Commit 80f8be89 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Support for the "event" command, new in Tk 4.2.

By Case Roole.
parent 2888a12e
......@@ -699,6 +699,30 @@ class Misc:
('grid', 'slaves', self._w) + args)))
# Support for the "event" command, new in Tk 4.2.
# By Case Roole.
def event_add(self,virtual, *sequences):
args = ('event', 'add', virtual) + sequences
apply(, args )
def event_delete(self,virtual,*sequences):
args = ('event', 'delete', virtual) + sequences
apply(, args )
def event_generate(self, sequence, **kw):
args = ('event', 'generate', self._w, sequence)
for k,v in kw.items():
args = args + ('-%s' % k,str(v))
apply(, args )
def event_info(self,virtual=None):
args = ('event', 'info')
if virtual is not None: args = args + (virtual,)
s = apply(, args )
return _string.split(s)
class CallWrapper:
def __init__(self, func, subst, widget):
self.func = func
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