datetime_combine(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
if (result && PyTimeTZ_Check(time) && PyDateTimeTZ_Check(result)) {
/* Copy the tzinfo field. */
PyObject *tzinfo = ((PyDateTime_TimeTZ *)time)->tzinfo;
Py_DECREF(((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)result)->tzinfo);
((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)result)->tzinfo = tzinfo;
replace_tzinfo(result, ((PyDateTime_TimeTZ *)time)->tzinfo);
return result;
......@@ -3246,6 +3255,24 @@ datetime_replace(PyDateTime_DateTime *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
return clone;
static PyObject *
datetime_astimezone(PyDateTime_DateTime *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
PyObject *tzinfo;
static char *keywords[] = {"tz", NULL};
if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "O:astimezone", keywords,
return NULL;
if (check_tzinfo_subclass(tzinfo) < 0)
return NULL;
return new_datetimetz(GET_YEAR(self), GET_MONTH(self), GET_DAY(self),
static PyObject *
datetime_timetuple(PyDateTime_DateTime *self)
......@@ -3397,6 +3424,9 @@ static PyMethodDef datetime_methods[] = {
{"replace", (PyCFunction)datetime_replace, METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("Return datetime with new specified fields.")},
{"astimezone", (PyCFunction)datetime_astimezone, METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("tz -> datetimetz with same date & time, and tzinfo=tz\n")},
{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)datetime_setstate, METH_O,
......@@ -4398,20 +4428,6 @@ static PyGetSetDef datetimetz_getset[] = {
* optional tzinfo argument.
/* Internal helper.
* self is a datetimetz. Replace its tzinfo member.
replace_tzinfo(PyObject *self, PyObject *newtzinfo)
assert(self != NULL);
assert(newtzinfo != NULL);
Py_DECREF(((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)self)->tzinfo);
((PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *)self)->tzinfo = newtzinfo;
static char *datetimetz_kws[] = {
"year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second",
"microsecond", "tzinfo", NULL
......@@ -4696,6 +4712,53 @@ datetimetz_replace(PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
return clone;
static PyObject *
datetimetz_astimezone(PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *self, PyObject *args,
PyObject *kw)
int y = GET_YEAR(self);
int m = GET_MONTH(self);
int d = GET_DAY(self);
int hh = DATE_GET_HOUR(self);
int mm = DATE_GET_MINUTE(self);
int ss = DATE_GET_SECOND(self);
int us = DATE_GET_MICROSECOND(self);
PyObject *tzinfo;
static char *keywords[] = {"tz", NULL};
if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "O:astimezone", keywords,
return NULL;
if (check_tzinfo_subclass(tzinfo) < 0)
return NULL;
if (tzinfo != Py_None && self->tzinfo != Py_None) {
int none;
int selfoffset;
selfoffset = call_utcoffset(self->tzinfo,
(PyObject *)self,
if (selfoffset == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
if (! none) {
int tzoffset;
tzoffset = call_utcoffset(tzinfo,
(PyObject *)self,
if (tzoffset == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
if (! none) {
mm -= selfoffset - tzoffset;
if (normalize_datetime(&y, &m, &d,
&hh, &mm, &ss, &us) < 0)
return NULL;
return new_datetimetz(y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, us, tzinfo);
static PyObject *
datetimetz_timetuple(PyDateTime_DateTimeTZ *self)
......@@ -4908,6 +4971,9 @@ static PyMethodDef datetimetz_methods[] = {
{"replace", (PyCFunction)datetimetz_replace, METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("Return datetimetz with new specified fields.")},
{"astimezone", (PyCFunction)datetimetz_astimezone, METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("tz -> convert to local time in new timezone tz\n")},
{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)datetimetz_setstate, METH_O,
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